每日一词 122 the envy of

Day 122 the envy of 

基础篇:meaning: to be something that other people admire and want to have very much

France has a film industry that is the envy of Europe.

France's film industry is admired throughout Europe. 

"envy" 可以是动词也可以是名词,意思是“妒忌”。它作名词时有个常见好用、地道的用法 the envy of , 意思是“令...羡慕,望尘莫及”, of 后面一般接同类事物,比如国家、其他同类产品等。 

同义替换:the envy of : admire, admirable 

Jamaica's sprints are the envy of the world. 

About 350 million people have played on Zynga Poker, the largest poker site in the world. Plus, it boasts millions of daily players, the envy of most apps. (Justin)

Even at its subdued current rate, China's growth is still the envy of most countries. 



1)翻译: 美国大学让全世界羡慕不已。

American's universities are the envy of the entire world.

2) 造句: 场景:评价苏轼的文学才能

Su shi's talent for literature was the envy of his peers during the Northern Song dynasty in China. 

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