


content.setText(Html.fromHtml("<html><body>" + title.getContent()+ "</body></html>", null, null));





公共类-----Html extends Object


Class Overview

This class processes HTML strings into displayable styled text. Not all HTML tags are supported.

Nested Classes
interface Html.ImageGetter Retrieves images for HTML <img> tags.
interface Html.TagHandler Is notified when HTML tags are encountered that the parser does not know how to interpret.
Public Methods
static String escapeHtml(CharSequence text)
Returns an HTML escaped representation of the given plain text.
static Spanned fromHtml(String source)
Returns displayable styled text from the provided HTML string.
static Spanned fromHtml(String source, Html.ImageGetter imageGetter, Html.TagHandler tagHandler)
Returns displayable styled text from the provided HTML string.
static String toHtml(Spanned text)
Returns an HTML representation of the provided Spanned text.

Public Methods

public static String escapeHtml (CharSequence text)

Added in  API level 16

Returns an HTML escaped representation of the given plain text.

public static Spanned fromHtml (String source)

Added in  API level 1

Returns displayable styled text from the provided HTML string. Any <img> tags in the HTML will display as a generic replacement image which your program can then go through and replace with real images.

This uses TagSoup to handle real HTML, including all of the brokenness found in the wild.

public static Spanned fromHtml (String source, Html.ImageGetter imageGetter, Html.TagHandler tagHandler)

Added in  API level 1

Returns displayable styled text from the provided HTML string. Any <img> tags in the HTML will use the specified ImageGetter to request a representation of the image (use null if you don't want this) and the specified TagHandler to handle unknown tags (specify null if you don't want this).

This uses TagSoup to handle real HTML, including all of the brokenness found in the wild.

public static String toHtml (Spanned text)

Added in  API level 1

Returns an HTML representation of the provided Spanned text.


这里提供一个解析html格式的图文文本,返回的spanned类型可直接作为textView或者editext的settext(spanned s)参数

public class HtmlParser {

    static ImageGetter imageGetter = new ImageGetter() {


        public Drawable getDrawable(String source) {

            Drawable drawable = null;

            try {

                URL url = new URL(source);

                drawable = Drawable.createFromStream(url.openStream(), "");

                drawable.setBounds(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(),

                        drawable.getIntrinsicHeight());// 设置图片的大小

            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            } catch (IOException e) {

                // TODO Auto-generated catch block


            return drawable;


    };// 解析图片

    public static Spanned GetString(String html) {// 调用该方法,传入html格式的字符串

        Spanned s = Html.fromHtml(html, imageGetter, null);

        return s;//返回spanned类型





             * 要实现图片的显示需要使用Html.fromHtml的一个重构方法:public static Spanned

             * fromHtml (String source, Html.ImageGetterimageGetter,

             * Html.TagHandler

             * tagHandler)其中Html.ImageGetter是一个接口,我们要实现此接口,在它的getDrawable 

             * (String source)方法中返回图片的Drawable对象才可以。 


            ImageGetter imageGetter = new ImageGetter() {


                public Drawable getDrawable(String source) {

                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                    URL url;

                    Drawable drawable = null;

                    try {

                        url = new URL(source);

                        drawable = Drawable.createFromStream(url.openStream(),


                        drawable.setBounds(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(),


                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block


                    } catch (IOException e) {

                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block



                    return drawable;



            HotNewsInfo title = list.get(0);

            test = Html.fromHtml(title.getContent(), imageGetter, null);


