
1.hang the clothes 把衣服晾起来

2.Put it on the drying rack. 把它放在晾衣架上

3.What did you eat for lunch? 午饭吃的什么?

4.What games did you play at recess? 课间玩了什么游戏?

5.What was the funniest thing that happened today? 今天发生的最好笑的事儿是什么?

6.Please do your homework as soon as you get home from school.


7.If I finish my homework before dinner time


8.can I watch TV for a while?



engineering design 工程设计

chemical engineering 化学工程

engineering practice 工程实践

civil engineering 土木工程

engineering construction 工程建设

system engineering 系统工程

software engineering 软件工程

mechanical engineering 机械工程;机械工程学

engineering project 工程项目

tissue engineering 组织工程学


soap opera 肥皂剧(以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视连续剧)

toilet soap 香皂

liquid soap 液体肥皂;洗手液;肥皂溶液

soap powder 肥皂粉

a bar of soap 一块(条)肥皂

transparent soap 透明皂

laundry soap [化]洗涤皂

soft soap 软皂;奉承

no soap [美国俚语] 不行;不答应,拒绝

soap bubble 肥皂泡;美丽而又短暂虚幻的事物


glue gun 喷胶枪

glue stick 固体胶水,胶棒

animal glue 动物胶

hot glue 热溶胶;热粘接剂

glue water 胶水

glue applicator 上胶器

mucilage glue n. 粘胶;粘液

glue film 胶膜

epoxy glue 环氧树脂胶;环氧胶;混合胶

glue joint 胶水接合点;胶接


bone marrow 骨髓

to the bone adv. 到极点;彻骨地

bone fracture 骨折

bone loss 骨质疏松;骨质流失

bone formation 骨形成;骨生成

bone graft n. 移植骨;骨移植物

bone china 骨灰瓷

long bone [医]长骨

cancellous bone 松质骨

bare bones 梗概


suit oneself 随自己的意愿做事

a suit of 一套

follow suit 跟着做;学样

bathing suit 泳衣

business suit 西装

civil suit 民事诉讼

birthday suit [口]裸体

law suit 向法院提出的诉讼

strong suit 特长;一手同花大牌;长套

suit yourself 随你便;按自己的意愿行事


husband and wife 夫妻

good wife 好太太,贤内助

wife and children 妻儿

second wife 第二任妻子

man and wife 夫妇

old wife 老妇 , 饶舌的老太婆;好搬弄是非的人 , 老太婆脾气的男人

child wife 非常年轻的妻子,(老夫的)少妻;童养媳 , 很年轻的妻子


pen and ink 笔墨;钢笔画;写作

put pen to paper 开始写;落笔

pen pal 笔友(等于pen friend)

ball pen 圆珠笔

fountain pen n. 钢笔

ball-point pen n. 圆珠笔

pen name 笔名;[俚]囚犯的号码

pen friend 笔友;通信朋友

ballpoint pen n. 原子笔,圆珠笔

pen holder 钢笔杆;笔座

white house n. 白宫(美国政府的行政机关,美国总统官邸)

in the house 在房子里;在屋子里

publishing house 出版公司,出版社

on the house 免费;由店家出钱

big house n. 监狱

in house 内部的;家里;自身的

opera house n. 歌剧院

house property 房产

from house to house 挨家挨户

around the house 在房子周围


change in 在…方面改变

climate change 气候变化;气候变迁

for a change 为了改变一下;为了换换口味

change from 变化

subject to change 弦外之音(专辑)

change for v. 交换

phase change 相变

no change 无变化

fundamental change 根本变化

change into 变成;把…变成;兑换

