2020.04.07 HueYin 分享单词Day97
digest 英/daɪˈdʒest/ 美/daɪˈdʒest/
eg:I have had time to digest whathappened Sunday night and what it means to me.
2020.04.08 HueYin 分享单词Day98
dreadful 英/ˈdredfl/ 美/ˈdredfl/
eg:Marriage is about the biggestcommitment you can imagine, and ending a marriage is a dreadful experience.
2020.04.09 HueYin 分享单词Day99
surpass 英 /səˈpɑːs/ 美/sərˈpæs/
eg:Now that women are the majority ofcollege students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate andadvanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equalplace. It is not.
2020.04.10 HueYin 分享单词Day100
triumph 英/ˈtraɪʌmf/ 美/ˈtraɪʌmf/
eg:As America triumphed in the ColdWar, there didn't seem to be a real competitor to our economic model.
2020.04.11 HueYin 分享单词Day101
ward 英/wɔːd/ 美/wɔːrd/
eg:Today, the European Union iscreating a $580 billion fund to ward off sovereign collapse.
2020.04.12 HueYin 分享单词Day102
brilliant 英/ˈbrɪliənt/ 美/ˈbrɪliənt/
eg:Perhaps the reason why so manyuniversities offer their students so little is they know studying at a topuniversity remains a brilliant investment even if you don’t learn anything.
2020.04.13 HueYin 分享单词Day103
cute 英/kjuːt/ 美/kjuːt/
eg:He found that it was a very cuterabbit.
2020.04.14 HueYin 分享单词Day104
intelligent 英/ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ 美/ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/
eg:Some studies have found thatfirst-born children are more intelligent than their later-born siblings.
For me, who is notso intelligent, I will only triumph if I spend a lot of time to digestknowledge and stick to it for a long time.
7.You cannot explore the universe if you think that you are the centerof it.
-Joshua Suya Pelicano
8.Whatever you do in life, remember: think higher and feel deeper. Itcannot be bad if you do that.
-Elie Wiesel
9.You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?
10.Kindness is always fashionable, and always welcome.
-Amelia Barr
11.Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longerserves you, grows you, or makes you happy.
-Robert Tew
12.For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips,speak only words of kindness.
-Audrey Hepburn
13.Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard onemakes it impossible.
-George Horace Lorimer
14.Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar.
-William Wordsworth
这几句话我最喜欢“Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting
off a hard one makes it impossible.简单的事,越拖越难,困难的事,越拖越不可能做。 -George Horace Lorimer”。深有体会,我的导师叫我三个月写一篇文章,现在已经过了将近5个月了,我的文章都还没有开始,只是简简单单的翻译了几篇文章。写论文对于我来说真的是一件很难的事,一拖再拖,就一直没有完成。
It has(h不发音)been said
Through theages
Without sacrificethere can be no victory
Two species(连读)atwar
One flesh
One metal
Optimus prime
has left(连读)us
hundred billion trillion planets(连读)in thecosmos .
You want(t不发音)to
know , don't(连读)you ?
Why theykeep coming here ?
I wannastay
wanna fight(t不发音)them .
And(d不发音)now, two worlds colliding.
operation is over . We're not(t不发音)givingup , okay ?
Only onesurvives .
Oh my God!
Forgiveme .
No !
1. 坚持学习100天了,真的不容易。之前的学习都是断断续续的,没有坚持这么长时间。关于单词的学习,之前都是在APP生过一遍,没有学习英英解释和例句,现在不同了,每天都会学习英英解释和例句,还练习了口语(尽管我的口语不好)。
2. 这周的每日互夸基本没有进行,主要是之前夸了一周,现在不知道该怎么夸别人了。最好玩的就是表情包制作,每天都会收藏乐趣多多的表情包。
3. 发现一个宝岛“学习强国”,在这个APP里真的有很多关于学习英语的资源,有慕课、广播、电视台、新闻、每日英语等等。最近我都会在APP里听英语广播,看China daily以及每日一句的翻译。