

英文 中文
Terrible Tudors, gorgeous Georgians 恐怖都铎华丽乔治
Slimy Stuarts, vile Victorians 卑劣斯图亚特邪恶维多利亚
Woeful wars, ferocious fights 悲惨战役凶残争斗
Dingy castles, daring knights 昏暗古堡英勇骑士
Horrors that defy description 恐怖难以言表
Cut-throat Celts, awful Egyptians 凶狠凯尔特可怕古埃及
Vicious Vikings, cruel crimes, punishment from ancient times 凶残维京冷血罪行远古的惩罚
Romans, rotten, rank, and ruthless 罗马人堕落恶心又冷血
Caveman, savage, fierce and toothless 穴居人野蛮残酷不长牙
Groovy Greeks, brainy sages 绝妙古希腊聪明大圣人
Mean and measly Middle Ages 卑鄙又卑微就是中世纪
Gory stories we do that 血腥故事无限多
And your host a talking rat 且听鼠君对你说
The past is no longer a mystery 历史不再是个谜
Welcome to 欢迎收看
When people died in Roman times, 古罗马时代若有人死去
we had some really funny ideas 我们会做些非常有趣的事情
about how to give them a good sendoff. 来好好告别他们
And above all Messiunas was a wise and a noble man 马斯乌纳斯是个睿智高尚的人


who only ever beat his slaves when it was absolutely necessary. 只在非常必要时才打他的奴隶
He will be sorely missed by us all. 我们会深切怀念他
But now...for the fight! 但现在是打斗时间
Yeah! Fight! Fight! Fight! 打起来打起来打起来
Go on...fight, fight! 继续打起来
- What on earth's going on?- Oh, it's a fight! -到底发生了什么事-打架啊
- But why? - Oh, it's the latest Roman thing. -为什么-这是古罗马最新潮流
You get your two favourite slaves 找自己最喜欢的两个奴隶
to fight to the death in front of your graveside. 在自己的坟前进行殊死搏斗
古罗马人 真的 这么做
- Whatever for? - It's very noble. -为了什么-这很高尚
The loser's like a sort of sacrifice to the dead man, 败者就好比献给死者的牺牲
you know, keep his soul company? 让他的灵魂有个伴
The best thing is, it's really good fun to watch. 最棒的是看着太有意思了
So this is catching on, then? 最近流行这个是吗
Oh, yeah, friend of mine died last month, had three fights, 是我朋友上个月死了打了三次架
that means three more funerals 也就是说还会有三场葬礼
and three fights at each one 每场打三次架
that makes nine funerals! That's it. 这样就有九场葬礼就这样
It's been wall-to-wall funerals for weeks now. Brilliant! 连续几周都有葬礼太好了
Which one was that? 死的是谁
Um... Marcus. 马库斯吧
We are gathered here today to mark the passing of Marcus. 我们今天聚在一起见证马库斯的安息
- He was a good slave. - I can't believe all this. -他是个好奴隶-难以相信
Oh, this is nothing. My uncle, Centillus, 这没什么我叔叔森提列斯
had it written into his will 立下遗嘱
that he wanted a fight to the death between two beautiful women. 要两个美丽的女人在他坟前殊死搏斗
这是 真 的
- Seriously? - Yeah. -真的-对
His funeral's in ten minutes. 他的葬礼在十分钟后
- It's disgust....can I come? - Yeah. -真恶... 我能来吗-可以
You've got to pretend to be sad until the fight starts. 打斗开始前一定要装作非常悲伤
Oh, yeah. No problem. 好的没问题
It's horrible, but it's true! 这很可怕不过是真事
Romans loved watching slaves fighting at funerals. 古罗马人喜欢看奴隶在葬礼上打斗
In fact, they loved it so much 他们对其钟爱有加
that someone had the bright idea 有人甚至想出了个新点子
of putting the slaves in stadiums and calling them gladiators. 把奴隶们带到竞技场称其为"角斗士"
Gladiators were trained in gladiator schools, 角斗士要在专门的角斗士学校受训
not like your schools, 和一般学校不同


but, do you know, it would be funny if they were. 不过如果一样的话就有趣了
Teacher's coming! 老师来了
Hail Rome, class! Very good to see you all working hard, 罗马万岁非常高兴你们如此认真
but I'm afraid we must push on. 但恐怕我们得继续上课了
All right! Someone tell me where we got to yesterday. 好的谁来说说昨天上到哪了
- Sir! - Yes, Abacus? -老师-你说小算盘
Maths, Sir, We were counting 数学老师我们在数
how many criminals heads we could chop off in one contest. 一场比赛中能砍下多少罪犯的头
Oh, yes, maths. So, if we're to take... 没错是数学如果我们
- Sir! Sir! - What is it, Overzealous? -老师老师-什么事急性子
When do we get to fight in the Colosseum, Sir? 我们什么时候能在斗兽场搏斗呢
Colosseum? 斗兽场
The Colosseum is for elite gladiators, like me, 斗兽场是为我这样的精英角斗士准备的
masters of the gladitorial arts. 角斗艺术的大师
Which of you will become raging retiarius, eh? 你们谁会成为英勇的执网斗士呢
执网斗士 以三叉戟 和网 为武器
With your trident and your net. 以三叉戟和网为武器
Or a vile venator doing battle with wild animals. 或者是邪恶的狩猎者与野兽对抗
狩猎者 与野兽 对抗
You, Overzealous, are not ready for the Colosseum. 急性子想去斗兽场你小子还不够格
What did you get in your last Fighting Wild Animals exam? 上次"野兽搏斗考试"你是什么等级
Got a bee. 蜜蜂级
You got a bee. 你才是蜜蜂级
Smallest and easiest to fight of all the animals 最小以及最容易打败的动物
But what would you do 但是如果你
if you were up against a lion in the arena? 面对的是狮子你要怎么办
Speak up, boy! 说话小子
Don't know, Sir. 不知道老师
"Don't know, Sir!" "不知道老师"
Exactly! 不知道就对了
Now, where were we? 说到哪了
Maths, Sir. 数学老师
Maths! Good. So, if I was to cut off four men's heads 数学很好如果我砍下四个人的头
and add them to the ten slaves arms I cut off the day before. 再加上我前一天砍下的十条奴隶的手臂
What would we have? 会得到什么
- Yes? - A great afternoon of entertainment -说-供罗马人民消遣的
for the people of Rome sir. 一个美好下午老师
Correct answer. Clever as always. Well done! 正确还是这么聪明啊很好
Oh, OK, everyone pack up violently. 好的大家打打闹闹地收拾下课吧
And before you go, before you go, 你们走之前
make sure you hand in your homework. 记得把作业都交了
In the First World War 一战时
lots of us soldiers had to fight in horrible trenches. 许多士兵得在可怕的战壕里作战
And most of the trenches were full of lice. Ow! 大部分战壕里全都是虱子
Mmm! What's cooking, Soldier? Smells Good! 士兵在做什么好吃的真香
Fried lice, Sir. 炸虱子先生
Fried rice? Delicious! 炒米饭吗真美味
No, no, fried LICE. 不炸虱子
Billy's been living in his trench for months without washing, 比利待在这个战壕几个月没洗澡了
he's covered in lice. 他身上全是虱子
Ooh, aah, it itches! 痒死了啊
Oh, I see. 我懂了
So we're frying them... 所以我们在炸虱子
真的有 士兵 这么做
..for fun! Ha-ha! 取乐
That's disgusting! 太恶心了
You think that's disgusting... 这就恶心了...
Crumbs! They're different colours! 天呐它们颜色还不一样
Yeah! I picked up the pale ones from our trench, 对白色虱子是在我们战壕里染的
and the red ones from the German trench. 红色的是在德国人的战壕里染的
It's like they're waging war all over my body, Sir! 现在它们好像在我身上到处开战长官
It's not looking good, Commandant! 司令情况不妙啊
The British lice 英国虱子
have taken control of the head and are advancing South. 已经控制了头部正在南下
We can't hold onto the nipples much longer! 乳头高地怕是守不住了
We must have reinforcements! 我们急需救兵
Come on, egg, hatch big! Hatch! 加油卵儿们孵化吧孵化
They are over-running us! 他们数量比我们多
Take cover in this shell-hole! 到那个坑里找掩护
Gerry? We have you surrounded! 德国佬你们被包围了
Come out with all your hands up! 出来投降手举过头顶
OK! We surrender! 好我们投降
Gentlemen, this body is ours! 先生们这具身体是我们的了
Huzzah! Hooray! Wizard! 欢呼万岁天才
- But you German lice can still have some of it. - Oh, ya? -你们德国虱子也能占块地方-是吗
Yes, you can keep the bottom! 对屁股那块就归你们了
True or false. 真假辨析
If soldiers in the trenches were caught in a poisonous gas attack, 如果战壕里的士兵遭到毒气攻击
they used to wee on their handkerchief and put it over their nose and mouth. 他们会在手帕上撒尿并用其堵住口鼻
It's... 答案是
True. 真的
The chemicals in the urine kept out the poisonous gas. 尿液里的化学成分可以阻隔毒气
Life really was horrible in the trenches... 战壕里的生活真的很糟
for the Germans as well! 对德国人来说也一样
Grub's up! It's Ready Steady Feast! 食物到现在是《盛宴美食秀》时间
Joining us today is a German soldier 今天节目请来的是位德国士兵
who comes directly from the trenches of the First World War. 他直接从一战的战壕来到这里
Please welcome... Paul Bomber! 请各位欢迎保罗·投弹手
- Ta... - No! -大家好-算了
Thanks for coming, Paul. 感谢抽空前来保罗
I see you've brought a bag of food with you. 我看你带来了一大袋食物
Well, yes and no. this is ersatz food, 是又不是这是仿制食物
or fake food. 也叫假食物
It's what we have to eat in the trenches 我们在战壕吃的就是这个
now we have run out of real food. 我们已经没有正经食物吃了
这是 真 的
OK. Why don't you show us what you've got? 好那不如让我们看看你带来了什么
- For sure. So, my first ingredient is ersatz pepper. - Pepper? -当然第一件是假胡椒-胡椒
No, ersatz pepper. We ran out of real pepper. 不是假胡椒我们没有真胡椒了
This is just ashes from the fire. But we are glad of it! 这只是火药灰但我们已经很满足了

