package main
import "fmt"
var ch chan int
func elegance(){
v := <-ch
fmt.Println("the ch value receive",v)
func main(){
ch = make(chan int,5)
for i:=0;i<10;i++{
ch <- i
fmt.Println("the ch value send",ch)
go elegance()
fmt.Println("the result i",i)
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the result i 0
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the result i 1
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the ch value receive 0
the ch value receive 1
the result i 2
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the result i 3
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the ch value receive 3
the ch value receive 2
the result i 4
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the result i 5
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the result i 6
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the result i 7
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the result i 8
the ch value send 0xc000088000
the result i 9
package main
import (
// Pool Goroutine Pool
type Pool struct {
queue chan int
wg *sync.WaitGroup
// New 新建一个协程池
func NewPool(size int) *Pool {
if size <= 0 {
size = 1
return &Pool{
queue: make(chan int, size),
wg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
// Add 新增一个执行
func (p *Pool) Add(delta int) {
// delta为正数就添加
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
p.queue <- 1
// delta为负数就减少
for i := 0; i > delta; i-- {
// Done 执行完成减一
func (p *Pool) Done() {
// Wait 等待Goroutine执行完毕
func (p *Pool) Wait() {
func main() {
// 这里限制为CPU内核数
cores := runtime.NumCPU()
pool := NewPool(cores)
fmt.Println("the NumGoroutine begin is:", runtime.NumGoroutine())
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
go func(i int) {
fmt.Println("the currentNum is:", i)
fmt.Println("the NumGoroutine continue is:", runtime.NumGoroutine())
fmt.Println("the NumGoroutine done is:", runtime.NumGoroutine())
the NumGoroutine begin is: 1
the currentNum is: 1
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 0
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 2
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 3
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 6
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 7
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 5
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 4
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 9
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 10
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 11
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 8
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 13
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 14
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 15
the currentNum is: 12
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 18
the NumGoroutine continue is: 5
the currentNum is: 17
the NumGoroutine continue is: 4
the currentNum is: 16
the NumGoroutine continue is: 3
the currentNum is: 19
the NumGoroutine continue is: 2
the NumGoroutine done is: 1
其中,Go的GOMAXPROCS默认值已经设置为CPU的核数, 这里允许我们的Go程序充分使用机器的每一个CPU,最大程度的提高我们程序的并发性能。runtime.NumGoroutine函数在被调用后,会返回系统中的处于特定状态的Goroutine的数量。这里的特指是指 Grunnable\Gruning\Gsyscall\Gwaition。处于这些状态的Groutine即被看做是活跃的或者说正在被调度。