If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.



  • Let's go over this again.

  • be on your best behavior 表现好

  • stunted /ˈstʌntɪd/
    not developing properly or to full size
    He’s emotionally stunted.

  • goof off
    to spend time doing silly things and having fun, when you should be working
    In high school I just goofed off most of the time, but when I went to college I started to study a lot more.

  • shenanigan [ʃəˈnænɪgən] 胡闹:嬉戏的或恶作剧的行为;恶作剧
    practical joke 恶作剧
    prankster /ˈpræŋkstə(r)/
    a person fond of playing pranks
    开玩笑者; 搞恶作剧的人

  • paraphernalia /ˌpærəfəˈneɪlɪə/
    a lot of small things that belong to someone, or are needed for a particular activity
    an electric kettle and all the paraphernalia for making tea and coffee
    travelling paraphernalia

  • be cut out for / be cut out to be sth
    to have the qualities that you need for a particular job or activity
    In the end, I decided I wasn’t cut out for the army.
    Are you sure you’re really cut out to be a teacher?

  • in lighter news 说点轻松的事

  • overly /ˈəʊvəlɪ/,副词,太,非常,极为
    I’m not overly fond of cats.

  • heightened,形容词,增加的,加强的,加大的
    She looked at him with heightened interest.
    heightened awareness 敏锐的洞察力
    heightened senses 敏锐的感官
    unusually heightened senses 异乎常人的感官

  • tune out,不理睬,置之不理,to ignore or stop listening to someone or something
    tune sb/sth out
    I learned to tune out the background noise.

  • wrestle with sth,动词,使劲搬动、移动,to move something or try to move it when it is large, heavy, or difficult to move
    Ray continued to wrestle with the wheel.

  • scrape against 摩擦,擦伤;刮坏,to rub against a rough surface in a way that causes slight damage or injury, or to make something do this
    I heard the side of the car scrape against the wall.

  • strong suit,特长, 专长,strength 也是这个意思
    Compassion is not Jack's strong suit.

  • sth makes one's skin crawl ......令某人起鸡皮疙瘩
    sth gives sb goose bumps 也是“令某人起鸡皮疙瘩”的意思
    I mean, that is just astounding, kind of gives me goose bumps.

  • Don't get the wrong idea.

  • fold sth into even thirds 把......按三等分折叠

  • give sb to understand sth,使某人理解或相信某事

  • brave,动词,to deal with a difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant situation,勇敢地面对
    I decided to take the train to work rather than brave the traffic.

  • the elements(尤指强风、暴雨等)恶劣天气, 自然力
    the weather, especially strong winds, heavy rain, and other kinds of bad weather
    There was no barrier against the elements.

  • brave the elements/weather etc (=go out in bad weather)不顾天气恶劣
    Shall we brave the elements and go for a walk?

  • permission slip,批准表,同意书(需要家长签字,用来同意孩子进行校外活动,比如“校外实地考察旅行”等)

  • tautology /tɔːˈtɒlədʒɪ/(不必要的)同义反复,冗辞,赘述
    a statement , sentence etc in which the meaning is repeated in an unnecessary way

  • Fun fact, + 一个句子

  • get it over with,这个短语用于”叫某人赶快做某事,尤其是令人不愉快的事情“

  • fixate on /ˈfɪkseɪt/ 痴迷, 依恋
    acquire such an obsessive attachment to
    It is important not to fixate on animosity.

  • get yelled at by sb 被某人臭骂一顿

  • bench(球赛中)不让…上场
    to not allow a sports player to play in a game, or to remove them from a game
    Anderson has been benched until his injury has healed.

  • break up a fight 阻止打架,拉架 = try to stop people from fighting each other

  • elbow,动词, 用肘挤开(某人)
    to push someone with your elbows, especially in order to move past them
    She pushed through the crowd, elbowing people out of the way .

  • take it out on sb 把气撒在某人身上
    Don't take it personally, and please don't take it out on them.

你可能感兴趣的:(If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.)