
https://www.jianshu.com/writer#/notebooks/42181916/notes/60235053 介绍利用企业品牌矩阵来进行思考企业品牌,今天就来说说品牌中的每一个属性是什么意思

The Corporate Brand Identity Matrix

       Internal elements. Forming the foundation of a corporate brand identity are the firm’s mission and vision (which engage and inspire its people), culture (which reveals their work ethic and attitudes), and competences (its distinctive capabilities).These things are rooted in the organization’s values and operational realities. Consider Johnson & Johnson’s credo, which is carved in stone at the entrance of the company’s headquarters and is a constant reminder of what J&J’s top priorities are (or should be). It describes J&J’s ethos of putting the needs of patients (and their caregivers) first; how it will serve them, by providing high quality at reasonable cost; and a work environment that will be based on dignity, safety, and fairness.


       External elements. At the top of the matrix you’ll find elements related to how the company wants to be perceived by customers and other external stakeholders: its value proposition, outside relationships, and positioning. Nike, for instance, wants to be known for helping customers achieve their personal best, a goal that shapes its product offerings and is captured in its marketing tagline, “Just Do It.”

        外部因素:在矩阵最上方的元素关系到公司希望如何被客户和股民感知:价值主张,外部关系和定位。以耐克为例,希望帮助客户实现个人最大成就而闻名,这目标在塑造产品的形状上和抓住市场的标语“去做就对了” 体现。

      Elements that bridge internal and external aspects. These include the organization’s personality, its distinctive ways of communicating, and its “brand core”—whatit stands for and the enduring values that underlie its promise to customers. The brand core, atthe center ofthe matrix, is the essence ofthe company’s identity. Patagonia’s is summed up in its promise to provide the highest-quality products and to support and inspire environmental stewardship. Audi captures its brand core with the phrase “Vorsprung durch technik” (“Progress through technology”). 3M describes its core simply: “Science. Applied to life.”

      When a corporate identity is coherent, each ofthe other elements will inform and echo the brand core, resonating with the company’s values and whatthe brand stands for. The brand core, in turn, will shape the other eight elements.
