[读论文]深度孵化 Deep Incubation: Training Large Models by Divide-and-Conquering

Recent years have witnessed a remarkable success of large deep learning models.
However, training these models is challenging due to high computational costs, painfully slow convergence, and overfitting issues.
In this paper, we present Deep Incubation, a novel approach that enables the efficient and effective training of large models by dividing them into smaller sub-modules which can be trained sepa- rately and assembled seamlessly.
A key challenge for im- plementing this idea is to ensure the compatibility of the independently trained sub-modules.
To address this issue, we first introduce a global, shared meta model, which is leveraged to implicitly link all the modules together, and can be designed as an extremely small network with neg- ligible computational overhead.
Then we propose a mod- ule incubation algorithm, which trains each sub-module to replace the corresponding component of the meta model and accomplish a given learning task. Despite the simplicity, our approach effectively encourages each sub-module to be aware of its role in the target large model, such that the finally-learned sub-modules can collaborate with each other smoothly after being assembled.
Empirically, our method outperforms end-to-end (E2E) training in terms of both final accuracy and training efficiency.
For example, on top of ViT-Huge, it improves the accuracy by 2.7% on ImageNet or achieves similar performance with 4× less training time. Notably, the gains are significant for downstream tasks as well (e.g., object detection and image segmentation on COCO and ADE20K).








例如,在viti - huge的基础上,它在ImageNet上的准确率提高了2.7%,或者在训练时间减少4倍的情况下达到类似的性能。值得注意的是,对于下游任务(例如,COCO和ADE20K上的对象检测和图像分割),收益也很显著。

[读论文]深度孵化 Deep Incubation: Training Large Models by Divide-and-Conquering_第1张图片

An illustration of our idea. We first train the sub-modules of a large model fully independently, and then assemble the trained modules to obtain the target model.

[读论文]深度孵化 Deep Incubation: Training Large Models by Divide-and-Conquering_第2张图片

 Figure 2: Comparison of 3 implementations of modular training when training Module II in the target model (K = 3).
In each implementation, the model above is the meta model ˆM
, and the model below is the target model M. L is any measure of distance in feature space, i.e., L1 distance.

LE2E is the original E2E training loss. Modules not involved in the training pipeline are greyed out.

在目标模型中训练模块II (K = 3)时,模块化训练的3种实现方式的比较。
在每个实现中,上面的模型是元模型M *,下面的模型是目标模型M.

[读论文]深度孵化 Deep Incubation: Training Large Models by Divide-and-Conquering_第3张图片

Deep Incubation的整体流水线(K = 3)。


当训练第i个目标模块(记为Mi)时,我们只需将元模型中的第i个元层替换为Mi, 在所有元层固定的情况下,以端到端方式训练生成的混合网络。

1. Introduction

In this paper, we propose a divide-and-conquer strategy to improve the effectiveness (better generalization perfor- mance) and the efficiency (lower training cost) for training large models.
In specific, we divide a large model into smaller sub-modules, train these modules separately, and then assemble them to obtain the final model.
Compared with directly training the whole large network from scratch, starting the learning on top of smaller modules yields a faster and more stable converge process and higher robustness against overfitting.
The independent nature also allows the training of each module to be performed on different machines with no communication needed.
We refer to this paradigm as “modular training”, and illustrate it in Fig. 1.






Importantly, designing an effective modular training mechanism is non-trivial, as there exists a dilemma between independency and compatibility:
although training sub-modules independently enjoys advantages in terms of optimization efficiency and generalization performance, it is challenging to make these modules compatible with each other when assembling them together.
Some preliminary works alleviate this problem by leveraging approximated gradients [19, 11, 18] or local objectives [3, 4, 40], at the price of only achieving partial independency.
However, the modules are still highly entangled during forward propagation, and generally have not exhibited the ability to effectively address the optimization issues faced by training the recently proposed large models (e.g., ViTs, see Tab. 2).





Empirically, extensive experiments of image recognition, object detection and semantic/instance segmentation on competitive benchmarks (e.g., ImageNet-1K [34], ADE20K [47] and COCO [26]) demonstrate the effectiveness of Deep Incubation.
For example, with ViT-H, in terms of the generalization performance, Deep Incubation improves the accuracy by 2.7% on ImageNet and the mIoU by 3.4 on ADE20K compared to E2E baseline.
From the lens of training efficiency, Deep Incubation can achieve performance similar to E2E training with 4× less training cost.


例如,对于vit,在泛化性能方面,与E2E基线相比,Deep Incubation在ImageNet上的精度提高了2.7%,在ADE20K上的mIoU提高了3.4。

从训练效率的角度来看,Deep Incubation可以达到与E2E训练相似的训练效果,而训练成本只有E2E训练的4倍。

. Related Work

Decoupled learning of neural networks is receiving more and more attention due to its biological plausibility and its potential in accelerating the model training process.
Auxiliary variable methods [37, 46, 1, 24] achieve a certain level of decoupling with strong convergence guarantees.
Another line of research [5, 25, 22, 29] uses biologically motivated methods to achieve decoupled learning. Using auxiliary networks [3, 4, 40] to achieve local supervision is also a way to achieve decoupling.
However, most above methods focus on decoupling modules during back-propagation, while the modules are still highly entangled during forward propagation.
In contrast, our modular training process com- pletely decouples the modules and optimizes each of them independently.






Model stitching [23, 2, 10] aims to build hybrid models by “stitching” model parts from different pre-trained model with stitch layers.
The aim is usually to investigate the internal representation similarity of different neural networks.
A recent work [42] also applies model stitching to transfer the knowledge of pre-trained models for downstream tasks.
However, the models obtained by stitching are limited by the architecture and training dataset of the pre-trained models, while our method is a general training paradigm that can be applied to any novel architectures and new datasets.





Knowledge distillation [17, 33, 35] trains a small student model to mimic the behavior of a larger model, thus transferring knowledge from the teacher model to the student model and achieves model compression.
This imitative fea- ture has some resemblance to a naïve variant of our method, which is called Module Imitation (see Fig. 2 (b)).
However, they are essentially different. Specifically, the meta models in our work are much smaller than the target models, while in knowledge distillation the teacher networks are typically larger and ore powerful than the student networks.
Moreover, our goal is not to compress a large model into a smaller one, but to effectively train a large model with the help of a small meta model.


这种模仿功能与我们方法的naïve变体有一些相似之处,称为模块模仿(见图2 (b))。




3. Deep Incubation
As aforementioned, training large models is typically challenging, e.g ., the learning process tends to be unstable, resource/data-hungry, and vulnerable to overfifitting.
To tackle these challenges, we propose Deep Incubation, a divide-and-conquer strategy that improves the
effectiveness and effificiency of large model training.
In this section, we introduce the concept of modular training.
By discussing the diffificulties it faces, we present our Deep Incubation approach and summarize it in Alg.
1 and Fig. 3 .
Modular training fifirst divides a large model into smaller modules, and then optimizes each module independently.
As modern neural networks are generally constituted by a stack of layers, it is natural to divide the model along the depth dimension.








Formally, given a large target model M  with n layers, we can divide M into K ( K n ) modules:
where represents function composition.
Then, each module
M i is trained independently in modular training.
In this way, the cumbersome task of directly training a large model is decomposed into easier sub-tasks of training small modules.
Moreover, these sub-tasks can be distributed to different machines and executed in full parallel, with no communication needed.
After this process, we can simply assemble the trained modules, thus avoiding training the large model directly from scratch.
Therefore, if implemented properly, modular training can be a highly effective and effificient way for large model training.
However, designing a proper modular training mechanism is a non-trivial task. In the following, we discuss in detail the challenges and present our solutions.








Dilemma I: independency vs . compatibility. At the core of modular training is the requirement of independency .
However, if the modules are trained completely unaware of other modules, they may have low compatibility between each other, hence negatively affecting the performance of the assembled model. 
Solution: meta model. We argue the root of the above dilemma is that, the requirement of independency prevents the explicit information exchange between modules.
Consequently, the modules cannot adapt to each other during training, causing the incompatible issue. Driven by this analysis, we propose to address the dilemma by introducing
a global, shared meta-model ˆM∗ to enable implicit information exchange between the modules. Notably, the meta model ˆ M∗ is designed to have the same number of modules
as the target model M :





一个全局的、共享的元模型{M *}使模块之间的隐式信息交换成为可能。值得注意的是,元模型M *被设计为具有相同数量的模块

