For this family, keeping Alaska wild and pristine is a decades-long mission


"We cannot afford to lose any more wilderness, to any cause.” In a place of abundance, what it means to preserve and protect wilderness comes into focus.

A brown bear rests in the sedge grass of Hallo Bay, Alaska. Located in Katmai National Park, this wide, sandy bay at the base of Aleutian volcanoes attracts large numbers of brown bears, which gather every summer to graze on its protein-rich sedge grass.


pristine adj . 太古的,原始状态的;
decades-long 长达数十年的;
wilderness n . 荒野;杂草丛生处;
abundance n . 大量;丰富;充足;
preserve v . 保持;
afford v . 承受得住;
come into focus (问题)突出;
sedge n . [植]莎草;
gather v . 聚集;
graze on 吃;
protein-rich 富含蛋白质
Aleutian adj . 阿留申群岛的;
volcanoes n . 火山( volcano 的名词复数 );

你可能感兴趣的:(For this family, keeping Alaska wild and pristine is a decades-long mission)