看了《The end of the fucking world》, 感触最深的是Alessay 的随性,无拘无束。也越来越认同,生命中最重要的时刻往往产生于最平凡的那天。一次日常的家庭party, 让Alassay 鼓起勇气迈出家门,去找男朋友James, 之后两人就再也没回家。Alessay 去找她的爸爸—a drug dealer, a totally asshole, In this process, They killed a man for self-defence, and they robbed petrol at station. Since they have no money, no house, no food, they have nothing but each other, they had to do a lot of illegal things, as a result, they were targeted by the police. In the end, Alassay found her father, but after a few yummy days for reunite, they were arrest by the police. 他们是没有家庭庇护的小孩,越来越表现一种反社会和暴力倾向,当两人中的一个人放在人群中时,it’s harmful to other people, but they are good to each other when they are together, It appears to me that that’s why they fell in love with each other so deeply. It’s necessary to find someone similar to you to be your friend.也越来越让我反思,我们如何面对小孩子,他们是相信我们的,但有时出于对大人的恐惧,彼此之间无法真正敞开心扉,聆听真正的声音。我想, for world peace, we’d better try our best to satisfy children’s proper needs, even sacrificing our own interests.