赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 062 Practice Makes Perfect 熟能生巧


I. Dialog 实用会话

Customer: Can you help me gift-wrap this, please?
Salesgirl: Sure. (after a while)
Customer: Wow! You did that beautifully.
Salesgirl: Well, I practice daily.
Customer: Practice makes perfect, right?
Salesgirl: Certainly!


II. Key Points 重点提示

  1. Can you help me gift-wrap this, please?
    a. gift-wrap ['ɡift,ræp] vt. 将······包装成礼品
    例: My wife and I gift-wrapped our children's Christmas gifts last night.
    b. Can you help me gift-wrap this, please?
    =Can you help me to gift-wrap this, please?
    例: I helped him to write the letter.
    = I helped him write the letter.
  2. wow [wou] int.哇 !
  3. practice ['præktɪs] n. & vi. 练 习
  4. daily ['delɪ] adv. 每天 (= every day)
    例: Dave jogs daily at 6:30 in the morning.
  5. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。(谚语)
    perfect [ˈpɝfɪkt; (for v.) pɝˈfɛkt] a.完美的
  6. certainly ['sɝtnli] adv. 当然 (= sure)

III. 请选出下列各句中正确的一项

  1. The other day I ____ a very good movie.
    (A) will see (B) saw (C) watch (D) see
  2. Roger believes that someday he ____ an English professor.
    (A) will be (B) will (C)was (D) is
  3. Steve ____ fast.
    (A) very read (B) reading very (C) read much (D) reads very
  4. My father works slowly and ____.
    (A) very happy (B) happy (C) happily (D) is happily
  5. In the beginning, Chris was very sad; ____ in the end, he was happy.
    (A) so (B) but (C) moreover (D) as a result
  6. He helped me ____ the problem.
    (A) handle (B) handled (C) handling (D) to handled

解答→ 1.(B) 2.(A) 3.(D) 4.(C) 5.(B) 6.(A)

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