



Coming outof my crash, I was so broke I couldn’tmusterenough money to pay for an airplane ticketto Texas to visit aprospectiveclient, even though thefeesI’d earn were many times the cost of the fare—so I didn’t make that trip.Still, I gradually added clients, revenue, and a new team. With time, myupswingsincreased inmagnitudeand mydownswings were both tolerable and educational. I never thought of what I wasdoing as building (or rebuilding) a company; I was just getting the things Ineeded to play my game.

Computerswere among the most valuable things I acquired, because of how they helped methink. Without them, Bridgewater would not have been nearly as successful as itturned out to be.







The first microcomputers (what wouldlater be known as personal computers) had come on the market during the late1970s, and I had been using them as econometricians did, applying statisticsand computing power to economic data to analyze the workings of the economicmachine. As I wrote in a December 1981 article, I believed (and still believe)that “theoretically . . . if there was a computer that couldhold all of the world’s facts and if it was perfectly programmed tomathematically express all of the relationships between all of the world’sparts, the future could be perfectly foretold.”

But I was a long way from doing that.Though my early systems provided valuable insights into where prices wouldeventually reach equilibrium, they hadn’t helped me develop robust tradingstrategies; they just showed me that a particular bet would eventually pay off.For example, I’d run through my analysis and end up with a view that the priceof some commodity should be, say, 75 cents or so. If it was currently 60 cents,I’d know I wanted to buy it,





but I wouldn’t be ableto predict that the price would drop to 50 cents before climbing back to 75,and I wouldn’t know when to buy and sell. Rarely, but still too often, thesystem would be dead wrong and I would lose a lot.

“He wholives by the crystal ball is destined to eat ground glass” is a saying I quoteda lot in those days. Between 1979 and 1982, I had eaten enough glass to realizethat what was most important wasn’t knowing the future—it was knowing how toreact appropriately to the information available at each point in time. Inorder to do that, I would have to have a vast store of economic and market datato draw on—and as it happened, I did.


读后感:可以看出模型不够完善哦 ,不能预测下降趋势,系统不能自动给出买进卖出的时间点。还是不能依赖机器啊。


From veryearly on, whenever I took a position in the markets, I wrote down the criteriaI used to make my decision. Then, when I closed out a trade, I could reflect onhow well these criteria had worked. It occurred to me that if I wrote thosecriteria into formulas (now more fashionably called algorithms) and then ranhistorical data through them, I could test how well my rules would have workedin the past. Here’s how it worked in practice: I would start out with myintuitions as I always did, but I would express them logically, asdecision-making criteria, and capture them in a systematic way, creating amental map of what I would do in each particular situation. Then I would runhistorical data through the systems to see how my decision would have performedin the past and, depending upon the results, modify the decision rulesappropriately.




We testedthe systems going as far back as we could, typically more than a century, inevery country for which we had data, which gave me great perspective on how theeconomic/market machine worked through time and how to bet on it. Doing thishelped educate me and led me to refine my criteria so they were timeless anduniversal. Once Ivettedthose relationships, I could run data through the systems as it flowed at us inreal time and the computer could work just as my brain worked in processing itand making decisions.



Vetted==检查 。


The resultwas Bridgewater’s original interest rate, stock, currencies, and preciousmetals systems, which we then combined into one system for managing ourportfolio of bets. Our system was like an EKG on the economy’s vital signs; asthey changed, we changed our positions. However, rather than blindly followingthe computer’s recommendations, I would have the computer work in parallel withmy own analysis and then compare the two. When the computer’s decision wasdifferent from mine, I would examine why. Most of the time, it was because Ihad overlooked something. In those cases, the computer taught me. But sometimesI would think about some new criteria my system would’ve missed, so I wouldthen teach the computer. We helped each other. It didn’t take long before thecomputer, with its tremendous processing power, was much more effective thanme. This was great, because it was like having a chess grandmaster helping meplot my moves, except this player operated according to a set of criteria thatI understood and believed were logical, so there was no reason for us to everfundamentally disagree.






computer was much better than my brain in “thinking” about many things at once,

and it could do it more precisely, more rapidly, and less emotionally. And,

because it had such a great memory, it could do a better job of compounding my

knowledge and the knowledge of the people I worked with as Bridgewater grew.

Rather than argue about our conclusions, my partners and I would argue about

our different decision-making criteria. Then we resolved our disagreements by

testing the criteria objectively. The rapidly expanding power of computers

during that era was like a constant stream of gifts from the gods to us. I

remember when RadioShack came out with an inexpensive handheld chess computer;

we sent one to each of our clients with the message, “A Systemized Approach

from Bridgewater.” That little computer chess game could kick my ass on level

two out of its nine

levels. It was fun to put it up against each of my clients so they could see

how hard it was to beat computerized decision making.




RadioShack==总部设于美国德克萨斯州沃兹堡的 RadioShack Corporation (NYSE: RSH) 是美国信誉最佳的消费电子产品专业零售商。去年已经第二次申请破产了。


Of course, we alwayshad the freedom to override the system, which we did less than 2 percent of thetime—mostly totake money

off the tableduring extraordinary events that weren’t programmed, likethe World Trade Center going down on 9/11. While the computer was much betterthan our brains in many ways, it didn’t have the imagination, understanding,and logic that we did. That’s why our brains working with the computer madesuch a great partnership.

These decision-makingsystems were much better than the forecasting systems I’d been using before,mostly because they incorporated our ongoing reactions to developments,allowing us to deal with a wider range of possibilities. They could alsoinclude timing rules. In a January 1987 piece called “Making Money vs. MakingForecasts,” I explained that:

Truthbe known, forecasts aren’t worth very much, and most people who make them don’tmake money in the markets. . . . This is because nothing iscertain and when one overlays the probabilities of all of the various thingsthat affect the future in order to make a forecast, one gets a wide array ofpossibilities with varying probabilities, not one highly probableoutcome. . . . We believe that market movements reflect economicmovements. Economic movements are reflected in economic statistics. By studyingthe relationships between economic statistics and market movements, we’vedeveloped precise rules for identifying important shifts in the economic/marketenvironment and in turn our positions. In other words, rather than forecastingchanges in the economic environment and shifting positions inanticipationof them, wepick up these changes as they’re occurring and move our money around to keep inthose markets which perform best in that environment.


那些决策制定系统比我以前用的预测系统强太多了。绝大部分因为计算机融合了持续的改进,允许我们处理大范围的可能性。包括时间性规则。1987年1月piece 叫他“赚钱vs预测”我解释:已知的真相,预测不值钱,大多数人并没有依靠预测在市场上赚到钱。。。因为不确定性,影响未来的事物的可能性被掩盖了,为了做出预测,人们必须在变动的纷繁复杂的可能心中寻找可能,没人能得到靠谱的结果。。。我们相信市场活动反应了经济活动。经济活动反应在经济统计指标中,我们已经发展出一套精确的规则以辨别经济/市场环境下的重要的波动。另一方面,相比在经济环境和变动中预言变化,我们总是拣选那些已经发生的变化,让我们钱跟着在经济环境下表现最好的市场转。


the World Trade Center


Outcome==结果 后果



Over thelast three decades of building these systems we have incorporated many moretypes of rules that direct every aspect of our trading. Now, as real-time datais released, our computers parse information from over 100 million datasets andgive detailed instructions to other computers in ways that make logical senseto me. If I didn’t have these systems, I’d probably be broke or dead from thestress of trying so hard. We certainly wouldn’t have done as well in the marketsas we have. As you will see later, I am now developing similar systems to helpus make management decisions. I believe one of the most valuable things you cando to improve your decision making is to think through your principles formaking decisions, write them out in both words and computer algorithms,back-test them if possible, and use them on a real-time basis to run inparallel with your brain’s decision making.

But I’m getting ahead

of myself. Let’s go back to 1983.






读后感:作者留个包袱,估计下一章会揭示真想把 。老实说这一章很啰嗦,是作者的心路历程也是痛苦的探索过程,可以快速略过。





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