2. Instructions: Language of the computer(指令:计算机语言)
2.1 Introduction;(简介)
2.2 Operations of the computer Hardware; (计算机硬件操作)
2.3 Operands of the computer Hardware; (计算机硬件操作数)
2.4 Singed and unsinged Numbers;(符号数和无符号数)
2.5 Representing Instructions in the computer; (在计算机上体现的指令)
2.6 Logical operations; (逻辑运算)
2.7 Instructions for making Decisions; (作出决定的指令)
2.8 Supporting procedures in computer Hardware; (支持在计算机硬件上的程序)
2.9 MIPS Addressing for 32-Bit Immediates and Addresses; (MIPS寻址32位立即数和地址)
2.10 Parallelism and Instructions: Synchronization; (并行和指令同步)
2.11 Translating and starting a program; (翻译和开始一个程序)
2.12 A C sort Example to put It all together; (C类程序,把它集合)
2.13 Advanced Material: Compiling C; (新材料:编译C)
2.14 Real stuff: ARMv 7 (32-bit) Instructions; (真正有用的东西: ARMv7 (32-bit)指令)
*** stuff /stʌf/ CET4 stuffs stuffing stuffed
1. N-uncount 不可数名词 Informal 非正式: You can use stuff to reffer to things such as a substance, a collection of things, events, or ideas, or the contents of something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself by name. (usu with supp) 东西
I'd like some coffee, and I do not object to the powdered stuff it it's all you've got. 我想要点咖啡,如果你们只有粉状的东西,我也不反对。
He pointed to a duffle bag."That's my stuff." 他指着一个旅行袋。“那是我的东西。”
2. VT 及物动词 If you stuff something somewhere, you push it there quickly and roughly. 把...塞进
I stuffed my hands in my pockets. 我把双手塞进了我的口袋里。
3. VT 及物动词 If you stuff a container or space with something, you fill it with something or with a quantity of things until ti is full. 把... 装满;
He grabbed my purse, opened it and stuffed it full, then gave it back to me. 他抢走我的钱包,打开把它装得满满的,然后还给我。
4. VT 及物动词 Informal 非正式 If you stuff yourself, you eat a lot of food. 使吃饱
I could stuff myself with ten chocolate bars and half an hour later eat a big meal. 我可以给自己塞下10块巧克力,并在半小时后再大吃一顿。
5. VT 及物动词 If you stuff a bird such as chicken or a vegetable such as a pepper, you put a mixture of food inside it before cooking it. 把填料塞入鸡或辣椒等
Will you staff the turkey and shove it in the oven for me? 你能帮我把填料塞进火鸡里,然后把它放进烤箱吗?
6. VT 及物动词 If 工dead animal is stuffed, it is filled with a substance so that it can be preserved and displayed. 【usu passive】把...制成标本
... his collection of stamps and books and stuffed birds. 他的邮票、书和标本鸟的收藏品
7. phrase 习语 informal 非正式: If you say that someone knows their stuff, you mean that they are good at doing something because they know a lot about it 懂行
These guys know their stuff after seven years of war. 这些家伙在7年的战争之后便懂行了。
2.15 Real stuff: x86 Instructions; (真正有用的东西:x86指令)
2.16 Real stuff: ARMv8 Instructions; (真正有用的东西:ARMv8 指令)
2.17 Fallacies and Pitfalls;谬误与陷阱
2.18 Concluding Remarks; (结束语)
2.19 Historical Perspective and Further Reading; (历史视角与延伸阅读)
2.20 Exercise(练习)
instruction set : The vocabulary of commands understood by a given architecture.
(指令集: 通过一个给定的体系结构理解指令词典。)
2.1 Introduction (简介)
To command a computer's hardware, you must speak its language. The words of a computer's language are called instructions, and its vocabulary is called an instruction set. In this chapter, you will see the instruction set of a real computer, both in the form written by people and in the form read by the computer. We introduce instructions in a top-down fashion. Starting from a notation that looks like a restricted programming language, we refine it step-by-step until you see that real language of a real computer. Chapter 3 continues our downward descent, unveiling the hardware for arithmetic and the representation of floating-point numbers.
去命令一台计算机的硬件,你必须说它的语言。计算机语言的词汇被称为指令,它的词汇被称为指令集。 在本章中,你将看到一真实的计算机指令集,一边由人写的形式,一边由机器读的形式。我们以自顶向下的方式介绍指令。像一种严格的程序语言开始从一种符号,我们一步一步地完善它,直到你看到一台现实计算机的真正的语言。 第3章我们继续向下下降,揭开了硬件运算和浮点数的表示。
You might think that the languages of computers would be as diverse as those of people, but in reality computer languages are quite similar, more like regional dialects than like independent languages. Hence, once you learn one, it is easy to pick up others.
The chosen instruction set comes from MIPS Technologies, and is an elegant1 example of the instruction sets designed since the 1980s. To demonstrate how easy it is to pick up other instruction sets, we will take a quick look at three other popular instruction sets.
被选择的指令集来自MIPS技术,自从20世纪80年代,是一指令集的精密例子。 为了展示学习其它指令集多么容易,我们先看三种其它流行的指令集。
1. elegant /'əligənt/ CET4 1. adj. 形容词 If you describe a person or thing as elegant, you mean that they are pleasing and graceful in appearance or style. 优雅的
Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always. 帕特丽夏看上去跟往常一样优雅。
el+egance N-uncount 不可数名词 优雅
The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance. 这家具结合了实用与优雅。
. el+egant+ly adv. 副词
... a tall, elegantly dressed man with a mustanche. 一个穿着优雅、留着胡子的高个男子。
adj. 形容词 If you describe a piece of writing, an idea, or a plan as elegant, you mean that it is simple, clear, and clever. 精妙的
The document impressed me with its elegant simplicity. 这份文件以其精妙简约给我留下了深刻的印象。
el+egqnt+ly adv. 副词 精妙地
... an elegantly simple idea. ... 一个精妙简单的主意。
- ARMv7 is similar to MIPS. More than 9 billion3 chips2 with ARM processors were manufactured in 2011, making it the most popular instruction set in the world.
- The second example is the Intel x86, which powers4 both the PC and the cloud of the postPC Era5.
- The third example is ARMv8, which extends the address size of ARMv 7 from 32 bits to 64 bits. Ironically6, as we shall see, this 2013 instruction set is closer to MIPS than it is ARMV7.
1. ARMv7 和MIPS是相似的。 多于90亿个带有ARM处理器的芯片是被生产在2011年, 成为世界上最流行的指令集。
2. 第二个例子是Intel x86, 它的使用范围从PC时代到后PC时代的云时代。
3. 第三个例子是ARMv8, 它扩展地址尺寸从ARMv7的32位到64位。具有讽刺意味的,我们将会看到,这个2013的指令集更贴近MIPS比ARMv7.
2. chip /tʃip/ chips CET4 chipping chipped
1. N-count 可数名词 AM 美国英语 chips or a potato chips are very thin slices of fried potato that are eaten as a snack. 炸薯片
... a package of onion-flavored potato chips. ... 一包洋葱味的薯片。
2. N-count 可数名词 BRit 英国英语
Chips are long, thin pieces of potato fried in oil or fat and eaten hot, usually with a meal. 炸薯条;
3. N-count 可数名词 A silicon chip is a very small piece of silicon with electrinic circuits on it which is part of a computer or other piece of machinery. 芯片, 计算机或其他机器中带有电子电路的细小硅片。
... an electronic card containing a chip. ... 一张带有芯片的电子卡。
4. N-count 可数名词 A chip is a small piece of something or a small piece which has been broken off something. 小块东西;碎屑;
It contains real chocolate chips. 它里面含有纯正的巧克力颗粒。
5.N-count 可数名词 A chip in something such as piece of china or furniture is where a small piece has been broken off it. 小缺口
The cup had a small chip. 这个杯子有个小缺口。
3. billion /biljən/ CET4 The plural form is billion after a number, or after a word or expression referring to a number, such as "several" or "a few"
billions 1. NUM数词 A billion is a thousand million. 10亿
The Ethiopian foreign debt stands at 3 billion dollar. 埃塞俄比亚的外债达30亿美元。
2. Quant-plural 复数型数量词: If you talk about billions of people or things, you mean that there is a very large number of them but you do not know or do not want to say exactly how many. [Quant of pl-n]亿万
Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years. 生物系统亿万年来都是这么做。
3. pron代词: You can also use billions as a pronoun. 亿万
He though that it must be worth billions. 他认为它一定值亿万元。
4. Power/pauər/ CET4 powers, powering, powered;
1. N-uncount 不可数名词 If someone has power, they have a lot of control over people and activities. 权力
In a democracy, power must be divided. 在民主政体中,权力必须被分散。
2. N-UNcount 不可数名词 Your power to do something is your ability to do it. 能力
Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them. 人类社会有能力解决他们面临的问题。
Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people. 父辈们有控制孩子们和年轻人的能力。
3. N-uncount 不可数名词 If it is in or within your power to do something, you are able to do it or you have the resources to deal with it. 能力范围
Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it. 你的债务状况只是暂时的,解决它在你的能力范围里。
4. N-uncount 不可数名词 If someone in authority has the power to do something, they have the legal right to do it. [also N in pl] 权力;法律赋予的
The police have the power of arrest. 警察有逮捕权。
5. N-uncount 不可数名词 If people take power or come to power, they take charge of a country's affairs. If a group of people are in power, they are in charge of a country's affairs.政权
Idi Amin came into power several years later. 伊迪. 阿明几年后执行掌了政权。
He first assumed power in 1970. 他于1970年首次执掌了政权。
6. N-count 可数名词: You can use power to refer to a country that is very rich or important, or has strong military forces. 强国
... the emergence of the new major economic power Japan。新的主要经济强国日本的崛起。
7. N-uncount 不可数名词: The power of something is the ability that it has to move or affect things. 动力
The vehicle had better power,better tires, and better brakes. 这种车辆有更好的动力,更好的轮胎和更好的刹车。
8. N-uncount 不可数名词: Power is energy, especially electricity, that is obtained in large quantities from a fuel source and used to operate lights, heating, and machinery. 能量,尤指电
Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.核能比煤更清洁。
Power has been restored to most parts that were hit last night by high winds. 昨天夜里受到强风袭击的大部分地区已经恢复了供电。
9.VT 及物动词: The device or fuel that powers a machine provides the energy that the machine needs in order to work. 为...提供动力
The "flywheel" battery, it is said, could power an eletric car for 600 miles on a single charge. 据说,“飞轮”电池每充电一次可驱动一辆电动汽车行驶600英里。
10. adj. 形容词: Power tools are operated by electricity. [adj+n]电动的
... large power tools, such as chainsaws. ... 大型电动工具,如链锯;
11. Power up Phrasal verb. 动词词组:When you power up something such as a computer or a machine, you connect it to a power supply and switch it on. 将...接通电源
Simply power up your loptop and continue work. 只要你的手提电脑接通电源就能继续工作。
5. era /iərə/ CET4 eras 1. N-count 可数名词 You can refer to a period of history or a long period of time as an era when you want to draw attention to a particular feature or quality that it has. 时代
... the nuclear 核时代
... the Reagan-Bush era. 里根-布什时期。
6. Ironically /airɔnikli/ 1. adv. 副词 You use ironically to a situation that is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast. [adv with cl] 具有讽刺意味的是
Ironically, for a man who hated war, he would have made a superb war cameraman. 具有讽刺意味的是,他这样一个憎恨战争的人曾经可能成为一名优秀的战地摄影师。
2. ADV副词 If you say something ironically, you say the opposite of what you really mean, as a joke. [adv+with v] 讽刺的
Classmates at west point had ironically dubbed him Beauty.西点军校的同学们曾经讽刺地给他起了一个绰号——美人。
This similarity7 of instruction sets occurs because all computers are constructed8 from hardware technologies based on similar underlying principles9 and because there are a few basic operations that all computers must provide. Moreover, computer designers have a common goal10: to find a language that makes it easy to build the hardware and compiler while maximizing performance and minimizing cost and energy. This goal is time honored11; the following quote was written before you could buy a computer, and it is as true today as it was in 1974.
指令集的相似之处发生,因为所有的计算机从硬件技术的构造来说基于相同的底层原理, 也就是说有许多基本的操作,所有的计算机必须提供。 甚而至于,计算机设计者有一个共同的目标:去寻找一种语言,使它对于构件硬件和汇编更容易,使用最多的性能和最小的成本和能量。 这个目标是实时的,在你买到一台电脑前,下面一段引言被写,正如在1974年一样,在今天也一样正确。
7. similarity /similæriti/ similarities 1. N-uncount 不可数名词: If there is a similarity between two or more things, they are similar to each other. 相似;类似
1. ...the astonishing similarity between my brother and my first-born son. ... 我弟弟和我的大儿子的惊人相似。
There was a very basic similarity in our philosophy. 我们的人生哲学在根本上很相似。
2. N-count 可数名词: Similarities are features that things have which make them similar to each other. 相似之处
There were significant similarities between mother and son.母子间有着极着极其相似的地方。
8. construct /kənstrʌkt/ CET4 constructs, constructing, constructed 1. V-T 及物动词 If you construct something such as a building, road, or machine, you build it or make it. 建造
His company recently constructed an office building in downtown Denver. 他的公司最近在丹佛市造了一座办公楼。
The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber. 这些箱子应该用粗锯木材来做。
2. V-T If you construct something such as an idea, a piece of writing, or a system, you create it by putting different parts together. 构建
He eventually constructed a huge business empire. 他最终构建了一个庞大的商业王国。
The novel is constructed from a series of on-the-spot reports. 这部小说是由一系列现场报道构思而成的。
9. Principle /prinsipəl/ principles 1. N-var 有变体名词 A principle is a general belief about the way you should behave, which influences your behavior.原则
Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles. 巴克从来不让他自己被迫做任何违背自己原则的事。
It's not just a matter of principle.这不仅仅是个原则的问题。
2. N-count 可数名词 The principles of a particular theory or philosophy are its basic rules or laws. 原理 理论或哲学
... a violation of the basic principles of Marxism. ... 对马克思主义基本原理的一种违背。
3. N-count 可数名词 Scientific principles are general scientific laws which explain how something happens or works. 原理, 科学
These people lack all understanding of scientific principles. 这些人缺乏对科学原理的全面理解。
4. PHRASE 习语 If you agree with something in principle, you agree in general terms to the idea of it, although you do not yet know the details or know if it will be possible. 原则上
I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice. 我原则是同意它的,但我怀疑在实践中它是否会发生。
5. PHRASE 习语: If something is possible in principle, there is no known reason why it should not happen, even though it has not happened before. 在理论上
Even assuming this to be in principle possible, it will not be achieved soon. 即使假定这在理论上是可能的,它也不会很快实现。
6. Phrase 习语 If you refuse to do something on principle, you refuse to do it because of particular belief that you have. 依据原则
He would vote against it on principle. 他会依据原则投票反对它。
10. goal /gəul/ CET4 goals 1. N-count 可数名词 In games such as soccer or hockey, the goal is the space into which the players try to get the ball in order to score a point for their team.
球门 The Dragons had only one shot on goal.龙队只有一次射门。
2. N-count 可数名词 In games such as soccer or hockey, a goal is when a player gets the ball into the goal, or the point that is scored by doing this 进球
They scored five goals in the first half of match. 他们在上半场进了5个球。
3. N-count 可数名词 Something that is your goal is something that you hope to achieve, especially when much time and effort will be needed. 目标
It's a matter of something your own goals and following them. 这是一个设定自己的目标并努力实现它们的问题。
11. honor CET 4 /ɔnə/ Brit honour 英国英语 honour;honors, honoring, honored
1. N-uncount 不可数名词 Honor means doing what you believe to be right and being confident that you have done what is right. 道义;气节;
The officers died faithful to the honor of a soldier. 军官们怀着对军人气节的忠诚而捐躯。
2. N-count 可数名词 An honor is a special award that is given to someone, usually because they have done something good or because they are great respected. 荣誉
He was showered with honors among them an Oscar.他获得了很多荣誉其中包括奥斯卡奖。
3. VT 及物动词 If someone is honored, they are given pubic praise or an award for something they have done. [usu passive] 给... 以荣誉
Diego Maradona was honored with an award presented by Argentina's soccer association. 迭戈.马拉多纳荣获阿根廷足协颁发的一个奖项。
4.N-sing 单数型名词: If you describe doing or experiencing something as an honor, you mean you think it is something special and desirable. 荣幸
Five other cities had been competing for the honor of staging the Games. 另外五个城市一直在为赢得该运动会的举办权而相互竞争。
5. VT Passive 被动及物动词 If you say that you would be honored to do something, you are saying very politely and formally that you would be pleased to do it. If you say that you are honored by something, you are saying that you are grateful for it and pleased about it. 给予荣幸
Ms. Payne said she was honored to accept the appointment and looked forward to its challenges. 佩恩女士说她很荣幸接受这一任命,并期待着它所带来的挑战。
6. VT 及物动词 To honor someone means to treat them or regard them with special attention and respect. 尊重
They honored me with a seat at the head of the table.他们让我坐在桌子的上首,以示对我的尊敬。
7. V-T 及物动词 If you honor an arrangement or primse, you do what you said you would do 执行;安排;履行 诺言
The two sides agreed to honor a new ceasefire. 双方同意执行新的停火协议。
8. N-VOC 称呼名词 Judges and mayors are sometimes called your honor or referred to as his honor or her honor. [poss N; pron:poss PRON]大人;对法官、市长等的尊称
I bring this up, your honor, because I think it is important to understand the background of the defendant. 法官大人,我之所以提出这一点,是因为我认为了解被告的背景是很重要的。
9.Phrase 习语 If something is arranged in honor of a particular event, it is arranged in order to celebrate that event. 为庆祝
The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honor of the opening of its new show. 基金会在美国艺术博物馆举行宴会,庆祝新展开幕。
10. phrase 习语 If something is arranged or happens in someone's honor, it is done specially to show appreciation of them. 为表示对...的敬意
Mr. Mandela will attend an outdoor concerrt in his honor. 曼德拉先生将出席特地为他举办的露天音乐会。
It is easy to see by formal-logical methods that there exist certain [instruction sets] that are in abstract13 adequate12 to control and cause the execution of any sequence of operations....
The really decisive15 considerations from the present point of view, in selecting an [instruction set], and the clarity14 of its application to the actually important problems together with the speed of its handling of those problems.
Burks, Goldstine, and von Neumann, 1974
12. adequate /'ædikwit/ 1. adj. 形容词: If something is adequate there is enough of it or it is good enough to be used or accepted. 足够的
One in four people worldwide are without adequate homes. 世界1/4的人没有足够的住房。
She is prepared to offer me an amount adequate to purchase another house. 她准备好了给我一笔足以购买另一所房子的钱。
ad+equate+ly ADV. [adv with v]足够地
Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education. 很多学生没有为高等教育做准备。
13. abstract /'æbstrækt/ 1. adj. 形容词 An abstract idea or way of thinking is based on general ideas rather than on real things and events. 抽象的
... starting with a few abstract principles. ... 以几条抽象的原则开始。
It is not just a question of some abstract concept of justice. 这不是一个有关正义的某一抽象概念的问题。
2. adj. 形容词: In grammer, an abstract noun refers to a quality or idea rather than to a physical object.[adj +n ] 抽象的名词;
... abstract words such as glory, honor, and courage. ... 诸如光荣、荣誉、勇气这样的抽象词汇。
3. adj. 形容词 abstract art maskes use of shapes and patterns rather than showing people or things. 抽象的艺术
A modern abstract painting takes over one complete wall. 一幅现代抽象画占了整整一面墙。
4. PHRASE 习语: When you talk or think about it in a general way, rather than considering particular things or events. 在抽象意义上:
Money was a commodity she never though about expect in the abstact. 金钱是她从未想过的一种商品。
5. N-count 可数名词: An abstract is an abstract work of art. 抽象作品
His abstracts are held in numerous collections. 他的抽象画被纳入很多收藏中。
6. N-count 可数名词: An abstract of an article, document, or speech is a short piece of writing that gives the main points of it. 摘要
It mights also necessary to supply an abstract of the review of the literature as well. 可能也有必要提供这篇文学评论的摘要。
14. clarity /klæriti/ CET 6 1. N-uncount 不可数名词 The clarity of something such as a book or argument is its quality of being well explained and easy to understand. 明晰;清楚
... the ease and clarity with which the author explains difficult technical and scientific subjects. 该作者用于解释难懂的科技主题的轻松与明晰。
2. N-uncount 不可数名词 clarity is the ability to think clearly. 清淅, 思路的
In business circles he is noted for his flair and clarity of vision. 在商界,他以其风度与犀利的眼光而闻名。
3. N-uncount 不可数名词: clarity is the quality of being clear in outline or sound. 清晰(指轮廓、声音等)
This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional X-rays. 这一非凡的技术提供了比传统的X光要高得多的清晰度。
15. decisive /dis'aisiv/ CET6 1. ADJ. 形容词 If a fact, action, or event is decisive, it makes certain a particular result. 决定性的
... his decisive victory in the presidential elections. ... 他在这次总统选举中的决定性胜利。
de+ci+sive+ly adv. 副词 (决定性的地)
The plan was decisively rejected by Congress three weeks ago. 这个计划三周前被国会关键性地否决了。
adj. 形容词 If someone is decisive, they have or show an ability to make decisions in a difficult or complicated situation. 果断的
He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader. 他应该让位给一位更年轻、更果断的领导者。
de+ci+sive+ly adv. 副词 果断地
"I will call for you at ten," she said decisively. "我10点来接你,"她果断地说。
de+ci+sive+ness N-uncount.不可数名词 果断
His supporters admire his decisiveness. 他的支持者们佩服他的果断。
The "simplicity of the equipment" is as valuable a consideration for today's computers as it was for those of the 1950s. The goal of this chapter is to teach an instruction set that follows this advice, showing both how it is represented in hardware and the relationship between high-level programming languages and this more primitive16 one. Our examples are in the C programming language; Section 2.13 shows how these would change for an object-oriented language like java.
16. primitive /primitiv/ 1. adj 形容词 Primitive means belonging to a society in which people live in a very simple way, ususally without industries or a writing system. 原始的(社会)
... primitive means belonging to a societies. 对原始社会的研究。
2. adj. 形容词 primitive means belonging to a very early period in the development of an animal or plant. 原始的 (动物、植物)
... primitive whales 原始鲸
Primitive humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerous animals. 原始人们需要像这样反应以逃脱危险的动物。
3. adj. 形容词 If you describe something as primitive, you mean that it is very simple in style or very old-fashioned. 简陋的;旧式的;
The conditions are primitive by any standards. 这些条件以任何标准衡量都是简陋的。
By learning how to represent instructions, you will also discover the secret of computing: the stored-program concept. Moreover, you will exercise your "foreign language" skills by writing programs in the language of the computer and running them on the simulator that comes with this book. You will also see the impact17 of programming languages and compiler optimization on performance. We conclude with a look at the historical evolution of instruction sets and an overview of other computer dialects.
17. impact impact CET 4 The noun is pronounced /'impækt/. The verb is pronounced /imp'ækt/ 名词读作/'impækt/, 动词读作 /imp'ækt/。 Impacts, impacting, impacted,
1. N-COUNT 可数名词: The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful effect that it has on them. 影响
They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country. 他们说期望这次会议对国家的未来产生显著的影响。
2. N-var 有变体名词 An impact is the action of one object hitting another, or the force with which one object hits another. 撞击;撞击力
The plane is destroyed, a complete wreck: the pilot must have died on impact. 飞机被毁, 完全成了一堆残骸:飞行员一定在撞击中丧生了。
3. VT/VI 及物动词/不及物动词: To impact a situation. process, or person means to affect them. 对...造成影响;产生影响:
Such schemes mean little unless they impact people. 除非能对人们造成影响,否则这样的计划意义不大。
4. VT/VI 及物动词;不及物动词 : 正式 If one object impacts on another, it hits it with great force. 撞击
... the sharp tinkle of metal impacting on stone. 金属撞击石头的刺耳叮当声。
We reveal18 our first instruction set a piece at a time, giving the rationale19 along with the computer structures. This top-down, step-by-step tutorial weaves the components with their explanations, making the computer's language more palatable20. Figure 2.1 gives a sneak21 preview of the instruction set covered in this chapter.
18. reveal reveal CET4 /rivil/ reveals, revealing, revealed 1. VT 及物动词 To reveal something means to make people aware of it. 透露;显示
She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter. 他已拒绝透露她女儿的行踪。
A survey of the American diet has been out of sight, you uncover it so that people can see it. 使显露;揭露
In the principle room, a gray carpet was removed to reveal the original pine floor. 在主房间里, 一块灰色的地毯被挪开了,使原有的松木地板露了出来。
19. rationale /ræʃənɔl/ rationales 1. N-count 不可数名词 Formal 正式 The rational for a course of action, practice, or belief is the set of reasons on which it is based. 全部理由;根本原因。
However, the rationale for such initiatives is not, of course, solely economic. 但是, 这些积极行动的根本原因当然不全是出于经济目的。
20. palatable /pælətəbəl/ 1. adj. 形容词 Formal 正式: If you describe food or drink as palatable, you mean that it tasts pleasant. 美味的
... flavorings and perservatives, designed to make the food look more palatable. 用来使食物看起来更美味的调味品和防腐剂。
2. adj. 形容词 If you describe something such as an idea or method as palatable, you mean that people are willing to accept it. 可接受的
... a palatable way of firing employees. 一种可接受的解雇雇员的方式。
21. sneak /snik/ CET 6 The form snuck is informal. Sneaks sneaking sneaked
1. VI 不及物动词: If you sneak somewhere, you go there very quietly on foot, trying to avoid being seen or heard. 偷偷地走
Sometimes he would sneak out of his house late at night to be with me. 有时候他会在深夜偷偷溜出他的家来陪伴我。
2. VT及物动词 If you sneak something somewhere, you take it there secretly. 偷偷地拿
He smuggled papers out each day, photocopies them, and snuck them back. 他每天都把文件偷带出来,复印后又偷偷送回去。
3. VT 及物动词: If you sneak a look at someone or something, you secretly have a quickly look at them. 偷偷地看
You sneak a look at your watch to see how long you've got to wait. 你偷偷看一眼手表,看还要等多久。
2.2 Operations of the computer Hardware
Every computer must be able to perform arithmetic22. The MIPS assembly23 language notation:
add a, b, c
instructs a computer to add the two variable24b and c and to put their sum in a.
22. arithmetic /ər'iθmitik/ 1. N-uncount 不可数名词: Arithmetic is the part of mathematics that is concerned with the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers. 算术
... teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. ... 教授读、写、算的基本知识。
2. N-uncount 不可数名词: You can use arithmetic to refer to the process of doing a particular sum or calculation. 计算
4,000 women put in ten rupees each, which if my arithmetic is right adds up to 40,000 rupees. 4千名妇女每人交10卢比, 如果我的计算准确的话加起来总共4万卢比。
3. N-uncount不可数名词:If you refer to the arithmetic of a situation, you are concerned with those aspects of it that can be expressed in numbers, and how they affect the situation.数据;(某形势的)
The arithmetic was discouraging. in less than two months, they had used up six months' worth of food. 数据不容乐观。在不到2个月里,他们已经吃完了6个月的食物。
23. assembly /əsə'mbli/ assemblies 1. N-count 可数名词 An assembly is a large group of people who meet regularly to make decisions or laws for a particular region or country. 议会
... the campaign for the first free election to the National assembly. ... 为首次自由选举入国民议会而进行的运动。
2. N-count 可数名词 An assembly is a group of people gathered together for a particular purpose. 集会者
He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly. 他等到集会者完全安静下来。
3. N-uncount 不可数名词: Formal 正式: When you refer to rights of assembly or restrictions on assembly, you are referring to the legal right that people have to gather together.集会
The U.S. Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection. 美国宪法保证自由言论、集会自由和平等保护权。
4. N-uncount 不可数名词: The assembly of a machine, device, or object is the process of fitting its different parts together. 组装
For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device. 在那天余下的时间里,他在进行一个爆炸装置的组装。
5. N-var 有变体名词 In a school, an assembly is a gathering of all the teachers and students for a particular purpose. 大会(学校师生的)
Recently named the nation's top girls' basketball player, she will be honored this morning at a school assembly. 最近,被命名为全国顶级女子篮球动动员的她将于今天上午在学校大会上被表彰。
24. variable /væriəbəl/ variables 1. 形容词 Something that is variable changes quite often, and there usually seems to be no fixed pattern to these changes. 多变的
The potassium content of foodstuffs is very variable. 食品中的钾含量是多变的。
. vari+abil+ity N-uncount 不可数名词;可变性: There's a great deal of variability between individuals. 个体之间存在着很大的可变性。
N-count 可数名词: A variable is a factor that can change in quality, quantity, or size, that you have to take into account in a situation. 可变因素。
Decisions could be made on the basis of price, delivery dates, after-sales service or any other variable. 决定可以基于价格、送货日期、售后服务或任何其他可变因素而做出。
This notation is rigid25 in that each MIPS arithmetic instruction performs only one operation and must always have exactly three variables. For example, suppose we want to place the sum of four variables b, c, d, and e into variable a. (In this section we are being deliberately vague26 about what a "variable" is; in the next section we'll explain in detail.)
The following sequence27 of instructions adds the four variables:
add a, b, c # The sum of b and c is placed in a
add a, b, c #The sum of b, c and d is now in a
add a, a, e #The sum of b, c,d, and e is now in a
Thus, it takes three instructions to sum the four variables.
The words to the right of the sharp symbol (#) on each line above are comments for the human reader, so the computer ignores them. Note that unlike other programming languages, each line of this language can contation at most one instruction. Another difference C is that comments always terminate at the end of a line.
The natural number of operands for an operation like addition is three: the two numbers being added together and a place to put the sum. Requiring every instruction to have exactly three operands, no more and no less, conforms to the philosophy29 of keeping the hardware simple: hardware for a variable number of operands is more complicated than hardware for a fixed number. This situation illustrates the first of three underlying principles of hardware design:
Design Principle 1: Simplicity favors regularity28.
We can now show, in the two examples that follow, the relationship of programs written in higher-level programming languages to programs in this more primitive notation.
25. rigid /ridʒid/ CET4 1. adj. 形容词: Laws, rules, or systems that are rigid can not be changed or varied, and are therefore considered to be rather severe. 僵死的(法律、规章或制度)
Serveral colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct. 我们调查的几所学院对学生行为举止都有过于严格的规定。
ri+gid+ity /ridʒiditi/
N-uncount 不可数名词;僵死(法律、规章或制度的)过于严格的 ... the rigidity of government policy. ... 政府政策的僵化。
rig+id+ly adv. 副词:[adv with v] 僵死地;过于严格地
The caste system was so rigidly enforced that non-Hindus were not even allowed inside a Hindu house. 种姓制度执行得太过严格,非印度教徒甚至不得进入印度教徒的家中。
adj. 形容词:If you disapprove of someone because you think they are not willing to change their way of thinking or behaving, you can describe them as rigid. 刻板的人;头脑僵化的
She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views. 她是个相当刻板的、有着很强宗教观念的人。
Adj. 形容词: A rigid substance or object is stiff and does not bend, stretch, or twist easily. 僵硬的
... rigid plastic containers. .... 坚硬的塑料容器
N-uncount 不可数名词 硬度
... the strength and rigidity of glass. ... 玻璃的强度与硬度。
26. vague /veig/ CET4 vaguer, vaguest. 1. adj. If something written or spoken is vague, it does not explain or express things clearly. 含糊的
A lot of the talk was apparently vague and general. 这次会谈的许多内容显然含糊而笼统的。
The description was pretty vague and general. 这次会谈的许多内容显然是含糊而笼统的
The description was pretty vague. 这项描述相当含糊。
vague+ly adv. 副词;含 糊的;
If you have a vague memory or idea of something, the memory or idea is not clear. 模糊的
They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available. 他们对于可用水只有一点模糊的了解。
vague +ly adv. 副词 [adv with v] 模糊地
Judith could vaguely remember her mother lying on the sofa. 朱迪斯 能够够模糊地记得她的母亲当时躺在沙发上
adj. If you are vague about something, you deliberately do not tell people much about it. 含糊其辞的
He was vague, however, about just what U.S. forces might actually do. 然而,他对于美国军队可能做什么却含糊其辞。
adj. 形容词 If something such as a feeling is vague, you experience it only slightly. 轻微的(感觉等)
He was conscious of that vague feeling of irritation again. 他又一次感 到微微有些恼火。
adj. 形容词: A vague shape or outline is clear and is therefore not easy to see. 模糊不清的
The bus was a vague shape in the distance. 远处的那辆公共汽车只是一个模糊不清的轮廓。
27. sequence /sikwəns/ CET4 1. N-count 可数名词 A sequence of events or things that come one after another in a particular order. 一系列;一连串
... the sequence of events which led to the murder. ... 导致这起谋杀的一连串事件。
2. N-count 可数名词 A particular sequence yellow, orange, purple, blue, green and white. 黄、橙、紫、绿、白的颜色顺序。
28. regular /rəgyələ/ CET4 regulars 1. adj. Regular events have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen, for example, at the same time each day or each week. 定期的
Get regular exercise. 定期进行锻炼。
We're going to be meeting there on a regular basis. 我们将定期在那里见面。
regu+lar+ly adv. 副词 [adv+with+v] 定期地
He also writes regularly for "International Management" magazine. 他也定期为《国际管理》杂志写稿。
regu+lar+ity N-uncount 不可数名词 规律性
The overdraft arrangements had been generous because of the regularity of half-yearly payments. 由于半年内规律性的付款,透支额度给得一直很高。
ADJ. 形容词 Regular events happen often. 经常的
Although it may look unpleasant, this condition is harmless and usually clears up with regular shampooing. 这可能不好看,但这种情况是无害的并且经常的洗头通常可以消除它。
regu+lar+ly adv.副词 [adv with v] 经常地
Fox, badger, and weasel are regularly seen here. 这里经常看到狐狸、獾和黄鼠狼。
regu+lar+ity N-uncount 不可数名词 经常性
Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity. 停业和失业再次被一成不变地经常性地通告着。
adj. 形容词 If you are, for example, a regular customer at a store or a regular vistor to a place, you go there often. [adj+n] 经常的, 顾客和来访者
She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall. 她已成为霍顿府邸的一名常客。
N-count 可数名词 The regulars at a place or on a team are the people who often go to the place or are often on the team. 常客;正式队员
Regulars at his local bar have set up a fund to help out. 他的当地酒吧的常客们已经设立了一个项基金来帮忙解决困难。
ADJ. 形容词 : You use regular when referring to the thing, person, time, or place that is usually used by someone. For example, someone's regular place is the place where they usually sit. [det+adj+n]固定的
The man shook his hand and then sat at his regular table near the windows. 这个人握了握他的手,然后坐在他固定的靠窗的桌子旁。
ADJ. 形容词: A regular rhythm consists of a series of sounds or moverments with equal periods of time between them. 均匀的
... a very regular beat. ... 非常均匀的节拍。
Regu+lar+ly adv. 副词 [adv+with+v] 均匀地
Remember to breathe regularly. 记住要均匀地呼吸
regu+lar+ity N-uncount 不可数名词 规律性
Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat. 实验者们已经成功地控制了心跳的速度和规律性。
adj. 形容词 mainly AM 主要用于美国英语 Regular is used to mean "normal". [adj+n]普通的
The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette. 这种产品看上去和点起来都像一支普通的香烟。
adj. 形容词 mainly AM 主要用于美国英语 In some restaurants, a regular drink or quantity of food is of medium size. [adj+n]中份的
... a cheeseburger and regular fries. 一个干酪汉堡包和中份的炸薯条。
adj. 形容词: A regular pattern or arrangement consists of a series of things with equal spaces between them. 间隔一致的
The village was laid out in regular patterns.这个村庄街道和房屋被以相等的间隔整齐地加以布局。
adj. 形容词 If something has a regular shape, both halves are the same and it has straight edges or a smooth outline. 规则的
some regular geometrical shape. 一些规则的几何图形。
... the chessboard regularity of their fields. 国际象棋棋盘的规则性。
adj. 形容词 In grammar, a regular verb, noun, or adjective inflects in the same way as most verb, nouns, or adjrctives in the language. 按规则变化的动词、名词或形容词。
29. philosophy // noun 1. =thought, reason, knowledge, thinking, reasoning, wisdom, logic, metaphysics.
2. =outlook, values, principles, convictions, viewpoint, tenets, word view, basic idea, attitude to life,
Compiling31 Two C Assignment30 Statements into MIPS
This segment32 of a C program contains the five variables a, b, c, d, and e. Since Jave evolved33 from C, this example and the next few work for either high-level programming language:
a = b + c;
d = a - e;
The translation from C to MIPS assembly language instructions is performed by the compiler. Show the MIPS code produced by a compiler.
A MIPS instruction operates on two source operands and places the result in one destination operand. Hence, the two simple statements above compile directly into these MIPS assembly language instructions:
add a, b, c
add d, a, e
这一C程序段包含五个变量 a,b,c,d和e. 由于Java脱胎于C语言, 这个例子和下面几步也是高级程序语言:
a = b + c;
d = a - e;
一个MIPS 指令操作两个源操作数,并且把结果放在目的操作数上。因此,以上两个简单的语名直接编译为那些MIPS 汇编语言指令:
add a, b, c
add d, a, e
Compiling a complex C Assignment into MIPS
A somewhat34 complex statement contains the five variables f, g, h, i, and j:
f = (g+h) - (i+j);
What might a C compiler produce?
The compiler must break this statement into several assembly instructions, since only one operation is performed per MIPS instruction. The first MIPS instruction calculates the sum of g and h. We must place the result somewhere,
add t0, g, h # temporary variable t0 contains g + h
Although the next operation is subtract, we need to calculate the sum of i and j before we can substract. Thus, the second instruction places the sum of i and j in another temporary variable created by the compiler, called t1:
add t1, i, j # temporary variable t1 contains i + j
Finally, the subtract instruction subtracts the second sum from the first and places the difference in the variable f, completing the compiled code:
sub f, t0 t1 # gets t0 - t1, which is (g+h)-(i+j)
一个有点复杂的语句包括5个变量 f, g, h, i, 和j:
f = (g+h) - (i+j);
编译器必须分开这条语句成为若干条汇编指令,因为每个MIPS指令仅仅能执行一次。 第一条MIPS指令计算变量g和h的和。 我们必须把结果放置在某处。
add t0, g, h #临时变量t0包含 g 和 h 的和。
虽然下一操作是减法, 我们需要计算变量i和j的和,我们在执行减法之前。 因此,第二条指令放置变量i和j 的和用另一个临时变量,编译器创建的,被称为t1.
add t1, i, j # 临时变量t1包括变量i和变量j之和
最后, 减法指令与第一个和相减,并且放置差在变量f上, 完成复杂的代码。
sub f, t0 t1 # 得到的to-t1是(g+h) - (i+j);
30. assignment /ə'sainmənt/ CET4 TEM4 1. N-Count An assignment is a task or piece of work that you are given to do, especially as part of your job or studies. 任务;作业
例: The assessment for the course involves written assignmentds and practical tests. 这门课程的评估包括各种书面作业和实践测试。
31. compile /kəm'pail/ CET 6 tem4 compiling, compiled, compiles
1. VT When you compile something such as a report, book, or programme, you produce it by collecting and putting together many pieces of information. 汇编;汇集;
例:The book took 10 yearsof to compile. 这本书花了10年编写。
1. VT 编辑, 编纂, 编制: It often takes five or six years of hard work to compile a good dictionary. 编一部好的词典需要五六年。
2. 收集;汇集: They compiled thousands of case history to prove the relationship between smoking and cancer. 他们收集了数以千计的病历来证明吸烟和癌症的关系
3. [计算机] 编译(计算机程序等);把(面向问题语言)转换为面向计算机的语言(使用编译程序将一个计算机程序自高级语言翻译成另一种语言)
1. compiler vt 汇编(put together); 编辑, 编纂 (edit) com(共同)+pile(堆) --- 共同堆积 --- 汇编
Computers can quickly compile and analyze this large volume of weather information. 计算机能快速收集并分析如此大量的气象信息。
1. compile v 汇编(to gather and put together); 编辑(to compose of materials gathered from various sources) com (一起)+ pile(堆)--- 堆在一起
1. compile vt 汇编;编辑;编制;编译: A representation sample of language, compiled for the purpose of linguistic analysis, is known as a corpus. (译文: 为了语言分析而被编纂起来的语言代表样本被叫做语料库。 语料库使得语言学家能够对一种用法的频率加以客观陈述,而且还可以为其他的研究者使用。)ɔ
32. segment /segmənt/ CET4 ; TEM4: 1. N-COUNT A segment of something is one part of it, considered separately from the rest. 部分
例: ... the poorer segments of society. 社会中的较贫困阶层
2. N-count A segment of fruit such as an orange or grapefruit is one of the sections into which it is easily divided. (水果的)瓣
例: Peel all the fruit except the lime and separate into segments. 除了酸橙之外,把所有的水果剥皮并分成瓣。
3. N-count A segment of a circle is one of the two parts into which it is divided when you draw a straight line through it. 圆缺
例: The other children stood around the circle, one in each segment. 其他孩子围着圆圈而站,每一半圈里站一个孩子。
1. n.段、节、部分;2. 【计算机】(字符等的)分段;(程序)段;图块; 3. 【动物学】 节片;体节
vt. 1. 把... 分割 (或切割)成段, 使成分: to segment an iron bar. 把铁杆分割成段
vi. 分割, 分割成段(或节) segmented programme 段程序;2. 【生物学】细胞分裂
33. evolve /i'vɔlv/ vt. 发展;进化;使逐步形成;推断出; vi. 发展;进展;进化;逐步形成; evoled; evolved; evolving
1. VI When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms. 进化
例: The bright plumage of many male birds was thought to have evolved to attract females. 许多雄鸟的鲜艳羽毛被认为吸引 雌鸟而进化而来的。
例: Birds are widely believed to have evolved from dinosaurs. 鸟类普遍被认为是从恐龙进化而来的。
2. VT/VI If something evolves or you evolve it, it gradually develops over a period of time into something different and usually more advanced. 使... 逐步发展;逐步发展
例: ... a tiny airline which eventually evolved into Pakistan International Airlines. 最终发展成为巴基斯坦国际航空公司的一家小型航空公司。
例: Popular music evolved from folk songs. 流行音乐由民歌演变而来。
1. VT 使逐步形成;使逐渐发展, 逐渐展开;设计出,做出,制订 to evolve scheme. 制定(或发展)一项计划
The Chinese political system has evolved a long period of time. 中国政治制度是长期发展形成的。
2. 阐明;引申出;推论出;推断出;推定(事实等): to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence. 由大量庞杂的证据中推断事实。
3. 释放,释出,放射出,散出,发出(气体、气味、热等) to evolve a nice smell, 发出香味;
vi. 渐进,演化,演进,经受演变;逐步形成;进展;展开;发展
The whole idea evolved from a casual remark. 整个想法是由一句脱口而出的话演变而来的。
2. 【生物学】 演化,进化,发达,发育,成长 Man has evolved from the ape. 人是从类人猿进化来的。
evolve /i'vɔlv/ vt. 使进化, 使发展 e (出)+volve(转)---转出来---使进化;
Modern society has finally evolved into an open society. 现代社会最终发展成为了一个开放的社会。
34. somewhat /'sʌmwɔt/ n. 几分;某物 adv. 有点;多少;几分;稍微
1. CET 4. TEM4 1. adv. You use somewhat to indicate that something is the case to a limited extent or degree. 稍微
例: He concluded that Oswald was somewhat abnormal. 他断定奥斯瓦德有点不正常。
例: He explained somewhat unconvincingly that the company was paying for everything.他有点不令人相信地解释说公司正在支付一切费用。
例: What happened to him remains somewhat of a mystery. 他到底出了什么事,现在还是个迷。
例: Tidwell is wearing glasses now, in a somewhat scholarly mode. 蒂德韦尔现在戴着眼镜,有点儿学者气质。
短语: more than somewhat.[口语] 非常;
Check yourself (自测)
For a given function, which programming language likely takes the most lines of code? Put the three representations below in order.
1. Java
3.MIPS assembly language
Elaboration31: To increase portability, Java was originally envisioned30 as relying on a software interpreter. The instruction set of this interpreter is called Java bytecodes (see Section 2.13), which is quite different from the MIPS instruction set. To get performance close to the equivalent32 C program, Java system today typically compile Java bytecode into the native instruction sets like MIPS. Because this compilation is normally done much later for C programs, such Java compilers are often called just in time (JIT) compilers. Section 2.11 shows how JITs are used in the start-up process, and section 2.12 shows the performance consequences of compilling versus interpreting Java programs.
30. envision /in'vi/ TEM 4 envisioning, envisioned, envisions
1. VT If you envision something, you envisage it 设想
例: In the future we envision a federation of companies. 我们设想将来有公司联盟。
例: Alana never envisioned her college career ending like this. 阿兰娜从未想到她的大学生涯会如此结束。
2. vt. 想象;展望 ;预想(imagine) en(...之间)+vis(看)+ion---在内部的--想象
例句: It wasn't until the 1920s that someone envisioned mass appeal for radio. 直到20世纪20年代,才有人预见广播对大众的吸引力。
31. Elaboration /il/ n. 精心制作、详尽阐 述 e(出)+labor(劳动)+action--- 辛苦劳动做出来的东西--精心之作;详尽阐述
Whether homosexuals could get married legally or not needs further elaboration. 对于同性恋结婚是否合法的问题 ,还需进一步探讨。
32. equivalent /ikwiv/ CET4 1. N-SING If one amount or value is the equivalent of another, they are the same. 等量物;等价物;
例: Mr. Li's pay is the equivalent of about $ 8 a month. 李先生的报酬大约等于每月80美元。
2. adj. Equivalent is also an adjective. 等量的;等值的:
例: If they want to change an item in the budget, they will have to propose equivalent cuts elsewhere. 如果他们想要改变预算中的一个款项,必须得提出其他等值的削减。
3. N-count The equivalent of someone or something is a person or thing that has the same function in a different place, time, or system, 等效对象
例: ... the Red Cross emblem, and its equivalent in Muslim countries, the Red Crescent. 红十字徽章、及其在穆斯林国家对应物的红新月。
2.3 Operands of the Computer Hardare
Unlike programs in high-level languages, the operands of arithmetic instruction are restricted; they must be from a limited number of special locations built directly in hardware called register. Registers are primitives used in hardware design that are also visible to the programmer when the computer is computer is completed, so you can think of registers as the bricks of computer construction. The size of a register in the MIPS architecture is 32 bits; groups of 32 bits occur so frequently that they are given the name word in the MIPS architecture.
One major difference between the variables of a programming language and registers is the limited number of registers, typically 32 on current computers, like MIPS.(see Section 2.19 for the history of the number of registers.) Thus, continuing in top-down, stepwise evolution of the symbolic representation of the MIPS language, in this section we have added the restriction that the three operands of MIPS arithmetic instructions must each be chosen from one of the 32 32-bit registers.
The reason for the limit of 32 registers may be found in the second of our three underlying design principles of hardware technology:
Design priciple 2: Smaller is faster.
A very large number of registers may increase the clock cycle time simply because it takes electronic signals longer when they must travel farther.
Guidelines such as "smaller is faster" are not absolutes; 31 registers may not be faster than 32. Yet,the truth behind such observations causes computer designers to take them seriously. In this case, the designer must balance the craving of programs for more registers with the designer's desire to keep the clock cycle fast. Another reason for not using more than 32 is the number of bits it would take in the instruction format, as section 2.5 demonstrates.
Chapter 4 shows the central role that registers play in hardware construction; as we shall see in this chapter, effective use of registers is critical to program performance.
Although we could simply write instructions using numbers for registers, from 0 to 31, the MIPS convention is to use two-character names following a dollar sign to represent a register. Section 2.8 will explain the reasons behind these names. For now, we will use $s0, $s1, ... for registers that correspond to variables in C and Java programs and $t0, $t1,... for temporary registers needed to compile the program into MIPS instructions.
Compiling a C Assignment Using Registers.
It is the complier's job to associsate program variables with registers. Take, for instance, the assignment from our earlier example:
f = (g + h) - (i + j)
The variables f, g, h, i and j are assigned to the registers $s0, $s1, $s2, $s3 and $s4, respectively. What is the compiled MIPS code?
The compiled program is very similar to the prior example, except we replace the variables with the register names mentioned above plus two temporary registers, $t0 and $t1, which correspond to the temporary variables above:
add $t0, $s1, $s2 #register $t0 contains g + h
add $t1, $s3, $s4 #register $t1 contains i+j
sub $s0 $t0, $st1 #f get $t0 - $t1 which is (g+h)-(i+j)
Memory operands
Programming languages have simple variables that contain single data elements, as in these examples, but they also have more complex data structures---arrays and structures. These complex data structures can contain many more data elements than there are registers in a computer. How can a computer represent and access such large structuries?
Recall the five components of a computer introduced in Chapter 1 and repeated on page 61. The processor can keep only a small amount of data in registers, but computer memory contains billions of data elements. Hence, data structures (arrays and structures) are kept in memory.
As explained above, arithmetic operations occur only on registers in MIPS instructions; thus, MIPS must include instructions that transfer data between memory and registers. Such instructions are called data transfer instructionds. To access a word in memory, the instruction must supply the memory address. Memory is just a large, single-dimensional array, with the address acting as the index to that arry, starting at 0. For example, in Figure 2.2, the address of the third data element is 2, and the value of Memory [2] is 10
The data transfer instruction that copies data from memory to a register is traditionally called load. The format of the load instruction is the name of the operation followed by the register to be loaded, then a constant and register used to access memory. The sum of the constant portion of th instruction and the contents of the second register forms the memory address. The actual MIPS name for this instruction is lw, standing for load word.
Compiling an Assigment when an operand is in Memory.
Let's assume that A is an array of 100 words and that the compiler has associated the variables g and h with the registers $s1 and $s2 as before. Let's also assume that the starting address, or base address, of the array is in $s3. Compile this C assignment statement:
g = h + A[8];
Although there is a single operation in this assignment statement, one of the operands is in memory, so we must first transfer A [8] to a register. The adress of this array element is the sum of the base of the array A, found in register $ s3, plus the number to select element 8. The data should be placed in temporary register for use in the next instruction. Based on Figure 2.2, the first compiled instruction is
lw $t0, 8($ S3) # Temporary reg $t0 gets A[8]
(We'll be making a slight adjustment to this instruction, but we will use this simplified version for now.) The following instruction can operate on the value in $ t0 (which equals A[8])since it is in a register. The instruction must add h (contained $ s2) to A[8] (contained in $ t0) and put the sum in the register corresponding to g (associated with $ s1):
add $ s1, $ s2, $ t0 # g = h +A[8]
The constant in a data transfer instruction (8) is called the offset, and the register added to form the address ($ s 3) is called the base register.
In addition to associating variables with registers, the commpiler allocates data structures like arrays and structures to locations in memory. The compiler can then place the proper starting address into the data transfer instructions.
Since 8-bit bytes are useful in many programs, virtually all architectures today address individual bytes. Therefore, the address of a word matches the address of one of the 4 bytes within the word, and addresses of sequential words differ by 4. For example, Figure 2.3 shows the actual MIPS addresses for the words in Figure 2.2; the byte address of the third word is 8.
In MIPS, words must start at addresses that are multiples of 4. This requiement is called an alignment restriction, and many architectures have it.(chapter 4 suggests why aligbment leads to faster data transfers).
Computer divide into those that use the address of the leftmost or "big end" byte as the word address versus those that use the rightmost or "little end" byte. MIPS is in the big-endian camp. Since the order matters only if you access the identical data both as a word and as four bytes, few need to be aware of the endianess. (Appendix A shows the two options to number bytes in a word.)
Byte addressing also affects the array index. To get the proper byte address in the code above, the offset to be added to the base register $ s3 must be 4*8, or 32, so that the load address will select A [8] and not A [8/4]. (see the related pitfall on section 2.17)
The instruction complementary to load is traditionally called store; it copies data from a register to memory. The format of a store is similar to that of a load: the name of the operation, followed by the register to be stored, then offset to select the array element, and finally the base register. Once again, the MIPS address is specified in part by a constant and in part by the constents of a register. The actual MIPS name is SW, standing for store word.
Hardware Software/software Interface
As the address in loads and stores are binary numbers, we can see why the DRAM for main memory comes in binary sizes rather than in decimal sizes. That is, in gebibytes(230) or tebibytes (240), not in gigabytes (109) or terabytes (1012) see Figure 1.1
Compiling Using Load and Store
Assume variable h is associated with register $ s2 and the base address of the array A is in $ s3. What is the MIPS assembly code for the C assignment statement below?
A [12]= h + A [8];
Although there is a single operation in the C statement, now two of the operands are in memory, so we need even more MIPS instructions. The first two instructions are the same as the prior example, except this time we use the proper offset for byte addressing in the load word instruction to select A [8], and the add instruction places the sum is $t0:
lw $ t0, 32 ($s3) # Temporary reg $t0 gets A [8]
add $t0, $s2, $t0 # Temporary reg $t0 gets h + A[8]
The final instruction stores the sum into A [12], using 48 (4*12) as the offset and register $ s3 as the base register.
sw $ t0, 48 ($ s3) # Store h + A [8] back into A [12]
Load word and store word are the instructions that copy words between memory and registers in the MIPS architecture. Other brands of computers use other instructions along with load and store to transfer data. An architecture with such alternatives is the Intel X86, described in section 2.15.
Many programs have more variables than computers have registers. Consequently, the compiler tries to keep the most frequently used variables in registers and places the rest in memory, using loads and stores to move variables between registers and memory. The process of putting less commonly used variables (or those needed later) into memory is called spilling registers.
The hardware principle relating size and speed suggests that memory must be slower than registers, since there are fewer registers. This is indeed the case; data accesses are faster if data is in registers instead of memory.
Moreover, data is more useful when in a register. A MIPS arithmetic instruction can read two registers, operate on them, and write the result. A MIPS data transfer instruction only reads one operand or writes one operand, without oprating on it.
Thus, registers take less time to access and have higher throughput than memory, making data in registers both faster to access and simpler to use. Accessing registers also uses less energy, an instruction set architecture must have a sufficient number of registers, and compilers must registers effciently.
Constant or Immediate operands
Many times a program will use a constant in an operation--for example, incrementing an index to point to the next element of an array. In fact, more than half of the MIPS arithmetic instructions have a constant as an operand when running the SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks.
Using only the instructions we have seen so far, we would have to load a constant from memory to use one.(The constants would have been placed in memory when the program was loaded.) For example, to add the constant 4 to register $ s3, we could use the code: