

英文 中文
We've had a difficult relationship with law enforcement for many years. 多年来我们都跟执法人员关系恶劣
The man provoked me. 那人把我惹火了
I could've done much worse. 我本可以做得更辣手
I'm sure you could have. 这点我相信
And if I wasn't watchin', you probably would've killed that man. 而且要不是我在边上看着可能你会杀了他
Hardly. would you have bit him -还不至于-你打算咬他
Seethat's just crazy. 你知道吗要真那样就太疯狂了
You would've fed on him 你可能吸完他的血
and then tossed him aside like and old chicken bone. 然后把他当一块啃过的鸡骨头那样丢在一边
And don't tell me that's what vampires do. 别告诉我这就是你们吸血鬼的作风
I'm doin' my best to mainstreaming. 我已经很努力地融入主流社会了
Suckin' the blood from a police officer is not mainstreaming. 吸警官的血可不算融入主流
Neither is hosting orgies or listening to crazy chinese gargling. 既不是开个狂饮派对或听什么古怪的中国嘎嘎叫
It's tuvan throat singin'. whatever. -那是图瓦喉管乐-管它是什么
TuvanI don't even know where that is. 图瓦语我都不知道那是什么东东
Sookie, 苏琪
You cannot be frightened of everything you don't know in this world. 没必要害怕那些世上存在的未知事物
Well, my world's openin' up mighty fast. 在我看来我已经够开放了
And what I got here may be boring, but it's safe. 我的生活也许无趣但至少安全

And after the past couple of nights 经历过前几晚的事儿
safe sounds pretty good about now. 安全目前对我来说似乎比较重要
No, thank you. 不要谢谢
I can get this door myself. 我自己会开门
I won't call on you again. 我不会再来找你了
Stupid...fuckin'...bitch. 蠢货白痴臭婊子
Bring it on, hooker. I was all-parish in high school. 继续来啊婊子我在高中可是全能
Boy, I knew there was some stupid genes in our family, 小子我知道咱家的遗传基因有些愚蠢因子
But you must've gotten 'em all. 不过准都遗传给你了
When did you start dealin' v 你什么时候开始卖吸血鬼血了
You want someyou can use it. 你要来点吗你可以试试看
Oh, you makin' jokes about it 你还拿这事儿开玩笑
You gonna get killed, you dumb motherfucker. 你早晚让人杀了你个混账
Is this 'cause I'm sellin' v or 'cause 是因为我卖吸血鬼的血
I sold it to your sweet jason stackhouse 还是因为我卖给你的宝贝杰森·斯塔克豪斯
Givin' vampire blood to jason 把吸血鬼血给杰森
Stackhouse is like givin' ho hos to a diabetic. 就像给糖尿病人巧克力蛋糕卷一样
You know he can't control himself. 你知道他没有自控能力
I was very clear on how to use it. 那东西的用途我说得很明白了
It ain't my fault he didn't listen. 他不听劝告又不是我的错
I had to take him to the er. 我不得不送他去急诊室
They drained his penis with a needle the size of an ice pick. 他们用冰锥那么粗的针扎进他的阴茎
Twice. 两次
It was the most disturbing shit I've ever seen in my entire life, 这是我这辈子见过的最够呛的事了
And I have seen some pretty disturbing shit. 而且我看到了那些极其够呛的玩意
Okay. he suffered, lafayette. -嗯-他吃尽苦头拉法耶
Okay. bad. -嗯-糟透了
Okay, okay. I'm sorry, i-- I'll go and check in on him in the mornin'. 好好好非常抱歉天亮我就去看看他
And I know he mean a lot to you and everything, 我也知道他对你来说很重要
But how is comin' up in my joint at 3 a.m. 但凌晨3点就来我家
Throwin' my shit around gonna make anything better 把我的东西摔得乱七八糟这有用吗
It makes me feel better. ow. -这让我舒服多了
Okay. 好吧
Shame on you, adele stackhouse. 你不害臊啊阿黛尔·斯塔克豪斯
Shame on you.who is this -不害臊-你是谁
A vampire is a perversion of humanity. 吸血鬼是人性的堕落
And you, vampire lover, 而你一个吸血鬼迷
Are perverting our community by bringing one into the open. 竟要把他带到公共场合败坏我们社团的风气
I suggest that you hear what he has 我建议你在咒骂他之前
To say before you take to lynchin' him. 先听听他所要说的话

I don't care what sort of wretches you keep in your own home, 我不管你在你自个儿家里招待什么恶人
But when you bring freaks and abominationsinto our 但要是你把那个可恨的怪物
Churches in front of our children, you will have to... 带到教堂带到我们的孩子面前你就得...
Well, um, 呃那个
I will be at the church early if you would like to stop by and say hi. 如果你想来教堂看看的话我会很早就到那
Mr. compton's talk starts at 8. 康普顿先生的演讲8点开始
You will go to hell for this. 你会为此下地狱的
All right, same to you. bye, now. 好的你也是再会
Phone's been ringing early today. 一大早就有人打电话来啊
Oh, everyone is excited about meeting the town vampire tonight. 今晚能见到镇上的吸血鬼了人人都很兴奋
I didn't hear you come in last night. 昨晚我没听见你回家呢
You went to bed early. 你睡得太早了
You didn't want to hear me come in. 你就不打算听到我回来了
Well, I just thought I would give you two a little privacy is all. 我就想着给你们两个一点私人空间呢
Am I really that much of a lost cause, 我就真那么没指望了吗
You gotta pin all your hopes for me on a vampire 以至于你把我的希望都寄托在一个吸血鬼身上
But he seems like a very nice man. 不过他看上去真是个不错的男人
Well, he's not. he's not nice -不他可不是-他不好
Or a man. 他不是人
Oh, goodness, did you two have a fight 天啊你们是不是吵架了
No. 没有
Kinda. 算是吧
I don't think bill and I have very much in common. 我想我和比尔不是一路人
He doesn't think like we do, he doesn't feel the way we do, 他跟我们的想法不一样感受也不一样
If he feels at all. 如果他有感觉的话
I know that if I had a chance to know somebody who'd experienced the 要是我有机会认识那些过着完全不同生活的人
World differently, I'd see it as a blessing and not something to be scared of. 我会把这当成是上帝的赐福而不会去害怕
Or hate. 或者去憎恨
I don't hate him. 我并不是恨他
I just don't want to be his girlfriend. 我只是不想当他的女朋友
Uh, the phone's ringin'. 电话在响
Michelle will pick it up. 米歇尔会接的
Damn. 见鬼
Yeah. just like that. 对就是这样
And no anesthesia either. 而且还不用麻药
First, I get hauled in by the cops, 先是让警察给审问
Then I gotta let a dude drain my johnston. 然后再让人扎我的“老二”
That's a fuck of the day. 这就是他妈那天的事儿
Sounds like it. 确实够呛
Jason, you didn't tell nobody where you get the v at, did you 杰森你没告诉别人从哪里弄得吸血鬼血对吗
Do I look stupid 我有那么蠢吗
I didn't even let on I was takin' anything. 我压根没承认我服用过东西
You're my dog. well, I love you right back. -你是我朋友-那我可爱死你
But listen, you gotta stop sellin' v, man. 但听好你不能再卖吸血鬼血了伙计
It fucks people up. 那可坑人啊
I mean, shit, now sheriff dearborne thinks I'm some kind of sex maniac. 我是说靠治安官迪亚伯现在认为我是是那种色情狂了
And hell if know how I'll ever, 天知道我以后怎么还有脸
Ever be able to look tara in the face again. 有脸见泰拉了
Well, she'll get over it. 她没事儿
The girl's been lost in love with you since she was 8. 这姑娘8岁起就爱上你了
No shitno shit. -不开玩笑-不开玩笑
Oh, man. that's even worse. 伙计这就更糟了
I had no idea. 我都不知道的
My life sucks so much ass. 我这辈子真糟透了
And it's all because of your fuckin' v. 都怪你那该死的吸血鬼血
Listen, don't blame the ferrari just 'cause your ass can't drive. 听着别不会开还怪法拉利跑不快
You're gonna have to learn how to ride the high, boyfriend. 你得学会怎么用那玩意儿小伙子
Fuck that, I am done with v. 操我再不碰吸血鬼血了
Go fuck some other people up with that shit. 拿那东西坑别人去吧
You broke me. no, man. -我不干了-不伙计
If you can learn to control it, 要是你能学会控制
V will open up your mind to everything you missin' around you. 那血能让你感受到你从来不曾注意的东西
That's what's gonna snap you out of all this shit. 这玩意儿能让你飘飘欲仙
More v 还有v
If done right. 用的得当的话
I got some in my car... 我车里有一些
If you want me to show you. 如果想让我给你示范的话
I ain't showin' you no whole vial 等你学会了怎么用这个
Till you learn how to use this shit right. 我再给你整管的血
You get me 明白吗
This... 这个...
Is the life force of a vampire. 就是吸血鬼的生命源动力
They're just blood in a skin casing. 他们不过是一幅臭皮囊
Ain't a whole lot different between a vampire and a boudin sausage except. 没有这血吸血鬼跟碎肉肠
For the blood. 也没啥区别
Our blood sustains life, this blood... 我们的血液是维持生命的而这血...
Is life. 就是生命
One drop, that's all you need. 只要一滴对你就足够了
Can't be greedy. 别贪心哦
Billions of molecules of pure, undiluted, 24 karat life. 亿万个纯正的未稀释的24K的生命
You take this in and you take in a piece of the vampire it came from. 服下这个就等于你吸收这吸血鬼的生命
The trick is, you have to let it take you deep. 诀窍是你得把它们完全吸收了
Follow it. 追随它
Soak it in. 与它融合
What kind of vampire is that 那是个什么样的吸血鬼
He's new. 刚变不久
So the blood is still a little wild. 所以这血还有点野性
I can feel him in my muscles making me strong. 我能在我的肌肉里感受到他让我强壮
But you might get another side of him. 不过你可能感受到他的另一面
The same v could affect you in a whole other way. 同样的血可能带来不同的效果
But I guarantee you'll see the world with new eyes. 但可以保证不管哪种都会让你的视野从此不同
Christ, I can't believe I'm doin' this again. 天啊难以置信我又用这玩意了
Oh, no, man. 不伙计
You're doin' it for the first time. 你这是第一次用这个
That vampire bill would get a rise out of that. 那个叫比尔的吸血鬼这下有的烦了吧
You'll have to ask him yourself. 这你得问他本人
Vamp club not all it was made out to be, huh 吸血鬼俱乐部可不是谁都能去的对吧
A lot of freaks, I hear. 听说到处都是怪人
And people from arkansas. 还有一些从阿肯色来的人
It was fine. 那也没啥
So what, thendid that vampire get all hands with you 怎么着那吸血鬼对你动手动脚了

