







        对于这类芯片而言,读取一般都使用了顺序读,即读完一个地址自动读下一个地址,所以约定好长度通过no ack来打断很重要。













        所有 I2C 设备均支持单字节数据写入操作,但只有部分 I2C 设备支持页写操作; 且支持页写操作的设备,一次页写操作写入的字节数不能超过设备单页包含的存储单元

        本章节使用的 AT24CXX 系列的 EEPROM 存储芯片,单页存储单元个数为 32 个,一 次页写操作只能写入 32 字节数据。



BSP板级支持包(board support package)-CSDN博客



* 该函数在主模式下启动中断驱动的接收。
* 它设置传输大小寄存器,以便从机可以向我们发送数据。
* 其余工作由中断处理程序管理。

* @brief
* This function initiates an interrupt-driven receive in master mode.
* It sets the transfer size register so the slave can send data to us.
* The rest of the work is managed by interrupt handler.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIicPs instance.
* @param	MsgPtr is the pointer to the receive buffer.
* @param	ByteCount is the number of bytes to be received.
* @param	SlaveAddr is the address of the slave we are receiving from.
* @return	None.
* @note		This receive routine is for interrupt-driven transfer only.
void XIicPs_MasterRecv(XIicPs *InstancePtr, u8 *MsgPtr, s32 ByteCount,
		 u16 SlaveAddr)
	UINTPTR BaseAddr;

	 * Assert validates the input arguments.
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertVoid(MsgPtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == (u32)XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
	Xil_AssertVoid((u16)XIICPS_ADDR_MASK >= SlaveAddr);

	BaseAddr = InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress;
	InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr = MsgPtr;
	InstancePtr->RecvByteCount = ByteCount;
	InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr = NULL;
	InstancePtr->IsSend = 0;

#if defined  (XCLOCKING)
	if (InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled == 0) {
		InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled = 1;

	if ((ByteCount > XIICPS_FIFO_DEPTH) ||
		((InstancePtr->IsRepeatedStart) !=0))
		XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,
				XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, (u32)XIICPS_CR_OFFSET) |

	 * Initialize for a master receiving role.
	(void)XIicPs_SetupMaster(InstancePtr, RECVING_ROLE);
	 * Setup the transfer size register so the slave knows how much
	 * to send to us.
	if (ByteCount > (s32)XIICPS_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE) {
		InstancePtr->CurrByteCount = (s32)XIICPS_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE;
		InstancePtr->UpdateTxSize = 1;
	}else {
		InstancePtr->CurrByteCount = ByteCount;
		XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, (u32)(XIICPS_TRANS_SIZE_OFFSET),
		InstancePtr->UpdateTxSize = 0;

	 * Clear the interrupt status register before use it to monitor.

	 * Do the address transfer to signal the slave.
	XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET, (u32)SlaveAddr);



* 该函数在主模式下启动中断驱动的发送。
* 它尝试发送第一个 FIFO 满的数据,

* 然后让中断处理程序处理其余数据(如果有)。

#define TX_MAX_LOOPCNT 1000000U	/**< Used to wait in polled function */

/************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/

/************************* Variable Definitions *****************************/

* @brief
* This function initiates an interrupt-driven send in master mode.
* It tries to send the first FIFO-full of data, then lets the interrupt
* handler to handle the rest of the data if there is any.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIicPs instance.
* @param	MsgPtr is the pointer to the send buffer.
* @param	ByteCount is the number of bytes to be sent.
* @param	SlaveAddr is the address of the slave we are sending to.
* @return	None.
* @note		This send routine is for interrupt-driven transfer only.
void XIicPs_MasterSend(XIicPs *InstancePtr, u8 *MsgPtr, s32 ByteCount,
		 u16 SlaveAddr)
	UINTPTR BaseAddr;
	u32 Platform = XGetPlatform_Info();

	 * Assert validates the input arguments.
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertVoid(MsgPtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == (u32)XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
	Xil_AssertVoid((u16)XIICPS_ADDR_MASK >= SlaveAddr);

	BaseAddr = InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress;
	InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr = MsgPtr;
	InstancePtr->SendByteCount = ByteCount;
	InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr = NULL;
	InstancePtr->IsSend = 1;

#if defined  (XCLOCKING)
	if (InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled == 0) {
		InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled = 1;
	 * Set repeated start if sending more than FIFO of data.
	if (((InstancePtr->IsRepeatedStart) != 0)||
		(ByteCount > XIICPS_FIFO_DEPTH)) {
		XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, (u32)XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,
			XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, (u32)XIICPS_CR_OFFSET) |

	 * Setup as a master sending role.
	(void)XIicPs_SetupMaster(InstancePtr, SENDING_ROLE);


	 * Clear the interrupt status register before use it to monitor.


	 * Do the address transfer to notify the slave.
	XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET, (u32)SlaveAddr);

	/* Clear the Hold bit in ZYNQ if receive byte count is less than
	 * the FIFO depth to get the completion interrupt properly.
	if ((ByteCount < XIICPS_FIFO_DEPTH) && (Platform == (u32)XPLAT_ZYNQ))
		XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,
				XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, (u32)XIICPS_CR_OFFSET) &



Zynq SDK开发之外设信息描述 - 简书 (jianshu.com)


 Xilinx sdk 学习笔记 之 IIC(二)-CSDN博客


* 根据唯一设备ID查找设备配置表

* 表中包含系统中每个设备的配置信息。


/************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/

/**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/

/***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/

/************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/

/************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/

* @brief
* Looks up the device configuration based on the unique device ID. A table
* contains the configuration info for each device in the system.
* @param	DeviceId contains the ID of the device to look up the
*		configuration for.
* @return	A pointer to the configuration found or NULL if the specified
*		device ID was not found. See xiicps.h for the definition of
*		XIicPs_Config.
* @note		None.
XIicPs_Config *XIicPs_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId)
	XIicPs_Config *CfgPtr = NULL;
	s32 Index;

	for (Index = 0; Index < XPAR_XIICPS_NUM_INSTANCES; Index++) {
		if (XIicPs_ConfigTable[Index].DeviceId == DeviceId) {
			CfgPtr = &XIicPs_ConfigTable[Index];

	return (XIicPs_Config *)CfgPtr;
/** @} */


* 初始化特定的 XIicPs 实例,以便驱动程序可供使用。
* 初始化后设备的状态为:

        * - 设备已禁用

        * - 从机模式


/************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/

* @brief
* Initializes a specific XIicPs instance such that the driver is ready to use.
* The state of the device after initialization is:
*   - Device is disabled
*   - Slave mode
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIicPs instance.
* @param	ConfigPtr is a reference to a structure containing information
*		about a specific IIC device. This function initializes an
*		InstancePtr object for a specific device specified by the
*		contents of Config.
* @param	EffectiveAddr is the device base address in the virtual memory
*		address space. The caller is responsible for keeping the address
*		mapping from EffectiveAddr to the device physical base address
*		unchanged once this function is invoked. Unexpected errors may
*		occur if the address mapping changes after this function is
*		called. If address translation is not used, use
*		ConfigPtr->BaseAddress for this parameter, passing the physical
*		address instead.
* @return	The return value is XST_SUCCESS if successful.
* @note		None.
s32 XIicPs_CfgInitialize(XIicPs *InstancePtr, XIicPs_Config *ConfigPtr,
				  u32 EffectiveAddr)
	 * Assert validates the input arguments.
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(ConfigPtr != NULL);

	 * Set some default values.
	InstancePtr->Config.DeviceId = ConfigPtr->DeviceId;
	InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress = EffectiveAddr;
	InstancePtr->Config.InputClockHz = ConfigPtr->InputClockHz;
#if defined  (XCLOCKING)
	InstancePtr->Config.RefClk = ConfigPtr->RefClk;
	InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled = 0;

	InstancePtr->StatusHandler = StubHandler;
	InstancePtr->CallBackRef = NULL;

	InstancePtr->IsReady = (u32)XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY;

	 * Reset the IIC device to get it into its initial state. It is expected
	 * that device configuration will take place after this initialization
	 * is done, but before the device is started.

	 * Keep a copy of what options this instance has.
	InstancePtr->Options = XIicPs_GetOptions(InstancePtr);

	/* Initialize repeated start flag to 0 */
	InstancePtr->IsRepeatedStart = 0;

	return (s32)XST_SUCCESS;

速率配置函数 XIicPs_SetSClk

* 该函数设置IIC 器件的串行时钟速率。

* 在设置这些设备选项之前,设备必须处于空闲状态而不是忙于传输数据。

* 数据速率由控制寄存器中的值设置。

* 确定正确寄存器值的公式为:

* Fscl = Fpclk/(22 x (divisor_a+1) x (divisor_b+1))

* 有关设置串行时钟速率的完整说明,请参阅硬件数据表。

* @brief
* This function sets the serial clock rate for the IIC device. The device
* must be idle rather than busy transferring data before setting these device
* options.
* The data rate is set by values in the control register. The formula for
* determining the correct register values is:
* Fscl = Fpclk/(22 x (divisor_a+1) x (divisor_b+1))
* See the hardware data sheet for a full explanation of setting the serial
* clock rate.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIicPs instance.
* @param	FsclHz is the clock frequency in Hz. The two most common clock
*		rates are 100KHz and 400KHz.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if options are successfully set.
*		- XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED if the device is currently transferring
*		data. The transfer must complete or be aborted before setting
*		options.
*		- XST_FAILURE if the Fscl frequency can not be set.
* @note		The clock can not be faster than the input clock divide by 22.
s32 XIicPs_SetSClk(XIicPs *InstancePtr, u32 FsclHz)
	u32 Div_a;
	u32 Div_b;
	u32 ActualFscl;
	u32 Temp;
	u32 TempLimit;
	u32 LastError;
	u32 BestError;
	u32 CurrentError;
	u32 ControlReg;
	u32 CalcDivA;
	u32 CalcDivB;
	u32 BestDivA;
	u32 BestDivB;
	u32 FsclHzVar = FsclHz;

	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == (u32)XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(FsclHzVar > 0U);

	if (0U != XIicPs_In32((InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress) +
		return (s32)XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED;

	 * Assume Div_a is 0 and calculate (divisor_a+1) x (divisor_b+1).
	Temp = (InstancePtr->Config.InputClockHz) / ((u32)22U * FsclHzVar);

	 * If the answer is negative or 0, the Fscl input is out of range.
	if ((u32)(0U) == Temp) {
		return (s32)XST_FAILURE;

	 * If frequency 400KHz is selected, 384.6KHz should be set.
	 * If frequency 100KHz is selected, 90KHz should be set.
	 * This is due to a hardware limitation.
	if(FsclHzVar > (u32)384600U) {
		FsclHzVar = (u32)384600U;

	if((FsclHzVar <= (u32)100000U) && (FsclHzVar > (u32)90000U)) {
		FsclHzVar = (u32)90000U;

	 * TempLimit helps in iterating over the consecutive value of Temp to
	 * find the closest clock rate achievable with divisors.
	 * Iterate over the next value only if fractional part is involved.
	TempLimit = (((InstancePtr->Config.InputClockHz) %
			((u32)22 * FsclHzVar)) != 	(u32)0x0U) ?
						 (Temp + (u32)1U) : Temp;
	BestError = FsclHzVar;

	BestDivA = 0U;
	BestDivB = 0U;
	for ( ; Temp <= TempLimit ; Temp++)
		LastError = FsclHzVar;
		CalcDivA = 0U;
		CalcDivB = 0U;

		for (Div_b = 0U; Div_b < 64U; Div_b++) {

			Div_a = Temp / (Div_b + 1U);

			if (Div_a != 0U){
				Div_a = Div_a - (u32)1U;
			if (Div_a > 3U){
			ActualFscl = (InstancePtr->Config.InputClockHz) /
						(22U * (Div_a + 1U) * (Div_b + 1U));

			if (ActualFscl > FsclHzVar){
				CurrentError = (ActualFscl - FsclHzVar);}
				CurrentError = (FsclHzVar - ActualFscl);}

			if (LastError > CurrentError) {
				CalcDivA = Div_a;
				CalcDivB = Div_b;
				LastError = CurrentError;

		 * Used to capture the best divisors.
		if (LastError < BestError) {
			BestError = LastError;
			BestDivA = CalcDivA;
			BestDivB = CalcDivB;

	 * Read the control register and mask the Divisors.
	ControlReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,
	ControlReg &= ~((u32)XIICPS_CR_DIV_A_MASK | (u32)XIICPS_CR_DIV_B_MASK);
	ControlReg |= (BestDivA << XIICPS_CR_DIV_A_SHIFT) |

	XIicPs_WriteReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress, (u32)XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,

	return (s32)XST_SUCCESS;



* 该函数在主模式下启动轮询模式接收。
* 它重复设置传输大小寄存器,以便从机可以

* 向我们发送数据。它轮询数据寄存器以获取要输入的数据。
* 如果主机由于仲裁失败而无法读取数据,将返回 :仲裁失败状态。
* 如果从机无法向我们发送数据,则会因超时而失败。

* @brief
* This function initiates a polled mode receive in master mode.
* It repeatedly sets the transfer size register so the slave can
* send data to us. It polls the data register for data to come in.
* If master fails to read data due arbitration lost, will return
* with arbitration lost status.
* If slave fails to send us data, it fails with time out.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIicPs instance.
* @param	MsgPtr is the pointer to the receive buffer.
* @param	ByteCount is the number of bytes to be received.
* @param	SlaveAddr is the address of the slave we are receiving from.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if everything went well.
*		- XST_FAILURE if timed out.
*		- XST_IIC_ARB_LOST if arbitration lost
* @note		This receive routine is for polled mode transfer only.
s32 XIicPs_MasterRecvPolled(XIicPs *InstancePtr, u8 *MsgPtr,
				s32 ByteCount, u16 SlaveAddr)
	u32 IntrStatusReg;
	u32 Intrs;
	UINTPTR BaseAddr;
	s32 Result;
	s32 IsHold;
	s32 UpdateTxSize = 0;
	s32 ByteCountVar = ByteCount;
	u32 Platform;

	 * Assert validates the input arguments.
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(MsgPtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == (u32)XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid((u16)XIICPS_ADDR_MASK >= SlaveAddr);

	BaseAddr = InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress;
	InstancePtr->RecvBufferPtr = MsgPtr;
	InstancePtr->RecvByteCount = ByteCountVar;

#if defined  (XCLOCKING)
	if (InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled == 0) {
		InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled = 1;

	Platform = XGetPlatform_Info();

	if((ByteCountVar > XIICPS_FIFO_DEPTH) ||
		((InstancePtr->IsRepeatedStart) !=0))
		XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,
				XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, (u32)XIICPS_CR_OFFSET) |
		IsHold = 1;
	} else {
		IsHold = 0;

	(void)XIicPs_SetupMaster(InstancePtr, RECVING_ROLE);

	 * Clear the interrupt status register before use it to monitor.
	IntrStatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET);
	XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET, IntrStatusReg);

	 * Set up the transfer size register so the slave knows how much
	 * to send to us.
	if (ByteCountVar > (s32)XIICPS_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE) {
		UpdateTxSize = 1;
	}else {

	XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET, SlaveAddr);

	 * Intrs keeps all the error-related interrupts.
	 * Poll the interrupt status register to find the errors.
	IntrStatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET);

	while ((InstancePtr->RecvByteCount > 0) &&
			((IntrStatusReg & Intrs) == 0U)) {

		while ((XIicPs_RxDataValid(InstancePtr)) != 0U) {
			if ((InstancePtr->RecvByteCount <
				XIICPS_DATA_INTR_DEPTH) && (IsHold != 0) &&
				(InstancePtr->IsRepeatedStart == 0) &&
				(UpdateTxSize == 0)) {
				IsHold = 0;
				XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,
		    ByteCountVar --;

			if (Platform == (u32)XPLAT_ZYNQ) {
			    if ((UpdateTxSize != 0) &&
				    (ByteCountVar == (XIICPS_FIFO_DEPTH + 1))) {
		if (Platform == (u32)XPLAT_ZYNQ) {
			if ((UpdateTxSize != 0) &&
				(ByteCountVar == (XIICPS_FIFO_DEPTH + 1))) {
			    /*  wait while fifo is full */
			while (XIicPs_RxFIFOFull(InstancePtr, ByteCountVar) != 0U) { ;
				if ((InstancePtr->RecvByteCount - XIICPS_FIFO_DEPTH) >

				    ByteCountVar = (s32)XIICPS_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE +
				} else {
						InstancePtr->RecvByteCount -
					UpdateTxSize = 0;
				    ByteCountVar = InstancePtr->RecvByteCount;
		} else {
		    if ((InstancePtr->RecvByteCount > 0) && (ByteCountVar == 0)) {
				 * Clear the interrupt status register before use it to
				 * monitor.
				IntrStatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET);
				XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET, IntrStatusReg);

				XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET, SlaveAddr);

				if ((InstancePtr->RecvByteCount) >

				    ByteCountVar = (s32)XIICPS_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE;
				} else {
					UpdateTxSize = 0;
				    ByteCountVar = InstancePtr->RecvByteCount;

		IntrStatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET);

	if (InstancePtr->IsRepeatedStart == 0) {
		XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,
				XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr,XIICPS_CR_OFFSET) &

	if ((IntrStatusReg & Intrs) != 0U) {
		if ((IntrStatusReg & XIICPS_IXR_ARB_LOST_MASK) != 0U) {
			Result = (s32) XST_IIC_ARB_LOST;
		} else {
			Result = (s32)XST_FAILURE;
	} else {
		Result = (s32)XST_SUCCESS;

	return Result;


* 该函数在主模式下启动轮询模式发送。
* 它将数据发送到 FIFO 并等待从机接收它们。
* 如果主设备由于仲裁丢失而无法发送数据,将停止传输

* 并处于仲裁丢失状态

* 如果从设备无法从 FIFO 中删除数据,则发送失败并

* 超时。

* @brief
* This function initiates a polled mode send in master mode.
* It sends data to the FIFO and waits for the slave to pick them up.
* If master fails to send data due arbitration lost, will stop transfer
* and with arbitration lost status
* If slave fails to remove data from FIFO, the send fails with
* time out.
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIicPs instance.
* @param	MsgPtr is the pointer to the send buffer.
* @param	ByteCount is the number of bytes to be sent.
* @param	SlaveAddr is the address of the slave we are sending to.
* @return
*		- XST_SUCCESS if everything went well.
*		- XST_FAILURE if timed out.
*		- XST_IIC_ARB_LOST if arbitration lost
* @note		This send routine is for polled mode transfer only.
s32 XIicPs_MasterSendPolled(XIicPs *InstancePtr, u8 *MsgPtr,
		 s32 ByteCount, u16 SlaveAddr)
	u32 IntrStatusReg;
	u32 StatusReg;
	UINTPTR BaseAddr;
	u32 Intrs;
	s32 Status = (s32)XST_FAILURE;
	u32 timeout = 0;
	_Bool Value;

	 * Assert validates the input arguments.
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(MsgPtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == (u32)XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
	Xil_AssertNonvoid((u16)XIICPS_ADDR_MASK >= SlaveAddr);

#if defined  (XCLOCKING)
	if (InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled == 0) {
		InstancePtr->IsClkEnabled = 1;

	BaseAddr = InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress;
	InstancePtr->SendBufferPtr = MsgPtr;
	InstancePtr->SendByteCount = ByteCount;

	if (((InstancePtr->IsRepeatedStart) != 0) ||
		(ByteCount > XIICPS_FIFO_DEPTH)) {
		XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,
				XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, (u32)XIICPS_CR_OFFSET) |

	(void)XIicPs_SetupMaster(InstancePtr, SENDING_ROLE);

	 * Intrs keeps all the error-related interrupts.

	 * Clear the interrupt status register before use it to monitor.
	IntrStatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET);
	XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET, IntrStatusReg);

	 * Transmit first FIFO full of data.

	XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ADDR_OFFSET, (u32)SlaveAddr);

	IntrStatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET);

	 * Continue sending as long as there is more data and
	 * there are no errors.
	Value = ((InstancePtr->SendByteCount > (s32)0) &&
		((IntrStatusReg & Intrs) == (u32)0U));
	while (Value != FALSE) {
		StatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_SR_OFFSET);

		 * Wait until transmit FIFO is empty.
		if ((StatusReg & XIICPS_SR_TXDV_MASK) != 0U) {
			IntrStatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr,
			Value = ((InstancePtr->SendByteCount > (s32)0) &&
				((IntrStatusReg & Intrs) == (u32)0U));

		 * Send more data out through transmit FIFO.
		Value = ((InstancePtr->SendByteCount > (s32)0) &&
			((IntrStatusReg & Intrs) == (u32)0U));

	 * Check for completion of transfer.

		IntrStatusReg = XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_ISR_OFFSET);
		 * If there is an error, tell the caller.
		if ((IntrStatusReg & Intrs) != 0U) {
			if ((IntrStatusReg & XIICPS_IXR_ARB_LOST_MASK) != 0U) {
				Status = (s32) XST_IIC_ARB_LOST;
		 * Timeout if stuck for more than 1 second
		if (timeout == TX_MAX_LOOPCNT) {

	if (InstancePtr->IsRepeatedStart == 0) {
		XIicPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, XIICPS_CR_OFFSET,
				XIicPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr,XIICPS_CR_OFFSET) &

	/* Set the Status for XST_SUCCESS */
	if (((IntrStatusReg & Intrs) == 0U) && (timeout != TX_MAX_LOOPCNT)) {
		Status = (s32)XST_SUCCESS;

	return Status;


#include "xiicps.h"

The xiicps.h header file is an implementation of IIC driver in the PS block. 

#include "xparameters.h"

