第一单元 国际经济合作(2)


增加了…… add to sth.

债务陷阱 debt trap

我们的回答是否定的。 Our answer is no.

主体 main players

"一带一路"合作 BRI cooperation

按照市场规律办事 act according to the law of the market

亏本的买卖 end up losing money

把问题扣到…… blame sb. for sth.

基础设施项目 infrastructure projects

投资大、周期长 long-term and large investments【信息整合】

短期内收益不明显,但长期看是有回报的。 They may not yield handsome returns in the short term, but these investments will pay off in the long run.

贷款买房 buy a home with a mortgage

负债 be in debt

不动产 fixed assets

……是片面的 It is not resonable to ...

否认 deny

没有 for lack of

财务持续性 fiscally sustainable

……的实际效果如何 how much of an impact has sth. made

有没有效果 has sth. produce any results

当地民众最有发言权 no one can answer these questions better than the local communities

与……分享…… share with sb. sth.

中亚国家 Central Asian country

人口 population

翻山越岭开上四五天车 drive four or five days in the mountains

坐火车绕道第三国 transit through a third country by train

一条19公里长的隧道 a 19-kilometer-long tunnel

当地人 the locals

抵达某地 reach

穿越(隧道) go through

得到热烈欢呼 be warmly applauded by

(铁路)连接 connect ... to ...

港口 port

世纪铁路 the railway of the century

国家骄傲 the pride of the nation

建设 construction

运输时间 travel time

物流成本 logistics costs

得益于 thanks to

哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan [ˌkæzək'stæn]

出海口 access to the sea

老挝 Laos

陆锁国 land-locked

陆连国 land-linked

白俄罗斯 Belarus [ˌbelə'ru:s]

轿车 sedan cars

马尔代夫 Maldives [ˈmɔ:ldaivz]

跨海大桥 a cross-sea bridge

巴基斯坦 Pakistan

塔吉克斯坦 Tadzhikistan [tɑ:dʒikiˈstɑ:n]

解决了长期受困扰的缺电问题 overcome long-standing power shortages


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