C++标准模板库编程实战 第六章 排序、合并、搜索和分区


6.1 序列排序

6.1.1 排序以及相等元素的排序

6.1.2 部分排序:

6.1.3 测试排序序列

6.2 合并序列

6.3 搜索序列中的对象

6.1 序列排序




std::deque words {"one", "two", "nine", "nine", "one", "three", "four", "five", "six"};
std::sort(std::begin(words), std::end(words),
 [](const string& s1, const string& s2){ return s1.back() > s2.back(); });
std::copy(std::begin(words), std::end(words),
 std::ostream_iterator {std::cout, " "}); // six four two one nine nine one three five

6.1.1 排序以及相等元素的排序



6.1.2 部分排序:



size_t count {5}; // Number of elements to be sorted
std::vector numbers {22, 7, 93, 45, 19, 56, 88, 12, 8, 7, 15, 10};
std::partial_sort(std::begin(numbers), std::begin(numbers) + count, std::end(numbers))



std::vector numbers {22, 7, 93, 45, 19, 56, 88, 12, 8, 7, 15, 10};
size_t count {5}; // Number of elements to be sorted
std::vector result(count); // Destination for the results - count elements
std::partial_sort_copy(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers), std::begin(result), 
std::copy(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers), std::ostream_iterator {std::cout, " "});
std::cout << std::endl;
std::copy(std::begin(result), std::end(result), std::ostream_iterator {std::cout, " "});
std::cout << std::endl;


3.nth_element() 算法。



using namespace std;
int main() {
		std::vector numbers{ 22, 7, 93, 45, 19, 56, 88, 12, 8, 7, 15, 10 };
		size_t count{ 5 }; // Index of nth element
		//std::nth_element(std::begin(numbers), std::begin(numbers) + count, std::end(numbers));
		copy(begin(numbers), end(numbers), ostream_iterator(cout, " "));
		std::nth_element(std::begin(numbers), std::begin(numbers) + count, std::end(numbers),
		copy(begin(numbers), end(numbers), ostream_iterator(cout, " "));
		return 0;

6.1.3 测试排序序列

1. is_sorted() 如果范围内元素是升序的,返回true。迭代器至少应该是正向迭代器:

std::vector numbers {22, 7, 93, 45, 19};
std::vector data {1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5};
std::cout << "numbers is "
 << (std::is_sorted(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers)) ? "": "not ")
 << "in ascending sequence.\n";
std::cout << "data is "
 << (std::is_sorted(std::begin(data), std::end(data)) ? "": "not ")
 << "in ascending sequence." << std::endl;


std::cout << "data reversed is "
 << (std::is_sorted(std::rbegin(data), std::rend(data), std::greater<>()) ? "": "not ")
 << "in descending sequence." << std::endl;

2.函数模板 is_sorted_until() 判断是否升序。返回指向元素中升序序列上边界元素的迭代器。

std::vector pets {"cat", "chicken", "dog", "pig", "llama", "coati", "goat"};
std::cout << "The pets in ascending sequence are:\n";
std::copy(std::begin(pets), std::is_sorted_until(std::begin(pets), std::end(pets)),
 std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});


std::vector pets {"dog", "coati", "cat", "chicken", "pig", "llama", "goat"};
std::cout << "The pets in descending sequence are:\n";
 std::is_sorted_until(std::begin(pets), std::end(pets), std::greater<>()),
 std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});

6.2 合并序列







std::vector these {2, 15, 4, 11, 6, 7}; // 1st input to merge
std::vector those {5, 2, 3, 2, 14, 11, 6}; // 2nd input to merge
std::stable_sort(std::begin(these), std::end(these), // Sort 1st range in...
 std::greater<>()); // ...descending sequence
std::stable_sort(std::begin(those), std::end(those), // Sort 2nd range
std::vector result(these.size() + those.size() + 10); // Plenty of room for results
auto end_iter = std::merge(std::begin(these), std::end(these), // Merge 1st range...
 std::begin(those), std::end(those), // ...and 2nd range...
 std::begin(result), std::greater<>()); // ...into result
std::copy(std::begin(result), end_iter, std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});



C++标准模板库编程实战 第六章 排序、合并、搜索和分区_第1张图片

6.3 搜索序列中的对象

6.3.1 三种在输入迭代器范围内查找单个对象的算法


std::vector numbers {5, 46, -5, -6, 23, 17, 5, 9, 6, 5};
int value {23};
auto iter = std::find(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers), value);
if(iter != std::end(numbers)) std::cout << value << " was found.\n";

2.find_if() 在前两个参数指定的范围内查找可以使第三个参数指定的谓词返回true 的第一个对象。谓词不能修改传给他的对象。

int value {5};
auto iter1 = std::find_if(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers), 
 [value](int n) { return n > value; });
if(iter1 != std::end(numbers)) std::cout << *iter1 << " was found greater than " << value << ".\n";

3.find_if_not() 前两个参数指定范围内查找可以使第三个参数指定的谓词返回false的第一个对象。谓词不能修改传给他的对象。

size_t count {};
int five {5};
auto start_iter = std::begin(numbers);
auto end_iter = std::end(numbers);
while((start_iter = std::find_if_not(start_iter, end_iter,
 [five](int n) {return n > five; })) != end_iter)
std::cout << count << " elements were found that are not greater than "<< five << std::endl;

6.3.2 查找任意范围的元素

1.find_first_of() 在第一个序列中搜索第二个序列在第一个序列中第一次出现的任何元素。


string text {"The world of searching"};
string vowels {"aeiou"};
auto iter = std::find_first_of(std::begin(text), std::end(text), std::begin(vowels),
if(iter != std::end(text)) std::cout << "We found '" << *iter << "'." << std::endl; // We found 'e'.


string found {}; // Records characters that are found
for(auto iter = std::begin(text);
 (iter = std::find_first_of(
 iter, std::end(text), std::begin(vowels), std::end(vowels))) != std::end(text); )
 found += *(iter++);
std::cout << "The characters \"" << found << "\" were found in text." << std::endl;


std::vector numbers {64L, 46L, -65L, -128L, 121L, 17L, 35L, 9L, 91L, 5L};
int factors[] {7, 11, 13};
auto iter = std::find_first_of(std::begin(numbers), 
 std::end(numbers), // The range to be searched
 std::begin(factors), std::end(factors), // Elements sought
 [](long v, long d) { return v % d == 0;}); // Predicate - true for a match
 if(iter != std::end(numbers)) std::cout << *iter << " was found." << std::endl

6.3.3 查找多个元素

adjacent_find() 搜索序列中两个连续相等的元素:

string saying {"Children should be seen and not heard."};
auto iter = std::adjacent_find(std::begin(saying), std::end(saying));
if(iter != std::end(saying))
 std::cout << "In the following text:\n\"" << saying << "\"\n'"
 << *iter << "' is repeated starting at index position "
 << std::distance(std::begin(saying), iter) << std::endl;


std::vector numbers {64L, 46L, -65L, -128L, 121L, 17L, 35L, 9L, 91L, 5L};
auto iter = std::adjacent_find(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers),
 [](long n1, long n2){ return n1 % 2 && n2 % 2; });
if(iter != std::end(numbers))
 std::cout << "The first pair of odd numbers is "
 << *iter << " and " << *(iter+1) << std::endl;

1.find_end() 在一个序列中查找最后一个和另一个元素段匹配的匹配项,也可以看作是在一个元素序列中查找子序列的最后一个匹配项。


string text {"Smith, where Jones had had \"had\", had had \"had had\"."
 " \"Had had\" had had the examiners\' approval."};
std::cout << text << std::endl;
 string phrase {"had had"};
 auto iter = std::find_end(std::begin(text), std::end(text), std::begin(phrase), std::end(phrase));
 if(iter != std::end(text))
 std::cout << "The last \"" << phrase
 << "\" was found at index " << std::distance(std::begin(text), iter) << std::endl;


size_t count {};
auto iter = std::end(text);
auto end_iter = iter;
while((iter = std::find_end(std::begin(text), end_iter, std::begin(phrase),
 std::end(phrase))) != end_iter)
 end_iter = iter;
std::cout << "\n\""<< phrase << "\" was found " << count << " times." << std::endl;

2. search() 


string text {"Smith, where Jones had had \"had\", had had \"had had\"."
 " \"Had had\" had had the examiners\' approval."};
std::cout << text << std::endl;
string phrase {"had had"};
size_t count {};
auto iter = std::begin(text);
auto end_iter = end(text);
while((iter = std::search(iter, end_iter, std::begin(phrase), std::end(phrase),
 [](char ch1, char ch2){ return std::toupper(ch1) == std::toupper(ch2); })) != end_iter)
 std::advance(iter, phrase.size()); // Move to beyond end of subsequence found
 std::cout << "\n\""<< phrase << "\" was found " << count << " times." << std::endl;

3.search_n() 搜索给定元素的匹配项,在序列中连续出现了给定的次数:

std::vector values {2.7, 2.7, 2.7, 3.14, 3.14, 3.14, 2.7, 2.7};
double value {3.14};
int times {3};
auto iter = std::search_n(std::begin(values), std::end(values), times, value);
if(iter != std::end(values))
 std::cout << times << " successive instances of " << value
 << " found starting index " << std::distance(std::begin(values), iter) 
<< std::endl;

6.4 分区序列

partition() 所有使给定谓词返回true的元素都放在使谓词返回false的后面。


std::vector temperatures {65, 75, 56, 48, 31, 28, 32, 29, 40, 41, 44, 50};
std::copy(std::begin(temperatures), std::end(temperatures), // List the values
 std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});
std::cout << std::endl;
auto average = std::accumulate(std::begin(temperatures), // Compute the average value
 std::end(temperatures), 0.0)/ temperatures.size();
std::cout << "Average temperature: " << average << std::endl;
std::partition(std::begin(temperatures), std::end(temperatures), // Partition the values
 [average](double t) { return t < average; });
std::copy(std::begin(temperatures), std::end(temperatures), // List the values after partitioning
 std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});
std::cout << std::endl;



6.4.1 partition_copy()

partition_copy()和 stable_partition()以相同的方式对序列进行分区。



// Ex6_04.cpp
// Using partition_copy() to find values above average and below average
#include  // For standard streams
#include  // For vector container
#include  // For partition_copy(), copy()
#include  // For accumulate()
#include  // For back_inserter, ostream_iterator
int main()
 std::vector temperatures {65, 75, 56, 48, 31, 28, 32, 29, 40, 41, 44, 50};
 std::vector low_t; // Stores below average temperatures
 std::vector high_t; // Stores average or above temperatures
 auto average = std::accumulate(std::begin(temperatures),std::end(temperatures), 0.0) /
 std::partition_copy(std::begin(temperatures), std::end(temperatures),
 std::back_inserter(low_t), std::back_inserter(high_t),
 [average](double t) { return t < average; });
 // Output below average temperatures
 std::copy(std::begin(low_t), std::end(low_t), std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});
 std::cout << std::endl;
 // Output average or above temperatures
 std::copy(std::begin(high_t), std::end(high_t), std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});
 std::cout << std::endl;

6.4.2 partition_point()



std::vector temperatures {65, 75, 56, 48, 31, 28, 32, 29, 40, 41, 44, 50};
auto average = std::accumulate(std::begin(temperatures), // Compute the average value
 std::end(temperatures), 0.0)/ temperatures.size();
auto predicate = [average](double t) { return t < average; };
std::stable_partition(std::begin(temperatures), std::end(temperatures), predicate);
auto iter = std::partition_point(std::begin(temperatures), std::end(temperatures), predicate);
std::cout << "Elements in the first partition: ";
std::copy(std::begin(temperatures), iter, std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});
std::cout << "\nElements in the second partition: ";
std::copy(iter, std::end(temperatures), std::ostream_iterator{std::cout, " "});
std::cout << std::endl;



6.5 二分查找


6.5.1 binary_search()


不会告诉我们位置,使用 lower_bound()、upper_bound 或equal_range()获取位置。

std::list values {17, 11, 40, 36, 22, 54, 48, 70, 61, 82, 78, 89, 99, 92, 43};
values.sort(); // Sort into ascending sequence
int wanted {22}; // What we are looking for
if(std::binary_search(std::begin(values), std::end(values), wanted))
 std::cout << wanted << " is definitely in there - somewhere..." << std::endl;
 std::cout << wanted << " cannot be found - maybe you got it wrong..." << std::endl;


6.5.2 lower_bound() upper_bound()



6.5.3 equal_range()




std::list values{ 17, 11, 40, 36, 22, 54, 48, 70, 61, 82, 78, 89, 99, 92, 43 };
	// Output the elements in original order
	std::copy(std::begin(values), std::end(values), std::ostream_iterator {std::cout, " "});
	std::cout << std::endl;
	int wanted{ 22 }; // What we are looking for
	std::partition(std::begin(values), std::end(values), // Partition the values wrt value < wanted
		[wanted](double value) { return value < wanted; });
	std::partition(std::begin(values), std::end(values), // Partition the values wrt !(wanted < value)
		[wanted](double value) { return !(wanted < value); });
	// Output the elements after partitioning
	std::copy(std::begin(values), std::end(values), std::ostream_iterator {std::cout, " "});
	std::cout << std::endl;

	auto pr = std::equal_range(std::begin(values), std::end(values), wanted);
	std::cout << "the lower bound for " << wanted << " is " << *pr.first << std::endl;
	std::cout << "the upper bound for " << wanted << " is " << *pr.second << std::endl;



pe6_2: //merge有问题,insert没问题。


for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
enum class Color { red1, red2, black1, black2 };
static const std::string scolor[4] = { "red1", "red2", "black1", "black2" };
//const string scolor[4] = { "red1", "red2", "black1", "black2" };
using namespace std;

T generate_rand(const T& min, const T& max);
class Card {
    Color color;
    int number;
    //Card() :color(Color::red1), number(0) {};
    Card(Color cc, int nn) :color(cc), number(nn) {};
    Color get_color() { return color; };
    int get_number() { return number; };
    bool operator<(const Card& cc) const {
        return color < cc.color || (color == cc.color && number < cc.number);
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Card& cc) {
        //static const string scolor[4] = { "red1", "red2", "black1", "black2" };
        os << scolor[int(cc.color)] << " " << cc.number << endl;
        return os;
int main() {
    vector cc;
    set AA[4];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
            cc.emplace_back(static_cast(i), j);
    random_shuffle(begin(cc), end(cc));
    auto iter = begin(cc);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        copy(iter, iter + 13, inserter(AA[i], begin(AA[i])));
        advance(iter, 13);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        cout << "玩家" << i << " : " << endl;
        for (auto value : AA[i]) {
            std::cout << value << endl;
    /*set result;
    auto iter2 = begin(result);
    merge(begin(AA[0]), end(AA[0]), begin(AA[1]), end(AA[1]), iter2);
    advance(iter2, 26);
    merge(begin(AA[2]), end(AA[2]), begin(AA[3]), end(AA[3]), iter2);
    for (auto value : result) {
        cout << value << endl;
    std::set result;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        result.insert(AA[i].begin(), AA[i].end());
    for (int i = 2; i < 4; i++) {
        result.insert(AA[i].begin(), AA[i].end());
    std::cout << "show all: " << std::endl;
    for (const auto& value : result) {
        std::cout << value << std::endl;
    return 0;
T generate_rand(const T& min, const T& max) {
    // 创建一个随机数引擎
    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());

    // 定义随机数的范围
    /*int min = 1;
    int max = 52;*/

    // 创建一个分布对象,指定随机数的范围
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(min, max);

    // 生成随机数
    /*int random_num = dis(gen);*/
    return dis(gen);


using namespace std;
enum class Color { black, grey,  grown, gold};
const string hair[4] = { "black", "grey",  "grown", "gold" };
class Person {
	string name;
	Color color;
	Person(string nn, Color cc) :name(nn), color(cc) {};
	Person(string nn, int cc) :name(nn), color(static_cast(cc)) {};
	string get_name() { return name; };
	Color get_color() { return color; };
	bool operator<(const Person& pp) {

		return color < pp.color;
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&  os, const Person& pp) {
		os << "名字:" << pp.name << " 头发颜色:" << hair[static_cast(pp.color)] << endl;
		return os;

int generate_hair(int min = 0, int max = 3);
int main() {
	vector people;
	string name;
	cout << "Enter people's name.Enter ctrl+Z on a new line to end:\n";
	while (true)
		if ((cin >> name).eof()) {
		people.push_back({ name,generate_hair()});
	cout << "show all: " << endl;
	for (auto value : people) {
		cout << value << endl;;
	cout << "show grey: " << endl;
	std::partition(begin(people), end(people), [](Person pp) {return pp.get_color() dis(min, max);
	return dis(gen);


自定义类内比较函数不加static 报错(改为全局函数也行):



using namespace std;
enum class Color { black, grey, brown, gold };
const string hair[4] = { "black", "grey",  "brown", "gold" };
class Person {
	string name;
	Color color;
	Person(string nn, Color cc) :name(nn), color(cc) {};
	Person(string nn, int cc) :name(nn), color(static_cast(cc)) {};
	string get_name() { return name; };
	Color get_color() { return color; };
	bool static com_name(const Person& pp1, const Person& pp2) {

		return pp1.name < pp2.name;
	bool operator<(const Person& pp) {

		return color < pp.color;
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Person& pp) {
		os << "名字:" << pp.name << " 头发颜色:" << hair[static_cast(pp.color)] << endl;
		return os;

int generate_hair(int min = 0, int max = 3);
int main() {
	vector people;
	string name;
	cout << "Enter people's name.Enter ctrl+Z on a new line to end:\n";
	while (true)
		if ((cin >> name).eof()) {
		people.push_back({ name,generate_hair() });
	cout << "show all: " << endl;
	for (auto value : people) {
		cout << value << endl;;
	sort(begin(people), end(people), Person::com_name);
	cout << "After sort name: " << endl;
	for (auto value : people) {
		cout << value << endl;;

	sort(begin(people), end(people));
	cout << "After sort color: " << endl;
	for (auto value : people) {
		cout << value << endl;;
	//std::partition(begin(people), end(people), [](Person pp) {return pp.get_color() < Color::grey; });
	///*for (auto value : people) {
	//	cout << value << endl;;
	//std::partition(begin(people), end(people), [](Person pp) {return pp.get_color() < Color::brown; });

	cout << "Partition color: " << endl;
	auto iter1 = partition_point(begin(people), end(people), [](Person pp) {return pp.get_color() < Color::grey; });
	auto iter2 = partition_point(begin(people), end(people), [](Person pp) {return pp.get_color() < Color::brown; });
	auto iter3 = partition_point(begin(people), end(people), [](Person pp) {return pp.get_color() < Color::gold; });

	copy(begin(people), iter1, ostream_iterator(cout, ""));
	copy(iter1, iter2, ostream_iterator(cout, ""));
	copy(iter2, iter3, ostream_iterator(cout, ""));
	copy(iter3, end(people), ostream_iterator(cout, ""));

	return 0;
int generate_hair(int min, int max) {
	std::random_device rd;
	std::mt19937 gen(rd());

	std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(min, max);
	return dis(gen);



using namespace std;
enum class Color { black, grey, brown, gold };
const string hair[4] = { "black", "grey",  "brown", "gold" };
class Name
	static string sequence ;
	std::string first{};
	std::string second{};
	Name(const std::string& name1, const std::string& name2) :
		first(name1), second(name2) {}
	Name() = default;
	// Less-than operator
	bool operator<(const Name& name) const
		char letter1 = toupper(first[0]);
		char letter2 = toupper(name.first[0]);
		auto iter1 = find(begin(sequence), end(sequence), letter1);
		auto iter2 = find(begin(sequence), end(sequence), letter2);
		return iter1>(std::istream& in, Name& name);
	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Name& box);
// Extraction operator overload
inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Name& name)
	in >> name.first >> name.second;
	return in;
// Insertion operator overload
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Name& name)
	out << name.first + " " + name.second << endl;
	return out;

int generate_hair(int min = 0, int max = 3);
int main() {
	std::vector names = {
	{"Joe"," Yodel"},
	{"Bob"," Zippo"},
	{"Alice"," Smith"},
	{"Robert"," Johnson"},
	// Add more names as needed

	stable_sort(begin(names), end(names));
	copy(begin(names), end(names), ostream_iterator(cout, ""));
	return 0;
int generate_hair(int min, int max) {
	std::random_device rd;
	std::mt19937 gen(rd());

	std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(min, max);
	return dis(gen);
