Installing git (OSX)


Installing git (OSX)

There are a number of methods to install git on OSX . This guide details the most common methods.

Pre-compiled Installer

Download and run git-osx-installer


  1. Install MacPorts if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Make sure your ports are up to date.
  3. Install Git (You may want to include Subversion support if you want to import SVN repositories)
$ sudo port selfupdate

MacPorts base version 1.600 installed
Downloaded MacPorts base version 1.600

The MacPorts installation is not outdated and so was not updated
selfupdate done!

$ sudo port install git-core +svn
--->  Installing curl 7.18.2_0
--->  Activating curl 7.18.2_0
--->  Installing openssh 5.0p1_0+darwin_9
--->  Activating openssh 5.0p1_0+darwin_9
--->  Installing p5-error 0.17012_0
--->  Activating p5-error 0.17012_0
--->  Installing popt 1.13_0
--->  Activating popt 1.13_0
--->  Installing rsync 3.0.2_0
--->  Activating rsync 3.0.2_0
--->  Installing git-core
--->  Activating git-core

Compiling git manually

See compiling and installing git on mac os x .
