self.ditch = [] # 定义一个沟渠的列表 可以初始化
self.ditch_inside = [] #用于定义一个矩阵,让积水点不能在这个范围内初始化
# 920
at present, using different no to represent objects.
river 1
road 2
wall 3
indoor 4
exits 5
pillar 6
ditch 7
self.river_matrix = np.zeros((self.grid.width, self.grid.height)) # initializing river matrix
self.road_matrix = np.zeros((self.grid.width, self.grid.height)) # initializing road matrix
self.wall_matrix = np.zeros((self.grid.width, self.grid.height)) # initializing wall matrix
self.indoor_matrix = np.zeros((self.grid.width, self.grid.height)) # initializing indoor matrix
self.exits_matrix = np.zeros((self.grid.width, self.grid.height)) # initializing exits matrix
self.pillar_matrix = np.zeros((self.grid.width, self.grid.height)) # initializing pillar matrix
self.ditch_matrix = np.zeros((self.grid.width, self.grid.height)) # initializing ditch matrix
self.terrain_matrix = np.zeros((self.grid.width, self.grid.height)) # initializing terrain matrix
# 获取坐标文件
road_positions_filename = f'./data/road.xlsx'
wall_positions_filename = f'./data/east_station.xlsx'
river_positions_filename = f'./data/river3.xlsx'
# 获取偏移转化参数
x_shifting, y_shifting, x_scale, y_scale = json_tools.read_shifting_scale()
self.stream_pos = [] # 河流坐标
self.stream_pos2=[] # added river coordinates
Modification in initial_position
elif pos_type == "river":
df = pd.read_excel(file_name)
num = df['x1'].notna().sum()
print(pos_type, "数量:", num)
# 坐标变化
for i in range(num):
start_x, start_y = df['x1'][i], df['y1'][i]
start_x += x_shifting
start_x /= x_scale
start_x = round(start_x)
# align with roads
start_x = start_x -38
start_y += y_shifting
start_y /= y_scale
start_y = round(start_y)
# align with roads
start_y = start_y + 28
self.stream_pos.append((start_x, start_y))
if i>0:
Applyiing 1 to self.river_matrix along the route
from the start point(start0_x,start0_y) to end point (start_x,start_y)
self.apply_matrix_dots(start0_x, start0_y, start_x, start_y, 'river')
num2 = df['x2'].notna().sum()
print(pos_type, "add 数量:", num2)
# 坐标变化
for i in range(num2):
start_x, start_y = df['x2'][i], df['y2'][i]
start_x += x_shifting
start_x /= x_scale
start_x = round(start_x)
# align with roads
start_x = start_x -38
start_y += y_shifting
start_y /= y_scale
start_y = round(start_y)
# align with roads
start_y = start_y +28
self.stream_pos2.append((start_x, start_y))
if i>0:
Applying 1 to self.river_matrix along the route
from the start point(start0_x,start0_y) to end point (start_x,start_y)