
Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 词根笔记(2)AM





AM comes from the Latin amare,"to love." The Roman god of love was known by two different names, Cupid and AmorAmiable means "friendly or good-natured," and amigo is Spanish for"friend."

AM来自拉丁语amare,“去爱”。 罗马的爱神以丘比特(Cupid)和埃莫(Amor)这两个名字而闻名。Amiable的意思是“友善或和善的”,amigo是西班牙语中的“朋友”的。


Friendly, peaceful.(关系)友好的,和睦的

Their relations with their in-laws(姻亲) were generally amicable, despite some bickering(斗嘴) during the holidays.

Amicable often describes relations between two groups, or especially two nations—for example, the United States and Canada, which are proud of sharing the longest unguarded border in the world. So we often speak of an amicable meeting or an amicable settlement. When amicable describes more personal relations, it may indicate a rather formal friendliness. But it's always nice when two friends who've been quarreling manage to have an amicable conversation and to say amicable good-byes at the end.


Charmed or fascinated; inflamed with love.倾心的,被迷住的

Rebecca quickly became enamored of the town's rustic(乡村的;质朴的) surroundings, its slow pace, and its eccentric(古怪的;怪异的) characters.

Computer hackers(黑客) are always enamored of their new programs and games. Millions of readers have found themselves enamored with Jane Austen's novels. And Romeo and Juliet were, of course, utterly(完全地)enamored of each other. But we also often use the word in negative contexts: A friend at work may complain that she's not enamored of the new boss, and when you start talking about how you're not enamored with the neighbors it may be time to move.(Note that both of and with are commonly used after enamored.)


Having or showing strong feelings of attraction or love.多情的;性欲的;性爱的

It turned out that the amorous Congressman(议员) had gotten his girlfriend a good job and was paying for her apartment.

A couple smooching(拥吻) on a park bench could be called amorous, or a young married couple who are always hugging and kissing. But the word is often used a bit sarcastically(讽刺的), as when a tabloid newspaper(通俗小报) gets hold of some scandalous(揭发丑闻的) photos and calls the participants "the amorous pair." In such cases, we may be encouraged to think the attraction is more physical than emotional.

4.paramour/ˈpærəmʊə $ -mʊr/

A lover, often secret, not allowed by law or custom.情人;情妇;情夫

He had been coming to the house for two years before her brothers realized that he was actually the paramour of their shy and withdrawn(内向的) sister.

Paramour came to English from French (a language based on Latin), though the modern French don't use the word. Since paramour meant "through love," it implies a relationship based solely on love, often physical love, rather than on social custom or ceremony. So today it tends to refer to the lover of a married man or woman, but may be used for any lover who isn't obeying the social rules.
