某些特殊原因,想一直看到.log 的最后一行打印,所以写了一些代码监控log
(有个奇怪需求,就是log 因为重复启动原因,会一直加,不是同一个log)
# 相关的Renderdoc 关于glsl shader的逆向代码 ,非Python:https://blog.csdn.net/avi9111/article/details/132798279?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502
# Notices:
# 1. the 3rd parameter of open() is to disable file buffering
# so file updated by another process could be picked up correctly
# but since your focus is newly added tail, enable buffering is ok too
# 2. It is not necessary to fh.tell() to save the position, and then seek()
# to resume, as if readline() failed, the pointer stay still at the EOF
import sys
import time
import os
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
unicode = str
#模型奇妙 https://www.cnpython.com/qa/153573
def get_FileCreateTime(filePath):
#filePath = unicode(filePath,encoding='utf8')#Python 3 renamed the unicode type to str,
t = os.path.getctime(filePath)
#return TimeStampToTime(t)
return t
def checkLatestLog(folder):
files = os.listdir(folder)
name_latest = ''
t_latest = -1
for i,n in enumerate(files):#这个 i 没什么用,就是写着玩
t = get_FileCreateTime(folder+"\\" + n)#这个拼接代码应该在 win 平台,才能用
if t>t_latest:
t_latest = t
name_latest = n
return folder +"\\" + name_latest#这个代码应该在 win 平台,才能用
filename = sys.argv[1]#全路径吧,(要是相对路径。。。本来可以,现在应该会有问题 ,下面套了逻辑)
thisFilePath= filename
#就是一个很普通的update 循环,也可以不用 with open() 套外面,不过之前代码就是这个逻辑
with open(filename) as fh:
#with open(filename, 'r', 0) as fh:
#with os.fdopen(filename,'wb',0) as fh:
while True:
line = fh.readline()
if not line:
# 加了一个逻辑==判断当前文件夹是否有最新日志
logFilePath = checkLatestLog(os.path.dirname(filename))
fh = open(logFilePath)
thisFilePath = logFilePath
print(".............. 换了一个 log .............." + logFilePath)