TDengine 入门教程③——基于Linux系统RPM安装


  • 一、前文
  • 二、下载安装
  • 三、启动taosd
  • 四、查看状态
  • 五、命令行(CLI)
  • 六、修改root密码
  • 七、问题解决


TDengine 入门教程——导读


  • 先下载安装包放到服务器上
  • 下载地址:使用安装包立即开始 | TDengine 文档 | 涛思数据

TDengine 入门教程③——基于Linux系统RPM安装_第1张图片

  • 再rpm安装,sudo rpm -ivh TDengine-server--Linux-x64.rpm
  • 安装的时候,会跳出两个提示
    • Enter FQDN:port,第一次安装,这个地方一定要直接回车跳过!
    • Enter your email address,这个随意。

sudo rpm -ivh TDengine-server-

sudo rpm -ivh taosTools-2.1.2-Linux-x64.rpm

[root@iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ ~]# sudo rpm -ivh TDengine-server-
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:tdengine-               ################################# [100%]
Start to install TDengine...

System hostname is: iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ

Enter FQDN:port (like of an existing TDengine cluster node to join
OR leave it blank to build one:

Enter your email address for priority support or enter empty to skip: 
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/taosd.service.

To configure TDengine : edit /etc/taos/taos.cfg
To start TDengine     : sudo systemctl start taosd
To access TDengine    : taos -h iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ to login into TDengine server

TDengine is installed successfully!


  • systemctl start taosd
  • systemctl stop taosd
  • systemctl restart taosd


  • systemctl status taosd
[root@iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ ~]# systemctl status taosd
● taosd.service - TDengine server service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/taosd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
[root@iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ ~]# systemctl start taosd
[root@iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ ~]# systemctl status taosd
● taosd.service - TDengine server service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/taosd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-09-07 09:45:11 CST; 4s ago
  Process: 14004 ExecStartPre=/usr/local/taos/bin/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 14010 (taosd)
    Tasks: 21 (limit: 26213)
   Memory: 6.9M
   CGroup: /system.slice/taosd.service
           ├─14010 /usr/bin/taosd
           └─14017 /usr/bin/udfd -c /etc/taos

Sep 07 09:45:11 iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ systemd[1]: Starting TDengine server service...
Sep 07 09:45:11 iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ systemd[1]: Started TDengine server service.



[root@iZ2ze30dygwd6yh7gu6lskZ ~]# taos
Welcome to the TDengine Command Line Interface, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2022 by TDengine, all rights reserved.

Server is Community Edition.

taos> exit


  • 刚安装好的TDengine是没有密码的,直接taos就能进入命令行(CLI)
  • 然后修改root账户的密码,alter user root pass '123456';
  • 具体查看:TDengine 入门教程④——权限管理 | 用户增删改查,授权与撤销授权
[root@VM-0-3-centos ~]# taos
Welcome to the TDengine Command Line Interface, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2022 by TDengine, all rights reserved.

   ******************************  Tab Completion  **********************************
   *   The TDengine CLI supports tab completion for a variety of items,             *
   *   including database names, table names, function names and keywords.          *
   *   The full list of shortcut keys is as follows:                                *
   *    [ TAB ]        ......  complete the current word                            *
   *                   ......  if used on a blank line, display all valid commands  *
   *    [ Ctrl + A ]   ......  move cursor to the st[A]rt of the line               *
   *    [ Ctrl + E ]   ......  move cursor to the [E]nd of the line                 *
   *    [ Ctrl + W ]   ......  move cursor to the middle of the line                *
   *    [ Ctrl + L ]   ......  clear the entire screen                              *
   *    [ Ctrl + K ]   ......  clear the screen after the cursor                    *
   *    [ Ctrl + U ]   ......  clear the screen before the cursor                   *

Server is Community Edition.

taos> show users;
           name           | super | enable | sysinfo |       create_time       |
 root                     |     1 |      1 |       1 | 2022-12-14 17:09:19.213 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001346s)

taos> alter user root pass '123456';
Query OK, 0 row(s) affected (0.001140s)

taos> exit
  • 修改root密码后,taos就不能直接进入命令行(CLI)了
  • 必须 taos -p,然后输入密码
[root@VM-0-3-centos ~]# taos
Welcome to the TDengine Command Line Interface, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2022 by TDengine, all rights reserved.

failed to connect to server, reason: Authentication failure



详情请查阅:TDengine 入门教程 问题篇①——failed to connect to server, reason: Unable to establish connection

