On Writing Well ch.15


Ch.15 Science and Technology


Anyone who thinks clearly can write clearly, about anything at all



  1. Move with simplicity and logic 其实这一点是所有写作都必须的
  2. The reader knows nothing 想到了在做毕业设计的时候,老师就说不要把评分老师当做是本专业的,就把他想象成一个跟这个领域毫不相关的人,从最基础的写起,以简单的语言来解释你的论文。
  3. Imagine science writing as an upside-down pyramid. There’s no limit to how wide the pyramid can become, but your readers will understand the broad implications only if they start with one narrow fact. 科技类的写作就像是倒金字塔,从一个小点出发,逐层推进,最后讲到比较广阔的层面。其实一个好的老师也是如此,从小例子出发,从基础开始讲,学生也容易接受。
  4. Use your own experience to connect the reader to some mechanism that also touches his life.
  5. Weave a scientific story around someone else.
  6. Relate them to sights they are familiar with. Reduce the abstract principle to an image they can visualize.
  7. To write like a person and not like a scientist.


  • moan; affliction
    "No! Not science!” the moan says. The students have a common affliction: fear of science.
    moan [C] 抱怨声,呻吟声
    e.g. We could hear the moans of someone trapped under the rubble.
    moan 作动词表示呻吟 发牢骚 抱怨,
    moan in/with sth, e.g. moan in/with pain/despair
    moan on about sth, e.g. They are always moaning and groaning about how much they have to do.
    affliction 痛苦,烦恼,折磨
    [造句] Blindness is one of the terrible afflictions.

  • lug
    Both are unnecessary fears to lug through life, and in this chapter I’d like to help you ease whichever one is yours.
    [造句] I'm exhausted after lugging my two suitcases up to the seventh floor.

  • bent
    If you’re a student with a bent for science or technology, don’t assume that the English department has a monopoly on “literature”.
    n. 天赋,一般只用作单数。
    [造句] Chinese students have a bent for mathematics is a common stereotype.
    A head for science
    A gift for words
    A bent for science and technology

  • deign
    They won’t deign to learn to use the simple tools of the English language—precision instruments as refined as any that are used in a physics lab.
    deign to do 屈尊,放下架子去做
    [造句] I won't deign to answer the offensive question.

  • confound
    An equal number of times they have been confounded by the facts.
    此处为证明...是错的,confound也有使某人困惑惊讶的意思 to surprise and confuse someone
    [造句] The football team confounded the prediction and won the game.

  • facet
    I’ve quoted from so many writers, writing about so many facets of the physical world.
    (问题,形势等的)方面,部分 one part of a subject, situation
    [造句] Each facet of the pollution requires careful attention.

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