6 | 7 | ||||||
5 | 0 | ||||||
4 | 1 | ||||||
3 | 2 | ||||||
// 马可以走5这个位置
if((p1.x = curPoint.x-2) >= 0 && (p1.y = curPoint.y - 1) >= 0){
ps.add(new Point(p1));
visited[row * X + column] = true;
// row = 4 X = 8 column = 4 position = 36
// index start from 0
package algorithm.horse;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class HorseChess {
private static int X; // col of chess
private static int Y; // row of chess
// create an array to record whether chess point has been visited
private static boolean visited[];
// use a attribute to mark whether all the position has been visited
private static boolean finished; // success if the result is true
public static void main(String[] args) {
X = 8;
Y = 8;
int row = 1; // start point of horse, index from 1
int column = 1; // col of start point of horse
// create chess board
int[][] chessboard = new int[X][Y];
visited = new boolean[X*Y]; // default value is false
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("time cost: "+(end-start)+" ms");
// print chess board
for(int[] rows: chessboard){
for(int val: rows){
System.out.print(val+" ");
* algorithm of horse travel
* @param chessboard chess board
* @param row row of horse's position, start from 0
* @param column col of horse's position, start from 0
* @param step which step, initial step is 1
public static void traversalChess(int[][] chessboard,int row,int column,int step){
chessboard[row][column] = step;
visited[row*X + column] = true; // mark this position visited
// get the collection of next positions horse can go for current position
ArrayList<Point> ps = next(new Point(column, row));
// traverse ps, find which position can go
Point p = ps.remove(0); // get next position the horse can go
// determine if this point has been visited
if(!visited[p.y * X+p.x]){ // not visited
// determine whether finished task, compare num of chessboard and step
// if not match, not finish the task, reset chess board to 0
// note: there are two scenario of step
// 1. horse not reach all positions in the chess board
// 2. chess board is in a trace back status
if(step<X*Y && !finished){
chessboard[row][column] = 0; // reset whole chess board ??
visited[row*X + column] = false;
} else{
finished = true;
* 根据当前位置(Point对象),计算马还能走那些位置(Point),
* 并放入到一个集合(ArrayList)中,最多有8个位置
* @param curPoint
* @return
public static ArrayList<Point> next(Point curPoint){
// create ArrayList
ArrayList<Point> ps = new ArrayList<Point>();
// create Point
Point p1 = new Point();
// horse can go to point 5
if((p1.x = curPoint.x-2) >= 0 && (p1.y = curPoint.y - 1) >= 0){
ps.add(new Point(p1));
// horse can go to point 6?
if((p1.x = curPoint.x-1) >=0 && (p1.y = curPoint.y - 2) >= 0){
ps.add(new Point(p1));
// 7
if((p1.x = curPoint.x+1) < X && (p1.y = curPoint.y - 2) >= 0){
ps.add(new Point(p1));
// 0
if((p1.x = curPoint.x+2) < X && (p1.y = curPoint.y - 1) >= 0) {
ps.add(new Point(p1));
// 1
if((p1.x = curPoint.x+2) < X && (p1.y = curPoint.y + 1) < Y) {
ps.add(new Point(p1));
// 2
if((p1.x = curPoint.x+1)<X && (p1.y = curPoint.y + 2)<Y) {
ps.add(new Point(p1));
// 3
if((p1.x = curPoint.x-1)>=0 && (p1.y = curPoint.y + 2)<Y) {
ps.add(new Point(p1));
// 4
if((p1.x = curPoint.x-2)>=0 && (p1.y = curPoint.y + 1)<Y) {
ps.add(new Point(p1));
return ps;
ArrayList<Point> ps = next(new Point(column, row));
// num of next step of current step's next steps, sort
public static void sort(ArrayList<Point> ps){
ps.sort(new Comparator<Point>() {
public int compare(Point o1, Point o2) {
// get num of all next positions of o1
int count1 = next(o1).size();
int count2 = next(o2).size();
if(count1 < count2){
return -1;
}else if (count1 == count2){
return 0;
return count1;
ArrayList<Point> ps = next(new Point(column, row));
// sort