图源论文:Comprehensive Assessment of Coronary Calcification in Intravascular OCT Using a Spatial-Temporal Encoder-Decoder Network
那么Bland-Altman图表达了什么呢?Bland-Altman图是散点图,设对 K K K 个样本的测量,医生测量值为 X = { x 1 , … , x K } X = \left\{ {{x_1}, \ldots ,{x_K}} \right\} X={x1,…,xK},模型测量值为 Y = { y 1 , … , y K } Y = \left\{ {{y_1}, \ldots ,{y_K}} \right\} Y={y1,…,yK},对于每一个样本,一般情况下,Bland-Altman图中的纵坐标为 x i {x_i} xi 与 y i {y_i} yi 的差值,横坐标为 x i {x_i} xi 与 y i {y_i} yi 差值的均值。
(1)数据录入:File→New 新建一个data,录入数据,类似于excel表格
(2)绘制Bland-Altman图:Statistics→Method comparison→Bland & Altman plot
①First/Second method: 分别选择两组数据
②Plot against(X-axis): 横坐标x轴,一般选择Average of both methods
Average of both methods: 两组数据的平均值
First/Second method: 以其中一组数据为横坐标
Geometric mean of both methods: 两组数据的几何平均数
Plot differences: 两组数据的差值
Plot difference as %: 两组数据差值占均值的百分比,当差异的可变性随着测量幅度的增加而增加时,此选项非常有用。
Plot ratios: 绘制两组数据的比值而非差值,当差异的可变性随着测量幅度的增加而增加时,该选项也很有用,然而,当First/Second method任何一种包含零值时,程序将给出警告。
Draw line of equality (difference=0) : 绘制差值 d=0 的横线,用于检测系统差异
Draw lines for 95%CI of mean of difference: 绘制差值平均值的95%置信区间,平均差异的95% CI说明了系统性差异的大小。如果差值 d=0 的横线不在区间内,则存在显著的系统差异。
Draw lines for 95% CI of limits of agreement: 显示一致性上限和下限的95%置信区间的线条。
Draw regression line of differences: 绘制差值的回归线,并可以给出回归线 95% 置信区间(95% Confidence Interval)
图中上下两条 棕色水平虚线 表示 95%一致性界限的上下限,中间的 蓝色水平实线 代表差值的平均值,橘黄色水平虚线 表示差值平均值为 0 的位置,绿色的虚点画线 为差值平均值的95%置信区间; 两种方法测量结果的一致程度越高,代表差值平均数的线( 蓝色实线 )就越接近代表差值平均数为 0 的线( 橘黄色虚线 )。
在Bland-Altman图上右键→info 可以查看详细数据信息
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def bland_altman_plot(data1, data2, *args, **kwargs):
data1 = np.asarray(data1)
data2 = np.asarray(data2)
mean = np.mean([data1, data2], axis=0) # data1与data2的均值
diff = data1 - data2 # data1与data2的差值
md = np.mean(diff) # data1与data2差值的平均值
sd = np.std(diff, axis=0) # data1与data2差值的标准差
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Times New Roman']
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'whitesmoke'
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 5), dpi=300)
ax = plt.axes()
plt.axhline(md, color='purple', linestyle='-.', lw=2, zorder=1)
plt.axhline(md + 1.96 * sd, color=sns.color_palette()[3], linestyle='--', lw=2, zorder=1)
print('差值的均值为:%.3f (%.3f ~ %.3f)' % (md, md - 1.96 * sd, md + 1.96 * sd))
plt.axhline(md - 1.96 * sd, color=sns.color_palette()[3], linestyle='--', lw=2)
plt.scatter(mean, diff, *args, **kwargs, marker="o", s=60, color="", edgecolor="royalblue", alpha=1, zorder=2)
plt.ylim(-0.2, 0.7)
# 区间上界
plt.text(max(mean) + 0.008, md + 1.96 * sd + 0.015, '1.96 SD', fontsize=14)
plt.text(max(mean) + 0.070, md + 1.96 * sd - 0.045, '%.3f' % (md + 1.96 * sd), fontsize=14)
# 均值线
plt.text(max(mean) + 0.070, md + 0.015, 'Mean', fontsize=14)
plt.text(max(mean) + 0.070, md - 0.045, '%.3f' % md, fontsize=14)
# 区间下界
plt.text(max(mean) - 0.045, md - 1.96 * sd + 0.015, '-1.96 SD', fontsize=14)
plt.text(max(mean) - 0.010, md - 1.96 * sd - 0.045, '%.3f' % (md - 1.96 * sd), fontsize=14)
plt.xlabel("Mean value between doctor and model", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Difference between doctor and model", fontsize=16)
plt.tick_params(width=1.5, labelsize=14)
data1 = [5.49, 3.41, 5.25, 4.41, 4.07, 5.94, 5.76, 4.81, 5.77, 4.84,
4.50, 4.53, 6.25, 5.33, 5.15, 5.38, 4.98, 6.37, 5.67, 4.52,
5.26, 5.79, 4.58, 5.00, 4.89, 4.80, 4.69, 4.80, 4.92, 5.52,
4.03, 3.26, 4.99, 5.17, 3.91, 4.07, 4.96, 4.81, 3.99, 7.03,
3.99, 5.74, 4.73, 5.04, 4.72, 5.23, 4.78, 4.58, 4.45, 4.22,
4.95, 5.23, 4.63, 4.82, 4.90, 4.32, 3.79, 4.99, 4.29, 4.76,
4.60, 4.20, 6.45, 4.15, 4.68, 4.99, 5.09, 5.23, 5.04, 4.31,
5.27, 4.33, 5.95, 3.66, 6.32, 4.49, 4.14, 5.32, 6.12, 4.19]
data2 = [5.41, 3.21, 5.15, 4.38, 3.89, 5.76, 5.40, 4.61, 5.44, 4.39,
4.57, 4.46, 5.86, 4.99, 4.82, 5.22, 4.97, 6.03, 5.18, 4.46,
5.04, 5.31, 4.37, 4.81, 4.54, 4.29, 4.69, 4.68, 4.67, 5.38,
3.92, 3.21, 4.87, 5.00, 3.58, 3.80, 4.75, 4.80, 3.89, 6.77,
3.84, 5.49, 4.47, 4.39, 4.64, 5.11, 4.66, 4.41, 4.43, 3.96,
4.89, 4.99, 4.50, 4.67, 4.61, 4.09, 3.64, 4.60, 4.21, 4.55,
4.65, 4.13, 6.09, 3.94, 4.53, 4.74, 5.01, 4.71, 4.41, 4.13,
5.18, 4.18, 5.29, 3.47, 6.09, 4.39, 3.94, 5.17, 5.82, 3.96]
bland_altman_plot(data1, data2)