
5.7 找出没有使用天津产的零件的工程号
select Jno
from j
where not exists
(select *
from spj
where spj.jno = j.jno
and sno in
	(select sno
	from s
	where city='天津'));

4.3 求供应工程j1零件为红色的供应商号码sno
select sno
from spj
where jno='j1' and pno in
	(select pno
	from p
	where color='红');

select sno
from spj,p
where jno='j1' and spj.pno=p.pno
	and color='红';

select jno
from j
where not exists
	(select *
	from spj
	where spj.jno=j.jno
		and sno in
			(select sno
			from s
			where city='天津')
		and pno in
			(select pno
			from p
			where color = '红')); 
select jno
from j
where not exists
	(select *
	from spj,s,p
	where spj.jno=j.jno and spj.sno=s.sno and
		  spj.pno=p.pno and s.city='天津' and
		  p.color = '红');

4.5 求至少用了供应商S1所供应的全部零件的工程号JNO

select distinct jno
from spj spjz
where not exists
	(select *
	from spj spjx
	where sno='s1'
	and not exists
		(select *
		from spj spjy
		where spjy.pno = spjx.pno
		and spjy.jno = spjz.jno));
