


TikTok is a community full of creativity and passion, a home that brings joy to families and meaningful careers to creators. And we are building this platform for the long term. TikTok will be here for many years to come.


We are shocked by the recent Executive Order, which was issued without any due process. For nearly a year, we have sought to engage with the US government in good faith to provide a constructive solution to the concerns that have been expressed. What we encountered instead was that the Administration paid no attention to facts, dictated terms of an agreement without going through standard legal processes, and tried to insert itself into negotiations between private businesses.

我们已明确表示愿意与美国政府协商解决方案,以便能继续服务我们的用户、创作者、商业伙伴、员工以及美国社会。但在这一过程中,美国政府始终不遵循正当法律程序也不依法行事。行政命令引用的“报告”来历不明或未经证实,对于这款应用“可能”会被用于虚假宣传活动的担忧并无任何实质依据。此外,TikTok被质疑的数据收集行为,一直都是全世界数以千计的移动程序的常规做法。我们明确表示过,TikTok从来没有与中国政府共享用户数据,也从未应要求审查过内容。事实上,我们通过建立透明度中心(Transparency Center)的方式,公开了我们的审核政策和算法源代码,还没有同类型科技公司承诺履行这样的责任。我们甚至表示可以将美国业务出售给一家美国公司。

We made clear our intentions to work with the appropriate officials to devise a solution to benefit our users, creators, partners, employees, and the broader community in the United States. There has been, and continues to be, no due process or adherence to the law. The text of the decision makes it plain that there has been a reliance on unnamed “reports” with no citations, fears that the app “may be” used for misinformation campaigns with no substantiation of such fears, and concerns about the collection of data that is industry standard for thousands of mobile apps around the world. We have made clear that TikTok has never shared user data with the Chinese government, nor censored content at its request. In fact, we make our moderation guidelines and algorithm source code available in our Transparency Center, which is a level of accountability no peer company has committed to. We even expressed our willingness to pursue a full sale of the US business to an American company. 


This Executive Order risks undermining global businesses’ trust in the United States’ commitment to the rule of law, which has served as a magnet for investment and spurred decades of American economic growth. And it sets a dangerous precedent for the concept of free expression and open markets. We will pursue all remedies available to us in order to ensure that the rule of law is not discarded and that our company and our users are treated fairly – if not by the Administration, then by the US courts.


We want the 100 million Americans who love our platform because it is your home for expression, entertainment, and connection to know: TikTok has never, and will never, waver in our commitment to you. We prioritize your safety, security, and the trust of our community – always. As TikTok users, creators, partners, and family, you have the right to express your opinions to your elected representatives, including the White House. You have the right to be heard.


