France's next revolution


stagnation: a period of litle oron growth in the economy.

to stop developing or making progress.

stagnation point/pressure/temperature: 滞留点/滞点压力/临界温度

hallmark: an idea, method, or quality that is typical of a particular person or thing.

upheaval: a very big change often cause problems.

insurgent: one of a group of people fighting against the government of their own country, or against authority.

charismatic: a natrual ability and interest other people and make t o admire you.

charasmatic leadership: 魅力型领袖

charasmatic movement: 灵恩运动

upstart: characteristic of senmeone who has risen economically or socially but lack the social skills approaciate for this new position.

realignment: when something ised changed and organized in a different way.

when people stop supporting one group and start to support and work together with a different group.

reverberation: a serve effect that is caused by a particular event and continues for a long time.

revitalise: to put new srtrength or power into something.

fury: extreme, often uncontrolled anger.

a fury of something: a state of very busy avtivity or strong feeling.

like fury: with great effort or energy.

standard-bearesomer: 旗手,领袖

allegedly: used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved.

sap: to make something weaker or destroy It, especially someone’s strength or their determination to do something.

sap somebody’s strength/courage/energy n

grumble: to keep complaining in an unhappy way.

mustn’t/can’t grumble: used to say that yoru fairly healthy and happy.

vim: (old-fasioned) energy

malaise: a general problem that is difficult to describe in an exact way.

jangle: if your nerves jangle, or if something jangles your nerves, you feel nervous or upset.

rift: a situation in which two people or groups have had a serious disagreement and begun dislike and not trust each other.

come/get to grips with something: to understand or with something difficult.

overhaul: when a system or method is changed in order to improve it.

fell: to cut down

stasis: a state or period which there is no change or development

what ails something: the things that are causing difficulties for something.

distance youself (from something): to say that you are not involved with someone or something, sepecially to avoid being connected with them.

anti-semitic: 反犹太教的

evict: to tell someone legally that they must leave the house they are living in.

decry: to state publicly that you do not approve of something

foment: to cause trouble and make people start fighting each other or opposing the government.

foment revolution/trouble/discord etc

Mosque: 清真寺

swap: to give something to someone and get something in return.

resurrect: to bring back an old activity, belief, idea etc that has not existed for a long time.

staunchly: giving strong loyal support to another person, organization, belief etc.

cumbersome: a process or system that is cumbersome is slow and difficult

manifesto: a written statement by a political party, saying what they believe in and what they intend to do.

go to press: if a newspaper, magzine, or book goes to press, it begins to be printed.

be due to: expected to happen or arrive at a particular time.

with(all) due respect: used when you disagree with someone or criticize them in a polite way.

hitherto: up to this time

beleaguered: experiencing a lot of problems or criticism.

trim: to reduce a number, amount, or the size of something。

payroll: the total amount of wages paid to all the people working in a particular company or industry.

on the payroll: someone are employed by a company.

insular: interested in your own group, country, way of life etc and no others – used to show disapproval.

nasty: a nasty experience, feeling, or situation is unpleasant.

run off: a second competition or election that is arranged when there is no clear winner of the first one.

clinch: to finally agree on something or get something after trying very hard.

clinch it: if a situation clinches it, someone finally decided to do something they were already thinking of doing.


power has rotated betwee… 权力一直在…间交叠

hold power: 掌权

run for an election: 筹备大选

withdraw from the race: 退出角逐

fuel voter’s anger:加深选民的愤怒

talk a big game:

throw the bums out:踢下政坛

technological disruption: 科技侵扰/入侵

a repudiation of the status quo: 对现状的不满

clinch the presidency: 拿下总统一职

Day 16 神句神词组

Stagnation, both political and economic, has been the hallmark of a country where little has changed for decades, even as power has rotated between the established parties of left and right



established,绝对的报刊高频词,通常表示某事/人/物已有稳固地位,比如established capitalist countries通常被翻成老牌资本主义国家。They are an established company with a good reputation.他们是一家地位稳固,信誉良好的公司。An established actor著名演员。

The implications of these insurgencies are hard to exaggerate.



Insurgencies原指an attempt to take control of a country by force,此处是和老牌政党形成对比。

The resulting realignment will have reverberations far beyond France’s borders. It could revitalize the European Union, or wreck it.


随之而来的改变所影响的范围远远不止法国本土,欧盟极有可能因此重振或毁灭。(主语的转换 revitalize: 使…复兴——…因此复兴)

Further fueling voter’s anger is their anguish at the state of France.



Its vast state, which absorbs 57% of GDP, has sapped the country’s vitality.


庞大的政府消耗了GDP的57%, 国家的活力因此而被削弱。

*Vast state指政府臃肿庞大,开支惊人,中国2010年政府开支占GDP比重为22%

If she pulls France out of the euro, it would trigger a financial crisis and doom a union that, for all its flaws, has promoted peace and prosperity in Europe for six decades.




* 1.不拉信息

* 2. 认准原文内容,理解对,二者相互检查。


Uselessness and self-dealing of the ruling class


Exposed deep cultural rifts with …


The rift within the party deepened. 党内分歧加深了。

Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed. 弥合两国间分歧的各种努力都已失败。

Get to grips with: 解决…   原意是“紧握”,延伸为“控制,影响力”

Overhaul of pensions and social security


Overhaul全面大修,a radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary.有必要彻底改革税制。

Massive strikes: 大规模罢工

Tap into that frustration: 利用这种沮丧的情绪

Tap (into) sth: to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists.

Radically different:截然不同/极为不同

Call a referendum on leaving the EU:呼吁脱欧公投/号召脱欧公投

Staunchly pro-trade/embraces cultural change and technological disruption.


Be short on precise policies: 缺乏具体政策

Pitch himself as… 把他塑造成…/把自己宣传/定位成…

Pitch himself as…把自己宣传/定位成…

名词:an aggressive sales pitch:强有力的推销行话

Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch.


动词:推销pitch sth at sb/pitch sth as sth: to aim or direct a product or service at a particular group of people.

Eg. The new software is being pitched at banks.


Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company’s newest products.


Trim the state payroll by… 降低…国家薪资 削减员工数量

Repudiation of the status quo: 对现状的不满【抗拒】

Appeal to sb:吸引…

The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.


Hefty loan 高额贷款/巨额贷款

Suffer hacking attacks 遭到黑客侵袭

Slash labor code: 大幅降低劳工标准  简化劳动法

Enact agenda: 实施议程  执行计划






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