jaxb java转xml,如何使用JAXB将Java对象转换为XML元素属性

How to convert java object to xml using JAXB to get the following xml:



There are many answers regarding how to get XML. I have gone through all those. But my question is how to get the XML as what I have shown. It contains a self-closing tag which even contains attributes.

I am using Eclipse IDE. Please suggest a method.

This is my case class:

import auth.Res.Meta;

@XmlRootElement (name="Case")

public class Test {

private Meta mt;

private String version;

private String code;


public class Meta {


private String uc;


private String pip;

public String getUc() {

return uc;


public void setUc(String uc) {

this.uc = uc;


public String getPip() {

return pip;


public void setPip(String pip) {

this.pip = pip;



public Meta getMt() {

return mt;


public void setMt(Meta mt) {

this.mt = mt;


public String getVersion() {

return version;


public void setVersion(String version) {

this.version = version;


public String getCode() {

return code;


public void setCode(String code) {

this.code = code;




I solved it by creating seperate class for Meta as suggested by LazerBanana in the first answer.


This is how your Meta class should look like.

public class Meta {

private String uc;

private String pip;

private String lot;

public String getUc() {

return uc;



public void setUc(String uc) {

this.uc = uc;


public String getPip() {

return pip;



public void setPip(String pip) {

this.pip = pip;


public String getLot() {

return lot;



public void setLot(String lot) {

this.lot = lot;



this is your Case class which is the root element


public class Case {

private int version;

private String code;

private String id;

private Meta meta;

public int getVersion() {

return version;



public void setVersion(int version) {

this.version = version;


public String getCode() {

return code;



public void setCode(String code) {

this.code = code;


public String getId() {

return id;



public void setId(String id) {

this.id = id;


public Meta getMeta() {

return meta;



public void setMeta(Meta meta) {

this.meta = meta;



And this is the marshaling bit to the console and to the file it you want.

public class Main {

public static void main(String... args) {

Case fcase = new Case();

Meta meta = new Meta();








try {

// File file = new File("C:\\file.xml");

JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Case.class, Meta.class);

Marshaller jaxbMarshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();

// output pretty printed

jaxbMarshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);

// jaxbMarshaller.marshal(fcase, file);

jaxbMarshaller.marshal(fcase, System.out);

} catch (JAXBException e) {









Next time please try to do more research i am not an expert and I just googled it.
