
plod 沉重缓慢地走:walk heavily
trudge 吃力而笨拙地走:heavily or clumsily
abet v.帮助,怂恿:assist or support;v.鼓励:encourage
ancillary 次要的:secondary importance;辅助的,补充的:auxiliary, supplementary
conducive 有益的,有促进作用的:promote
extricate 使解脱,救出:free entanglement
largesse 捐赠物:without expectation of a return;慷慨:liberality
obliging 乐于助人的:do favors
patronize 赞助:provide aid;以高人一等的态度对待:treat haughtily
salvage (从灾难中)抢救:save from loss
succor 救援,援助:aid
encompass 组成,包含:include;包围:envelop
conserve 保存,避免浪费:keep avoid wasteful
fail-safe 保险措施:to preclude loss or injury;万无一失的:no chance of failure
harbor 提供住处,隐匿:provide habitat;心怀,牢记:keep in one’s mind
safeguard 保护措施:prevent accident;保护:make safe
talisman 护身符:bring good luck, keep away evil
uphold 支持,赞成:support
vouch 担保,声称为真:give a guarantee
requite 酬谢,报答:make repayment;报仇:punish in kind
retaliate 报复,反击:pay back
retribution 报酬,报应:reward or punishment
revenge 报复,复仇:retaliating;为...复仇:retaliating in kind
vindictive 复仇的,有寻仇倾向的:seek revenge
knit 编织(纱线):interlacing yarn with needles;连接,联系:join closely
debase 贬低,贬损:lower standing
depreciate 贬低…的价值:lower value;轻视:lower estimation, esteem
descend 下降:downward;世代相传:pass by inheritance
detract 贬低,降低价值:diminish;使分心:draw attention
disparage 贬低;轻蔑地说:lower, disrespectful
distain 贬损,伤害(某人的)名誉:lose honor, respect, reputation;弄脏:dirty
downplay 轻描淡写:,不予重视:minimize significance
epithet 外号,绰号:descriptive name
pejorative 轻蔑的,贬低的:disparaging
decry 强烈反对,否定:strong disapproval
demote 降职,降级:a lower grade
entangle 使卷入,使纠缠:twist confused mass;使变复杂或困难:complex or difficult
ravel 解开,松开:separate strands;阐明:clarity by separating;使纠缠,使复杂化:tangle
tangle 困惑,不解:perplexity;纠缠,使....纠结:in a snare
gobble 狼吞虎咽:eat greedily
guzzle 狂饮:drink greedily
imbibe 喝水,摄取水分:take in liquid
ingest 摄入,咽下:take into body
nibble 准确,精准:careful details;细微之处:fine point
nip 少量:small amount;小口吃喝:in small amounts
peck 大量:considerable amount;(不情愿地)小口咬:in small bites
potable 饮品,尤指有酒精饮料:beverage;适于饮用的:suitable for drinking
quaff 大口地喝:drink heartily
slake 使满足:satisfy
discrepancy (在事实和宣称之间的)差异或矛盾:divergence, disagreement
paradox 表面矛盾实际可能正确的话,悖论:opposed to commonsense
rift 分裂,不和:break friendly;使开裂:break
variance 不一致,不和谐:lack harmony
ambivalent (尤指感情、态度)矛盾的:opposing feelings
embed 嵌入:enclose
extract 用力拔出:take out
impenetrable 不可渗透的,不可穿透的:impossible to get through;难以理解的:incapable of being comprehended
spiny 多刺的:spines;棘手的,麻烦的:requiring exceptional skill
beset 使苦恼,骚扰:cause persistent suffering;攻击,袭击:set upon
antagonize 与...敌对,反对:opposition, counteract; 激怒:incur, provoke, hostility
boycott 联合抵制,拒绝参与:concerted refusal
confront 直接对抗,直面:face to face
defy 反抗,违抗:go against
demonstrate (通过证据)证明,表明:make clear using examples;使明白易懂:make plain or understandable;表现,表露:make known
demur 表示异议,反对:opposition, objection;犹豫:doubt acceptability qualm
deprecate 不喜欢:unfavorable opinion;贬低,轻视:express scornfully;降低…的重要性,使低调:play down
dissent 持异议,不同意:differ;反对正统:departure accepted;不和谐:lack harmony
quibble 吹毛求疵:criticize, cavil;牵强之词:微不足道的差别或不切中要点的异议,小反对:minor objection
recalcitrant 顽抗的,不顺从的:resistance defiance
refute 否认:declare not to be true;证明为假,证伪:prove wrong
retort (尤指机智的)回应,回答:quick, witty reply
riot 喧闹,暴乱:public violence
contradict 否认,反驳;与...相矛盾:contrary
apostasy 放弃宗教信仰:renunciation, faith; 变节,背叛:abandonment, previous loyalty
disaffected 不满的,叛逆的:discontented
insurgent 叛乱分子:opposes authority
perfidy 不忠,背信弃义:disloyalty
revolt 使厌恶,使反感:fill with disgust;反叛:renounce allegiance
treacherous 背叛的:betrayal
collaborate 合作:work jointly
renege 放弃,摒弃:formally reject
abnegate 否认:deny,renounce;投降,放弃,交出(权力等):surrender,relinquish
buck 阻止,反对:refuse assent; 转移,交接:shift possession
disavow 拒绝承认,否认:disclaim
gainsay 否认:declare false;反对:oppose
negation 否定:opposite
rebuff 严词拒绝:reject
veto 否决,禁止:forbid, prohibit
disprove 反驳,证明为假:prove to be false
override 不顾:set aside
meddle 干涉,管闲事:intrude
reciprocate 往复运动:forward and backward;报答,回报:return
unrequited 无报答的,无报酬的:not reciprocated
beholden 欠他人人情的:owing gratitude
depose 宣誓作证:testify;废黜,罢免:remove from a throne;摆放:arrange
dispatch 迅速:promptness;发送,派遣:one place to another;使死亡:deprive life;获胜,胜过…:victory
initiate 创造,发动促进:cause beginning;刚入门的新手:person initiation
instate 任命:establish rank
matriculate 入学;录取:admit or be admitted
sinecure 美差:requires little or no work
vulnerable 易受攻击的,脆弱的:open to attack
enfranchise 给予…权力(例如选举权):endow rights;解放:set free
issue (有争议的)话题,议题:matter that is in dispute;发布(期刊)等:produce and release;(使)流出:flow out
proffer 献出,提供:offer
purvey (大量)供给,供应:supply
quota 配额,限额:proportional
ration 定额供应量,配给量:amount allotted;按比例分配:share or portion
discern 识别,辨别差异:perceive, detect
goggle 凝视:look
leer 一瞥,斜眼看:sidelong
peep 一瞥:brief look;轻声:slight sound
perambulate 徒步穿越,走过:travel over
perceptible 可察觉的:being perceived
scrutinize 仔细检查:observe great care
squint 斜视,睥睨:glances sideways
glower 怒目而视:stare with anger
align 使排成一行:line; 调准,校准:adjust
amalgamate 合并,混合:combine, unified, unite
coalesce 合并,融合:whole, fuse
confluence 汇合,混合:together same
interlock 连锁,连结:joined closely
mesh 诱捕:catch
nexus 小口咬:small bites
splice 接合,叠接:unite
conflate 混合:turn into a single mass
disenchant 使清醒:free from illusion
bolster 支撑(物):provide support;鼓励、使有精力:boost
buoy 使充满勇气和力量,使振作:courage or strength
embolden 鼓励,使大胆:instill courage
exhort 敦促,力劝:urge strong
expedite 加快进程:speed up the progress
foster 促进,鼓励,培养:help the growth;养育:bring to maturity
goad 刺激,驱使,激发:incite rouse
hearten 给予鼓励,鼓舞:give strength courage, encourage
hortative 鼓励的:exhortation
incite 煽动,激起:provoke
infuse 激怒:make furious
invigorate 使精神,使强壮,鼓舞激励:impart vigor
whet 磨快:sharpen
incentive 刺激,诱因:incites
invidious 惹人反感的:cause discontent;羡慕嫉妒恨的:resentment of another’s possessions
abstain 自我克制,主动戒绝:refrain, by one’s own choice
forbearance 克制,忍耐:tolerance and restraint;友好仁慈的态度:kind, gentle or compassionate treatment
interdict 禁止:forbid;阻止:stop, seize or interrupt
proscribe 禁止,排斥:forbid
contend 竞争,争夺:strive or vie in contest;声明,声称:state as a fact
bulge 凸起:protuberant; 比赛中的优势地位:more favorable condition; 暴涨,突增,在数目或数量上突然而且是临时性的增加:sudden, usually temporary increase; 充满:copiously supplied
dilate (使)膨胀,扩大:enlarge, expand, wide;详细表达:more fully greater detail
distend (使)膨胀:expand
escalate (使)(战争等)升级,扩大:increase
intelligible 可理解的:being understood
misconstrue 误解,曲解:mistake
scrutable 可以理解的:understood comprehensible
comprehend 理解,了解:grasp;包括,包含:contain or hold within
implicit 不言而喻的,心照不宣的:understood though unexpressed;无疑问的,无保留的:without doubt
inexorable 无法劝阻的,不为所动的:not persuaded
captivate 吸引:attract
confound 使困惑:uncertainty;无法区分,混淆:fail to differentiate;证明为假,证伪:false
fluster 使慌乱:put into agitated confusion
labyrinthine 迷宫似的,复杂曲折的:extremely complex structure
nonplus 使迷惑,使困窘:perplex
obfuscate 使困惑,使模糊:confused, opaque
baffle 挫败,阻挠:frustrate or check;使疑惑:mental uncertainty
enthrall (像用魔咒般)吸引:hold the attention
glutinous 胶状的粘的:glue
viscid 有粘性的:glutinous
viscous 粘稠的,粘的:viscid
affix 粘合:attach physically
cling 粘结,粘合:physical sticking;紧贴;坚持:adhere
fragile 易碎的:broken;易受伤的,脆弱的:easily injured
friable 易碎的:easily crumbled
mince 切碎:small pieces;小步走:short steps
scrappy 好斗的,好吵架的:aggressive
obviate 排除,使不必要:unnecessary
preclude 预先阻止:make impossible in advance;排斥:exclude
supplant 排挤,篡夺...的位置:usurp the place of
assess 评估(重要性、尺寸、价值等):determine; 征收费用(如罚款):charge, penalty
ponderable 有价值的,值得考虑的:considerable
supposition 猜想,推测:little or no evidence
adjudicate 裁决,判定:settle
demolition 破坏,毁坏:destroying
mar 污点,坏点:spoils the appearance;破坏,削弱:impair
raze 摧毁,粉碎:destroy completely
sabotage 妨害,破坏:hinder a cause;从事破坏活动,阻止:practice sabotage
subvert 颠覆:overturn
undermine 削弱,破坏:weaken, injure, impair
serrate 锯齿状的:notched
debark (使)下船(飞机、车等);卸(客、货):unload, from a ship or an airplane
dismantle 分解,分拆:pieces, destroy integrity
expurgate 净化(书等),删去(不当处):remove
exorcise 除去:ger rid of
supersede 取代,替代:displace
appealing 吸引人的:attractive, inviting
beseech (急切地)恳求:beg
cadge 乞讨,乞求:beg
entreat 恳求:plead persuade, ask urgently
importune 宏伟壮丽的:impressive
invoke 实施:put into effect;产生,造成:be the cause
supplicate 恳求,乞求:make a request earnest or urgent
conjure 请求,恳求:entreat earnestly;在脑海中浮现,想起:form a mental picture
deportation 放逐:removal from a country
discharge 解雇:dismiss;释放:free;不承担责任:freeing obligation, responsibility
evict 赶出,逐出:expel
ostracize 驱逐:exclude
oust 免职:remove from;驱逐:drive out
repulse 使厌恶,排斥:reject with denial
countermand 取消,撤销:revoke
deplete 耗尽,使衰竭:make complete use
disabuse 打消错误念头,纠正:free from error, fallacy, misconception
stomach 容忍:bear
weather 安全度过(危机等),经受住:come through
boon 恩惠,福利:benefit; 喜欢集体活动的:enjoy the company of others
embark 上船:go abroad;开始从事:start
apprise 通知,告知:inform
assert 断言,肯定地说出:declare, forcefully, aggressively
claim 要求(权利):ask for, right; 断言:state as a fact; 剥夺生命:deprive, life; 权利:right
cogent 令人信服的:convincing; 相关的:pertinent
decipher 破译:interpret;对…有清晰的想法,理解,解读:clear idea
decode 解码:change into ordinary language;对…有清晰的想法,理解,解读:clear idea
elucidate 阐明:make lucid
evince 表明:make known
legend 传奇,传说:popular myth;图例:explanatory list map
paraphrase 转述,意译,改写;in different words
promulgate 校对:find errors and mark corrections
avowal 承认,公开宣称:declaration
explicate 解释,说明:detailed explanation
proclaim 宣告,使...公之于众:declare publicly
incogitant 考虑不周到的,不体谅的:inconsiderate
opine 表达观点;想,认为:express opinions
premeditate 预先考虑:consider beforehand
retrospective 回顾的:looking back
speculate 推测,揣测:take to be true;投机倒买:from market fluctuations
contemplate 沉思,仔细考虑:consider
meditate 思索,沉思:focus
premeditate 预先考虑:consider beforehand
scruple (良心上的)不安:uneasy feeling about the rightness
contravene 违反,反对:violate, oppose
transgress 违背,犯错:fail to keep, commit an offense
counterproductive 反效果的,阻碍预期目标的:not producing desired goal
interrogate 质问,审问:question formally
pry 刺探,打听:inquire closely, curiously;
repartee 机智的回答:witty response;打趣,善意的玩笑:good-natured teasing
advert 引起注意,提到:refer
allure 吸引:attract or delight; 诱惑做(某事)lead, pleasure or advantage
entice 诱使:tempt, lure
entrance 进入权,进入许可:means of entering or participation;使入迷:wonder, enchantment
inducement 动机,刺激源:motive;劝说,游说:pleading with someone to accept
pall 失去兴趣:interest attraction
riveting 吸引人的,极迷人的:absorbing engrossing
tantalize 激起,挑逗,引诱:excite
bewitching 迷人的,令人着迷的:attract
credence 坚信:firm brief
credulous 轻信的,易受骗的:gullible
dogma 教条,信条:doctrine stated authoritatively
credible 可信,值得信赖的:worthy of being accepted
credit 信任,信赖:mental conviction of the truth;表扬,赞扬:acknowledgment or admiration
fabulous 传说中的:fable;幻想中的,不真实的:in the imagination;令人惊讶的,令人称奇的:causing wonder;极好的:extremely pleasing
reel 感到眩晕:from being twirled around;蹒跚地走路:swaying from side to side
elicit 激起,唤起:bring out
probe 深入调查:penetrating investigation
retrieve 寻回,找回:get back again
persecute 迫害,折磨:cause suffering
quash 镇压,阻止:put a stop to
quell 压制:suppress;使平静,使安静:pacify
scotch 停止:put an end to
squelch 压制,镇压(运动):stop by force;击溃,使无言以对:put down or silence
subjugate 征服,镇压:bring under control;剥夺...的自由:make subservient
vanquish 打败,征服:defeat
victimize 使受骗:subject to deception
厌恶 厌恶
abhor vt.深恶痛绝,极度厌恶:extreme repugnance
blasé (过度放纵之后)厌倦享乐的,腻厌的:apathetic
loathe 厌恶:dislike
repel 抵制:fight against;使厌恶:cause aversion
antipathy 厌恶,反感:aversion, dislike;令人反感的事物:objection of aversion
imperative 命令:must be obeyed;命令的,强制性的:forcing one’s compliance;迫切的:needing immediate attention;必要的:impossible to do without
requisite 必需品:something necessary;必不可少的,必备的:necessary
stipulate 规定,特定要求:specify agreement
prerequisite 先决条件,前提:necessary to an end
creep 缓慢地行进:slowly;匍匐前进:body close to the ground
emigrate 移民,移居海外:leave
inch 少量,很短的距离:small degree;(使)慢慢移动:move slowly
migratory 迁移的:moving from one region to another
mobile 可移动的:capable moving;可变的:changeable
motile 能动的:movement
bridle 限制
prohibitive 禁止的,阻止的:prohibit, restrain;(价格高得)抑制购买的:purchase
restrain 限制,控制:limit, restrict
stifle 抑制(声音、呼吸等);阻止,扼杀:hold back
cache 囤货,藏货:supply; 隐藏:hiding
conceal 隐藏,隐瞒:prevent disclosure
dissemble 用假象隐藏真相,掩饰:false
ensconce 安置:settle securely;隐藏:hiding
latent 潜在的,不活跃的:potential, not evident
lurk 潜伏:lie in wait
secluded 僻静的,隐蔽的:hidden
smother 使窒息:killed by lack of air;抑制(表达,说出),压制:refrain
jog 慢跑:movement exercise;唤起:rouse
jolt 突然移动:move sudden;惊吓:unpleasant surprise
plummet 突然下降:decline suddenly
scuff (使)磨损:roughened by wear;脚步拖沓:move heavily
stride 迈大步走:long steps
swagger 大摇大摆地走,趾高气昂地走:arrogant, pompous;自夸,吹嘘:boast
traverse 横穿:pass across
waddle 摇摇摆摆地走:tilt the body from side to side
glide 轻松地行动,轻松地通过:smoothly, continuously, effortlessly
outmaneuver 以谋略取胜:overcome
preponderant 占优势的,更重要的:superior importance
pulverize 将…研磨成粉;将…彻底摧毁:complete end
transcend 超越,超过极限:beyond the limits
accomplish 实现,完成:completion
surmount 战胜,获得胜利:achieve a victory
discord 意见不一致,不和谐:lack agreement, harmony
miff 使恼怒:annoyed
polemic 争执:argument
skirmish 小冲突,争论:minor
squabble 口角,小争吵:quarrel
tiff 小争吵:petty quarrel
wrangle 纷争,争端:differing opinions;争吵:quarrel
belligerent 好斗的,好战的:assertiveness, hostility, combativeness
contentious 引起争论的:argumentative;好争论的,好战的:tendency quarrels
negotiate 商量,谈判:by mutual agreement;谋划:plan out
sophism 假推理,诡辩:deceptive argumentation
substantiate 证实:support with proof;使实体化:give material
testimony 证词,声明:authentication
verify 校验,证实:determine accuracy
vindicate 为...平反,为...辩护,使无罪:free from blame;证明,证实:give evidence
attest 证实,为...作证:give evidence
advocate 支持,提倡:support
allegiance 忠诚:devotion or loyalty
buttress 扶墙:supporting, wall building; 为···提供支撑的证据或者信息:provide evidence or information for
commitment 致力,投入:obligated, impelled; 确信:belief; 承诺,表态:revealing one’s view
corroborate 用证据或权威证实:support with evidence;为…提供证据,支持:provide evidence
espouse 支持;拥护:support;与…结婚:marriage, marry
exponent 倡导者,支持者:advocates;实践者,典型代表:full realization
sling 投掷:send through the air
truss 系紧,扎紧:into a tight mass
undergird 加强,巩固...的底部:strengthen
balk 阻碍:check, obstacle; 不愿接受,拒绝:unwillingness
barricade 障碍物:obstruction, rampart; 用障碍物阻止通过:prevent access
clog 阻碍物:something, movement, progress difficult; 阻碍:difficulty; 堵塞:prevent, through
deter 吓住,威慑:prevent, discourage
dissuade 劝阻,反对:deter persuasion, exhortation
encumber 阻碍,妨碍:impede;给…增添负担:place burden
forestall 预先阻止:prevent beforehand
hamper 阻碍:restrict the movement, impede
impede 妨碍,阻碍:slow the progress of
obstruct 妨碍,给…制造困难:impede, create difficulty;阻挡:prevent passage
rail 猛骂,猛烈抨击:revile or scold
stockade 栅栏,围栏:enclosure;监狱:confinement
stunt 阻碍(成长):hinder growth
stymie 阻碍:present an obstacle
deadlock 僵局:a state of inaction or neutralization;使陷入僵局,使停顿:to a deadlock
