python实现与MATLAB接近的bicubic imresize(pytorch 与 numpy版)

An pytorch implementation of imresize function in MATLAB with bicubic kernel.

python实现与MATLAB接近的bicubic imresize(pytorch 与 numpy版)_第1张图片

pytorch 版本

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np

class bicubic_imresize(nn.Module):
    An pytorch implementation of imresize function in MATLAB with bicubic kernel.
    def __init__(self):
        super(bicubic_imresize, self).__init__()

    def cubic(self, x):
        absx = torch.abs(x)
        absx2 = torch.abs(x) * torch.abs(x)
        absx3 = torch.abs(x) * torch.abs(x) * torch.abs(x)

        condition1 = (absx <= 1).to(torch.float32)
        condition2 = ((1 < absx) & (absx <= 2)).to(torch.float32)

        f = (1.5 * absx3 - 2.5 * absx2 + 1) * condition1 + (-0.5 * absx3 + 2.5 * absx2 - 4 * absx + 2) * condition2
        return f

    def contribute(self, in_size, out_size, scale, cuda_flag):
        kernel_width = 4
        if scale < 1:
            kernel_width = 4 / scale
        x0 = torch.arange(start=1, end=out_size[0] + 1).to(torch.float32)
        x1 = torch.arange(start=1, end=out_size[1] + 1).to(torch.float32)
        if cuda_flag:
            x0 = x0.cuda()
            x1 = x1.cuda()

        u0 = x0 / scale + 0.5 * (1 - 1 / scale)
        u1 = x1 / scale + 0.5 * (1 - 1 / scale)

        left0 = torch.floor(u0 - kernel_width / 2)
        left1 = torch.floor(u1 - kernel_width / 2)

        P = np.ceil(kernel_width) + 2

        if cuda_flag:
            indice0 = left0.unsqueeze(1) + torch.arange(start=0, end=P).to(torch.float32).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
            indice1 = left1.unsqueeze(1) + torch.arange(start=0, end=P).to(torch.float32).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
            indice0 = left0.unsqueeze(1) + torch.arange(start=0, end=P).to(torch.float32).unsqueeze(0)
            indice1 = left1.unsqueeze(1) + torch.arange(start=0, end=P).to(torch.float32).unsqueeze(0)

        mid0 = u0.unsqueeze(1) - indice0.unsqueeze(0)
        mid1 = u1.unsqueeze(1) - indice1.unsqueeze(0)

        if scale < 1:
            weight0 = scale * self.cubic(mid0 * scale)
            weight1 = scale * self.cubic(mid1 * scale)
            weight0 = self.cubic(mid0)
            weight1 = self.cubic(mid1)

        weight0 = weight0 / (torch.sum(weight0, 2).unsqueeze(2))
        weight1 = weight1 / (torch.sum(weight1, 2).unsqueeze(2))

        if cuda_flag:
            indice0 = torch.min(torch.max(torch.FloatTensor([1]).cuda(), indice0),
            indice1 = torch.min(torch.max(torch.FloatTensor([1]).cuda(), indice1),
            indice0 = torch.min(torch.max(torch.FloatTensor([1]), indice0),
            indice1 = torch.min(torch.max(torch.FloatTensor([1]), indice1),

        kill0 = torch.eq(weight0, 0)[0][0]
        kill1 = torch.eq(weight1, 0)[0][0]

        weight0 = weight0[:, :, kill0 == 0]
        weight1 = weight1[:, :, kill1 == 0]

        indice0 = indice0[:, :, kill0 == 0]
        indice1 = indice1[:, :, kill1 == 0]

        return weight0, weight1, indice0, indice1

    def forward(self, input, scale=1 / 4):
        [b, c, h, w] = input.shape
        output_size = [b, c, int(h * scale), int(w * scale)]
        cuda_flag = input.is_cuda

        weight0, weight1, indice0, indice1 = self.contribute([h, w], [int(h * scale), int(w * scale)], scale, cuda_flag)
        weight0 = weight0.squeeze(0)
        indice0 = indice0.squeeze(0).long()
        out = input[:, :, (indice0 - 1), :] * (weight0.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(4))
        out = (torch.sum(out, dim=3))
        A = out.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)

        weight1 = weight1.squeeze(0)

        indice1 = indice1.squeeze(0).long()
        out = A[:, :, (indice1 - 1), :] * (weight1.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(4))
        out = torch.sum(out, dim=3).permute(0, 1, 3, 2)
        return out

numpy 版本


from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from math import ceil, floor
from skimage import img_as_float

def deriveSizeFromScale(img_shape, scale):
    output_shape = []
    for k in range(2):
        output_shape.append(int(ceil(scale[k] * img_shape[k])))
    return output_shape

def deriveScaleFromSize(img_shape_in, img_shape_out):
    scale = []
    for k in range(2):
        scale.append(1.0 * img_shape_out[k] / img_shape_in[k])
    return scale

def triangle(x):
    x = np.array(x).astype(np.float64)
    lessthanzero = np.logical_and((x >= -1), x < 0)
    greaterthanzero = np.logical_and((x <= 1), x >= 0)
    f = np.multiply((x + 1), lessthanzero) + np.multiply((1 - x), greaterthanzero)
    return f

def cubic(x):
    x = np.array(x).astype(np.float64)
    absx = np.absolute(x)
    absx2 = np.multiply(absx, absx)
    absx3 = np.multiply(absx2, absx)
    f = np.multiply(1.5 * absx3 - 2.5 * absx2 + 1, absx <= 1) + np.multiply(-0.5 * absx3 + 2.5 * absx2 - 4 * absx + 2,
                                                                            (1 < absx) & (absx <= 2))
    return f

def contributions(in_length, out_length, scale, kernel, k_width):
    if scale < 1:
        h = lambda x: scale * kernel(scale * x)
        kernel_width = 1.0 * k_width / scale
        h = kernel
        kernel_width = k_width
    x = np.arange(1, out_length + 1).astype(np.float64)
    u = x / scale + 0.5 * (1 - 1 / scale)
    left = np.floor(u - kernel_width / 2)
    P = int(ceil(kernel_width)) + 2
    ind = np.expand_dims(left, axis=1) + np.arange(P) - 1  # -1 because indexing from 0
    indices = ind.astype(np.int32)
    weights = h(np.expand_dims(u, axis=1) - indices - 1)  # -1 because indexing from 0
    weights = np.divide(weights, np.expand_dims(np.sum(weights, axis=1), axis=1))
    aux = np.concatenate((np.arange(in_length), np.arange(in_length - 1, -1, step=-1))).astype(np.int32)
    indices = aux[np.mod(indices, aux.size)]
    ind2store = np.nonzero(np.any(weights, axis=0))
    weights = weights[:, ind2store]
    indices = indices[:, ind2store]
    return weights, indices

def imresizemex(inimg, weights, indices, dim):
    in_shape = inimg.shape
    w_shape = weights.shape
    out_shape = list(in_shape)
    out_shape[dim] = w_shape[0]
    outimg = np.zeros(out_shape)
    if dim == 0:
        for i_img in range(in_shape[1]):
            for i_w in range(w_shape[0]):
                w = weights[i_w, :]
                ind = indices[i_w, :]
                im_slice = inimg[ind, i_img].astype(np.float64)
                outimg[i_w, i_img] = np.sum(np.multiply(np.squeeze(im_slice, axis=0), w.T), axis=0)
    elif dim == 1:
        for i_img in range(in_shape[0]):
            for i_w in range(w_shape[0]):
                w = weights[i_w, :]
                ind = indices[i_w, :]
                im_slice = inimg[i_img, ind].astype(np.float64)
                outimg[i_img, i_w] = np.sum(np.multiply(np.squeeze(im_slice, axis=0), w.T), axis=0)
    if inimg.dtype == np.uint8:
        outimg = np.clip(outimg, 0, 255)
        return np.around(outimg).astype(np.uint8)
        return outimg

def imresizevec(inimg, weights, indices, dim):
    wshape = weights.shape
    if dim == 0:
        weights = weights.reshape((wshape[0], wshape[2], 1, 1))
        outimg = np.sum(weights * ((inimg[indices].squeeze(axis=1)).astype(np.float64)), axis=1)
    elif dim == 1:
        weights = weights.reshape((1, wshape[0], wshape[2], 1))
        outimg = np.sum(weights * ((inimg[:, indices].squeeze(axis=2)).astype(np.float64)), axis=2)
    if inimg.dtype == np.uint8:
        outimg = np.clip(outimg, 0, 255)
        return np.around(outimg).astype(np.uint8)
        return outimg

def resizeAlongDim(A, dim, weights, indices, mode="vec"):
    if mode == "org":
        out = imresizemex(A, weights, indices, dim)
        out = imresizevec(A, weights, indices, dim)
    return out

def imresize(I, scalar_scale=None, method='bicubic', output_shape=None, mode="vec"):
    if I.dtype=='uint8' or np.max(I)>2:
        I = img_as_float(I)

    if method == 'bicubic':
        kernel = cubic
    elif method == 'bilinear':
        kernel = triangle
        raise ValueError('unidentified kernel method supplied')

    kernel_width = 4.0
    # Fill scale and output_size
    if scalar_scale is not None and output_shape is not None:
        raise ValueError('either scalar_scale OR output_shape should be defined')
    if scalar_scale is not None:
        scalar_scale = float(scalar_scale)
        scale = [scalar_scale, scalar_scale]
        output_size = deriveSizeFromScale(I.shape, scale)
    elif output_shape is not None:
        scale = deriveScaleFromSize(I.shape, output_shape)
        output_size = list(output_shape)
        raise ValueError('either scalar_scale OR output_shape should be defined')
    scale_np = np.array(scale)
    order = np.argsort(scale_np)
    weights = []
    indices = []
    for k in range(2):
        w, ind = contributions(I.shape[k], output_size[k], scale[k], kernel, kernel_width)
    B = np.copy(I)
    flag2D = False
    if B.ndim == 2:
        B = np.expand_dims(B, axis=2)
        flag2D = True
    for k in range(2):
        dim = order[k]
        B = resizeAlongDim(B, dim, weights[dim], indices[dim], mode)
    if flag2D:
        B = np.squeeze(B, axis=2)

    im_out = convertDouble2Byte(B)
    return im_out

def convertDouble2Byte(I):
    B = np.clip(I, 0.0, 1.0)
    B = 255 * B
    return np.around(B).astype(np.uint8)

if __name__ =='__main__':
    from skimage import io
    from skimage.measure import compare_psnr as psnr

    im = io.imread('E:\\DATA\\retina\\clean_001_clahe.png')
    im_r = imresize(im, output_shape=[h//2,w//2])
    im_r2= imresize(im_r, output_shape=[h,w])
    print(psnr(im_r2,im))   # 26.2788  (MATLAB: 26.2772)

    im = io.imread('E:\\DATA\\Set5\\original\\butterfly.png')
    im_r = imresize(im, output_shape=[h//2,w//2, c])
    im_r2= imresize(im_r, output_shape=[h,w,c])
    print(psnr(im_r2,im))   # 26.1284  (MATLAB: 26.1249)
