An awkward coming of age: Wikipedia -- Jan 15th 2019

An awkward coming of age: Wikipedia

  • awkward 令人尴尬的;使人难堪的;难对付的;难处理的

Wikipedia was born 18 years ago today, when Jimmy Wales, a co-founder, typed “hello world” into a primitive web editor and clicked “publish”.

  • primitive 简单的;粗糙的

Now the world’s fifth-most-popular website, with 27bn words in 293 languages, is a crucial reference.

  • crucial 至关重要的;关键性的

But fewer new people are joining up to edit it, as the work involves no pay and no management.

The dominance of phones is one reason.

  • dominance 优势;控制;权势

When full-sized computers were the primary way to go online, popping over to Wikipedia to tinker with a pet topic was easy.

  • pop over 赶到;弹出通知;去一下
  • tinker with 修复;笨拙地修补

But as people start working exclusively on phones and tablets, that reduces the number who can comfortably edit Wikipedia.

  • exclusively 仅仅;专门地;特定地;排外地

And its community sometimes struggles to welcome outsiders.

  • outsider 外来者

A discussion page on the issue states that a “lack of collaboration and ‘lone wolf’ culture repels new editors.”

  • discussion page 讨论页
  • lack of 缺乏
  • collaboration 合作;协作;合作成果(或作品);通敌
  • repel 抵制
  • editor 编辑;校刊者;校订者
  • lone wolf 独战士( someone who likes to be or work alone)

Like any other community online or off, Wikipedia must find a way to change and grow while keeping existing denizens happy.

  • denizen 暂住某处的人;常去某处的人

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