最近因为工作需要的原因,无意中接触到了 rollouts 这个开源项目。它是由阿里巴巴开源的一个k8s相关的一个工具。
其主要作用是工作负载(workload) 批量发布与回滚
同时也支持 Nginx/ALB/Istio 的流量路由控制
常规情况下,我们升级一个工作负载,以Deployment为例,我们更改Deployment 镜像的版本之后,Deployment的控制器会重新去创建新的副本,然后替换掉原来的副本。
所以我们需要一定的反悔时间,留给工作人员去观察业务是否正常,正常之后,再继续灰度下去,而不是ALL IN,然后ALL GET OUT。而 rollouts 正是帮我们做这个事情的。
参考 基础使用文档
WorkloadRef 定义了我们要去监听的workload对象,当这个对象 PodTemplate 发生变更后,就会执行更新策略。
// WorkloadRef holds a references to the Kubernetes object
type WorkloadRef struct {
// API Version of the referent
APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion"`
// Kind of the referent
Kind string `json:"kind"`
// Name of the referent
Name string `json:"name"`
CanaryStrategy 定义了我们的更新策略,其中CanaryStep则定义了我们每一步的动作:更新的副本数,更新完成后暂停多久,流量的权重。
// CanaryStrategy defines parameters for a Replica Based Canary
type CanaryStrategy struct {
// Steps define the order of phases to execute release in batches(20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%)
// +optional
Steps []CanaryStep `json:"steps,omitempty"`
// TrafficRoutings hosts all the supported service meshes supported to enable more fine-grained traffic routing
TrafficRoutings []*TrafficRouting `json:"trafficRoutings,omitempty"`
// CanaryStep defines a step of a canary workload.
type CanaryStep struct {
// SetWeight sets what percentage of the canary pods should receive
// +optional
Weight *int32 `json:"weight,omitempty"`
// Replicas is the number of expected canary pods in this batch
// it can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total pods.
Replicas *intstr.IntOrString `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// Pause defines a pause stage for a rollout, manual or auto
// +optional
Pause RolloutPause `json:"pause,omitempty"`
下面这部分则定义了rollout的状态, rollout 在执行过程中,它的状态就会记录在这里面。
type RolloutStatus struct {
// INSERT ADDITIONAL STATUS FIELD - define observed state of cluster
// Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file
// observedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this Rollout.
ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"`
// CanaryRevision the hash of the canary pod template
// +optional
//CanaryRevision string `json:"canaryRevision,omitempty"`
// StableRevision indicates the revision pods that has successfully rolled out
StableRevision string `json:"stableRevision,omitempty"`
// Conditions a list of conditions a rollout can have.
// +optional
Conditions []RolloutCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
// Canary describes the state of the canary rollout
// +optional
CanaryStatus *CanaryStatus `json:"canaryStatus,omitempty"`
// +optional
//BlueGreenStatus *BlueGreenStatus `json:"blueGreenStatus,omitempty"`
// Phase is the rollout phase.
Phase RolloutPhase `json:"phase,omitempty"`
// Message provides details on why the rollout is in its current phase
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
// RolloutCondition describes the state of a rollout at a certain point.
type RolloutCondition struct {
// Type of rollout condition.
Type RolloutConditionType `json:"type"`
// Phase of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
Status corev1.ConditionStatus `json:"status"`
// The last time this condition was updated.
LastUpdateTime metav1.Time `json:"lastUpdateTime,omitempty"`
// Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
// The reason for the condition's last transition.
Reason string `json:"reason"`
// A human readable message indicating details about the transition.
Message string `json:"message"`
// CanaryStatus status fields that only pertain to the canary rollout
type CanaryStatus struct {
// observedWorkloadGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this Rollout ref workload generation.
ObservedWorkloadGeneration int64 `json:"observedWorkloadGeneration,omitempty"`
// ObservedRolloutID will record the newest spec.RolloutID if status.canaryRevision equals to workload.updateRevision
ObservedRolloutID string `json:"observedRolloutID,omitempty"`
// RolloutHash from rollout.spec object
RolloutHash string `json:"rolloutHash,omitempty"`
// CanaryService holds the name of a service which selects pods with canary version and don't select any pods with stable version.
CanaryService string `json:"canaryService"`
// CanaryRevision is calculated by rollout based on podTemplateHash, and the internal logic flow uses
// It may be different from rs podTemplateHash in different k8s versions, so it cannot be used as service selector label
// +optional
CanaryRevision string `json:"canaryRevision"`
// pod template hash is used as service selector label
PodTemplateHash string `json:"podTemplateHash"`
// CanaryReplicas the numbers of canary revision pods
CanaryReplicas int32 `json:"canaryReplicas"`
// CanaryReadyReplicas the numbers of ready canary revision pods
CanaryReadyReplicas int32 `json:"canaryReadyReplicas"`
// CurrentStepIndex defines the current step of the rollout is on. If the current step index is null, the
// controller will execute the rollout.
// +optional
CurrentStepIndex int32 `json:"currentStepIndex"`
CurrentStepState CanaryStepState `json:"currentStepState"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
LastUpdateTime *metav1.Time `json:"lastUpdateTime,omitempty"`
const (
// RolloutPhaseInitial indicates a rollout is Initial
RolloutPhaseInitial RolloutPhase = "Initial"
// RolloutPhaseHealthy indicates a rollout is healthy
RolloutPhaseHealthy RolloutPhase = "Healthy"
// RolloutPhaseProgressing indicates a rollout is not yet healthy but still making progress towards a healthy state
RolloutPhaseProgressing RolloutPhase = "Progressing"
// RolloutPhaseTerminating indicates a rollout is terminated
RolloutPhaseTerminating RolloutPhase = "Terminating"
const (
CanaryStepStateUpgrade CanaryStepState = "StepUpgrade"
CanaryStepStateTrafficRouting CanaryStepState = "StepTrafficRouting"
CanaryStepStateMetricsAnalysis CanaryStepState = "StepMetricsAnalysis"
CanaryStepStatePaused CanaryStepState = "StepPaused"
CanaryStepStateReady CanaryStepState = "StepReady"
CanaryStepStateCompleted CanaryStepState = "Completed"
const (
RolloutConditionProgressing RolloutConditionType = "Progressing"
// Progressing Reason
ProgressingReasonInitializing = "Initializing"
ProgressingReasonInRolling = "InRolling"
ProgressingReasonFinalising = "Finalising"
ProgressingReasonSucceeded = "Succeeded"
ProgressingReasonCancelling = "Cancelling"
ProgressingReasonCanceled = "Canceled"
ProgressingReasonPaused = "Paused"
// Terminating condition
RolloutConditionTerminating RolloutConditionType = "Terminating"
// Terminating Reason
TerminatingReasonInTerminating = "InTerminating"
TerminatingReasonCompleted = "Completed"
BatchRelease的Spec部分我就步过多介绍,它和 Rollout 差别不大。主要区别在与Status的记录。
BatchReleaseCanaryStatus记录了每个批次的发布状态,其中CurrentBatchState 3个状态:Upgrading,Verifying,Ready
type BatchReleaseCanaryStatus struct {
// CurrentBatchState indicates the release state of the current batch.
CurrentBatchState BatchReleaseBatchStateType `json:"batchState,omitempty"`
// The current batch the rollout is working on/blocked, it starts from 0
CurrentBatch int32 `json:"currentBatch"`
// BatchReadyTime is the ready timestamp of the current batch or the last batch.
// This field is updated once a batch ready, and the batches[x].pausedSeconds
// relies on this field to calculate the real-time duration.
BatchReadyTime *metav1.Time `json:"batchReadyTime,omitempty"`
// UpdatedReplicas is the number of upgraded Pods.
UpdatedReplicas int32 `json:"updatedReplicas,omitempty"`
// UpdatedReadyReplicas is the number upgraded Pods that have a Ready Condition.
UpdatedReadyReplicas int32 `json:"updatedReadyReplicas,omitempty"`
const (
// UpgradingBatchState indicates that current batch is at upgrading pod state
UpgradingBatchState BatchReleaseBatchStateType = "Upgrading"
// VerifyingBatchState indicates that current batch is at verifying whether it's ready state
VerifyingBatchState BatchReleaseBatchStateType = "Verifying"
// ReadyBatchState indicates that current batch is at batch ready state
ReadyBatchState BatchReleaseBatchStateType = "Ready"
上述两个CRD就是整个项目的核心,它们的各种状态转换,构成了完整的升级流程;其中 Rollout 负责整体流程的把控,由用户创建;BatchRelease 负责具体的各个workload的发布,由Rollout进行创建。
// main.go
func main() {
// Rollout的管理器
mgr, err := ctrl.NewManager(cfg, ctrl.Options{
Scheme: scheme,
MetricsBindAddress: metricsAddr,
Port: 9443,
HealthProbeBindAddress: probeAddr,
LeaderElection: enableLeaderElection,
LeaderElectionID: "71ddec2c.kruise.io",
NewClient: utilclient.NewClient,
// BatchRelease的管理器
if err = br.Add(mgr); err != nil {
setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create controller", "controller", "BatchRelease")
// workload 和 rollout 的 webhook
if err = webhook.SetupWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
setupLog.Error(err, "unable to setup webhook")
type RolloutReconciler struct {
Scheme *runtime.Scheme
Recorder record.EventRecorder //用于事件记录
Finder *util.ControllerFinder //用于寻找对应workload的控制器
我们可以详细来看看 Rollout Reconcile的主流程,
func (r *RolloutReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
// 1.监听rollout变更
rollout := &rolloutv1alpha1.Rollout{}
err := r.Get(context.TODO(), req.NamespacedName, rollout)
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
return ctrl.Result{}, err
// 2. 获取一个动态的Watcher来监听对应的workload更新
workloadRef := rollout.Spec.ObjectRef.WorkloadRef
workloadGVK := util.GetGVKFrom(workloadRef)
_, exists := watchedWorkload.Load(workloadGVK.String())
if workloadRef != nil && !exists {
succeeded, err := util.AddWatcherDynamically(runtimeController, workloadHandler, workloadGVK)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
} else if succeeded {
watchedWorkload.LoadOrStore(workloadGVK.String(), struct{}{})
klog.Infof("Rollout controller begin to watch workload type: %s", workloadGVK.String())
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
// 3.处理finalizer
err = r.handleFinalizer(rollout)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
// 4.更新rollout status的
done, err := r.updateRolloutStatus(rollout)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
} else if !done {
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
var recheckTime *time.Time
switch rollout.Status.Phase {
case rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseProgressing:
// 5. 处理RolloutPhaseProgressing阶段更新流程
recheckTime, err = r.reconcileRolloutProgressing(rollout)
case rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseTerminating:
// 6. 处理RolloutPhaseTerminating阶段终止流程
recheckTime, err = r.reconcileRolloutTerminating(rollout)
if err != nil {
return ctrl.Result{}, err
} else if recheckTime != nil {
return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: time.Until(*recheckTime)}, nil
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
func (r *RolloutReconciler) updateRolloutStatus(rollout *rolloutv1alpha1.Rollout) (done bool, err error) {
// 1.如果是删除CRD, rollout status Phase 就由其他阶段转换为(终止阶段)RolloutPhaseTerminating,同时添加 Condition:RolloutConditionTerminating=false.
// 注意这里要特别注意Reason 因为Condition也状态转换条件之一
// 2.如果rollout status Phase 没有,就默认是初始化阶段(RolloutPhaseInitial)
if !rollout.DeletionTimestamp.IsZero() && newStatus.Phase != rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseTerminating {
newStatus.Phase = rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseTerminating
cond := util.NewRolloutCondition(rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutConditionTerminating, corev1.ConditionFalse, rolloutv1alpha1.TerminatingReasonInTerminating, "Rollout is in terminating")
util.SetRolloutCondition(&newStatus, *cond)
} else if newStatus.Phase == "" {
newStatus.Phase = rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseInitial
// 3.获取rollout 对于的workload 的信息,没有获取到重置rollout status Phase 为RolloutPhaseInitial
workload, err := r.Finder.GetWorkloadForRef(rollout.Namespace, rollout.Spec.ObjectRef.WorkloadRef)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("rollout(%s/%s) get workload failed: %s", rollout.Namespace, rollout.Name, err.Error())
} else if workload == nil {
if rollout.DeletionTimestamp.IsZero() {
klog.Infof("rollout(%s/%s) workload not found, and reset status be Initial", rollout.Namespace, rollout.Name)
done = true
// 4 rollout status Phase 状态转换,每次调协,如果条件成立就转换一次,转换顺序为:
// RolloutPhaseInitial --> RolloutPhaseHealthy
// RolloutPhaseHealthy --> RolloutPhaseProgressing
// RolloutPhaseProgressing --> RolloutPhaseHealthy
// 其中RolloutPhaseHealthy --> RolloutPhaseProgressing 阶段 会将Condition的Type设置为RolloutConditionProgressing,同时修改其Reason为ProgressingReasonInitializing
// RolloutPhaseProgressing --> RolloutPhaseHealthy 阶段 则需要Condition的Type为RolloutConditionProgressing的Reason为ProgressingReasonSucceeded或ProgressingReasonCanceled.
// 或者没有Type为RolloutConditionProgressing的Condition
switch newStatus.Phase {
case rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseInitial:
klog.Infof("rollout(%s/%s) status phase from(%s) -> to(%s)", rollout.Namespace, rollout.Name, rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseInitial, rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseHealthy)
newStatus.Phase = rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseHealthy
newStatus.Message = "rollout is healthy"
case rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseHealthy:
if workload.InRolloutProgressing {
// from healthy to progressing
klog.Infof("rollout(%s/%s) status phase from(%s) -> to(%s)", rollout.Namespace, rollout.Name, rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseHealthy, rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseProgressing)
newStatus.Phase = rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseProgressing
cond := util.NewRolloutCondition(rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutConditionProgressing, corev1.ConditionFalse, rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonInitializing, "Rollout is in Progressing")
util.SetRolloutCondition(&newStatus, *cond)
} else if workload.IsInStable && newStatus.CanaryStatus == nil {
newStatus.CanaryStatus = &rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStatus{
CanaryReplicas: workload.CanaryReplicas,
CanaryReadyReplicas: workload.CanaryReadyReplicas,
ObservedRolloutID: getRolloutID(workload, rollout),
ObservedWorkloadGeneration: workload.Generation,
PodTemplateHash: workload.PodTemplateHash,
CanaryRevision: workload.CanaryRevision,
CurrentStepIndex: int32(len(rollout.Spec.Strategy.Canary.Steps)),
CurrentStepState: rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateCompleted,
newStatus.Message = "workload deployment is completed"
case rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseProgressing:
cond := util.GetRolloutCondition(newStatus, rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutConditionProgressing)
if cond == nil || cond.Reason == rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonSucceeded || cond.Reason == rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonCanceled {
newStatus.Phase = rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutPhaseHealthy
done = true
当rollout status Phase的状态处于RolloutPhaseProgressing后,后续的状态转换则主要是Type为RolloutConditionProgressing的Condition的Reason转换。
func (r *RolloutReconciler) reconcileRolloutProgressing(rollout *rolloutv1alpha1.Rollout) (*time.Time, error) {
//1.获取Type 为 RolloutConditionProgressing 的 Condition 和 workload
cond := util.GetRolloutCondition(rollout.Status, rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutConditionProgressing)
workload, err := r.Finder.GetWorkloadForRef(rollout.Namespace, rollout.Spec.ObjectRef.WorkloadRef)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if workload == nil {
return nil, nil
} else if !workload.IsStatusConsistent {
return nil, nil
var recheckTime *time.Time
newStatus := rollout.Status.DeepCopy()
// Condition Reason 状态转换,每次调协,如果条件成立就转换一次,转换顺序为:
// ProgressingReasonInitializing --> ProgressingReasonInRolling
// ProgressingReasonInRolling --> ProgressingReasonCancelling
// ProgressingReasonInRolling --> ProgressingReasonPaused
// ProgressingReasonInRolling --> ProgressingReasonInitializing
// ProgressingReasonInRolling --> ProgressingReasonFinalising
// ProgressingReasonFinalising --> ProgressingReasonSucceeded
// ProgressingReasonPaused --> ProgressingReasonCancelling
// ProgressingReasonPaused --> ProgressingReasonInRolling
// ProgressingReasonCancelling --> ProgressingReasonCanceled
switch cond.Reason {
case rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonInitializing:
newStatus.CanaryStatus = &rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStatus{} // 初始化CanaryStatus
done, _, err := r.doProgressingInitializing(rollout, newStatus)
if done {
progressingStateTransition(newStatus, corev1.ConditionFalse, rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonInRolling, "Rollout is in Progressing")
case rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonInRolling:
recheckTime, err = r.doProgressingInRolling(rollout, workload, newStatus)
case rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonFinalising:
var done bool
done, recheckTime, err = r.doFinalising(rollout, newStatus, true)
if done {
progressingStateTransition(newStatus, corev1.ConditionTrue, rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonSucceeded, "Rollout has been completed, and succeed")
case rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonPaused:
if workload.IsInRollback {
newStatus.CanaryStatus.CanaryRevision = workload.CanaryRevision
r.Recorder.Eventf(rollout, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "Progressing", "workload has been rollback, then rollout is canceled")
progressingStateTransition(newStatus, corev1.ConditionFalse, rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonCancelling, "The workload has been rolled back and the rollout process will be cancelled")
} else if !rollout.Spec.Strategy.Paused {
progressingStateTransition(newStatus, corev1.ConditionFalse, rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonInRolling, "")
case rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonCancelling:
var done bool
done, recheckTime, err = r.doFinalising(rollout, newStatus, false)
if done {
progressingStateTransition(newStatus, corev1.ConditionFalse, rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonCanceled, "")
case rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonSucceeded, rolloutv1alpha1.ProgressingReasonCanceled:
err = r.updateRolloutStatusInternal(rollout, *newStatus)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return recheckTime, nil
接下来,我们继续看如何进行正常的更新,其主要状态变更则转移为 Status.CanaryStatus 变更,接下来都以 CanaryStatus 进行表述。
// canary.go
func (r *rolloutContext) runCanary() error {
canaryStatus := r.newStatus.CanaryStatus
// init canary status
if canaryStatus.CanaryRevision == "" {
canaryStatus.CurrentStepState = rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateUpgrade
canaryStatus.CanaryRevision = r.workload.CanaryRevision
canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex = 1
canaryStatus.RolloutHash = r.rollout.Annotations[util.RolloutHashAnnotation]
// update canary status
batch, err := r.batchControl.FetchBatchRelease()
if err != nil {
canaryStatus.CanaryReplicas = r.workload.CanaryReplicas
canaryStatus.CanaryReadyReplicas = r.workload.CanaryReadyReplicas
} else {
canaryStatus.CanaryReplicas = batch.Status.CanaryStatus.UpdatedReplicas
canaryStatus.CanaryReadyReplicas = batch.Status.CanaryStatus.UpdatedReadyReplicas
switch canaryStatus.CurrentStepState {
case rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateUpgrade:
done, err := r.doCanaryUpgrade()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if done {
canaryStatus.CurrentStepState = rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateTrafficRouting
canaryStatus.LastUpdateTime = &metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()}
case rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateTrafficRouting:
done, err := r.doCanaryTrafficRouting()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if done {
canaryStatus.LastUpdateTime = &metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()}
canaryStatus.CurrentStepState = rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateMetricsAnalysis
expectedTime := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(defaultGracePeriodSeconds) * time.Second)
r.recheckTime = &expectedTime
case rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateMetricsAnalysis:
done, err := r.doCanaryMetricsAnalysis()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if done {
canaryStatus.CurrentStepState = rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStatePaused
case rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStatePaused:
done, err := r.doCanaryPaused()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if done {
canaryStatus.LastUpdateTime = &metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()}
canaryStatus.CurrentStepState = rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateReady
case rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateReady:
// run next step
if len(r.rollout.Spec.Strategy.Canary.Steps) > int(canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex) {
canaryStatus.LastUpdateTime = &metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()}
canaryStatus.CurrentStepState = rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateUpgrade
} else {
canaryStatus.LastUpdateTime = &metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()}
canaryStatus.CurrentStepState = rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateCompleted
// canary completed
case rolloutv1alpha1.CanaryStepStateCompleted:
return nil
通过阅读上面代码,我们可以发现它的主要工作就是处理 CanaryStatus 的状态转换。
0. 在 上一段代码里 当Reason处于ProgressingReasonInitializing时,CanaryStatus 会被初始化,方便在这里进行初始化设置。
这里面工作工作负载更新,核心阶段为 CanaryStepStateUpgrade
func (r *rolloutContext) doCanaryUpgrade() (bool, error) {
// verify whether batchRelease configuration is the latest
steps := len(r.rollout.Spec.Strategy.Canary.Steps)
canaryStatus := r.newStatus.CanaryStatus
isLatest, err := r.batchControl.Verify(canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex)
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else if !isLatest {
return false, nil
// fetch batchRelease
batch, err := r.batchControl.FetchBatchRelease()
if err != nil {
return false, err
} else if batch.Status.ObservedReleasePlanHash != util.HashReleasePlanBatches(&batch.Spec.ReleasePlan) ||
batch.Generation != batch.Status.ObservedGeneration {
return false, nil
batchData := util.DumpJSON(batch.Status)
cond := util.GetRolloutCondition(*r.newStatus, rolloutv1alpha1.RolloutConditionProgressing)
cond.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Rollout is in step(%d/%d), and upgrade workload new versions", canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex, steps)
r.newStatus.Message = cond.Message
// promote workload next batch release
if !batchrelease.IsPromoted(r.rollout, batch, r.workload.IsInRollback) {
r.recorder.Eventf(r.rollout, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "Progressing", fmt.Sprintf("start upgrade step(%d) canary pods with new versions", canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex))
klog.Infof("rollout(%s/%s) will promote batch from(%d) -> to(%d)", r.rollout.Namespace, r.rollout.Name, *batch.Spec.ReleasePlan.BatchPartition+1, canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex)
return r.batchControl.Promote(canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex, r.workload.IsInRollback, false)
// check whether batchRelease is ready
if batch.Status.CanaryStatus.CurrentBatchState != rolloutv1alpha1.ReadyBatchState ||
batch.Status.CanaryStatus.CurrentBatch+1 < canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex {
return false, nil
r.recorder.Eventf(r.rollout, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "Progressing", fmt.Sprintf("upgrade step(%d) canary pods with new versions done", canaryStatus.CurrentStepIndex))
return true, nil