
day1 练习题参考回答:

1.Would you like to work in a museum?

I wouldn’t want to work in a museum in China, but I would love to work in The Louvre in Paris, that is where visitors can see the Mona Lisa by Da Vinci. The Louvre is huge and they say that even if you went there every day for a year, you still couldn’t see everything. If I was a curator there, I could possibly see some of their secret exhibits and treasures that rarely see the light of day.

2. Would you like to be a teacher?

Being a teacher is a very popular choice of profession in China. Mostly it is because the work is considered relatively stable, the pay is not bad, but most importantly there are very long summer vacations. It is not a particularly challenging job, which is why I think it might be dull for me, besides, my father has a low opinion of teachers. He always says: those who can do, those who can’t teach.

3. Do you like writing letters?

Actually these days I don’t write letters much. I am more likely to send an email to my friends or family, but when I was younger, I used to write little notes to my classmates during class. If one of the boys liked a girl for example, he would write a small note, and then we would pass it person to person across the class. We had to be careful because if the teacher caught us, he would read the note out loud and that could be embarrassing.

4. Would you prefer to receive a telephone call or a letter?

These days my friends and I rarely call each other on the telephone. We are more likely to use instant messaging apps like Wechat, that way we don’t have to pay for the phone calls. I receive lots of these messages every day, and none of us writes letters. It is nice when I get a letter from my grandmother on my birthday. Usually she includes one hundred yuan in the letter, too.




1. Have I used a variety of simple,compound and complex sentences?

2. Have I used a range of structures to convey modality, conditionals, cause/effect and tenses?

3. How well can the assessor understand me even though I have made some errors?

1.Have I used a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences?

My name is Hannah. Hannah means Heaven in Arabic.

My name is Hannah, which means Heaven in Arabic.

Who, which, where, that

Let me tell you about Obama, who is the first black American president.

Let me tell you about Sichuan, which is a mountainous province in the South.

Let me tell you about Beijing, where the people like to eat roast duck.

Let me tell you about Guangzhou, that is famous for its cuisine.

Describe a plant that grows in your country.

Probably the most important plant that grows in China is rice. Everyone thinks that China grows a lot of rice, but in fact most of our rice is imported from Thailand where it is grown. Mostly rice is grown in the South of China where it is warmer and wetter. Riceplants are not grown from seeds. They are grown from cuttings taken from otherrice plants, and farmers take the cuttings and plant them in rice paddies,which are little pools of water. You can see these paddies all over thecountryside. Once the plants have matured, they are harvested, and dried. Youcould eat the brown rice, which is actually very high in fiber and very goodfor you, but only peasants eat brown rice, and most Chinese people willonly eat white rice. Chinese rice is short-grain and very different fromlong-grain rice from America or India.

2.Have I used a range of structures to convey modality, conditionals,cause/effect and tenses?

1. modality 情态

Young people shouldn’t smoke. It is bad for their health.

My father shouldn’t have smoked when he was younger. Now he has lots of wrinkles.

I forgot my wallet at home.

I must’ve left my wallet at home.

Next year I will go finish high school.

Next year I won’t have to go to high school anymore.


2. Conditionals条件句

If I get a good score in the exam, I willgo to study in New Zealand.


Tell me about a time someone you knew makea mistake.

I think that my brother made a big mistake when he bought a new car. Our parents gave him fifty thousand yuan to buy as mall car to travel to and from work. It was quite a lot of money, and if it was me, I would have bought a second-hand Ford or Volkswagen. My brother tough, he bought a bright green QQ, which is a small economy car, for forty thousand yuan and then spent the other ten thousand on a new laptop. I told him that I thought that a QQ was not a safe car, but he didn’t listen. Sure enough,two weeks later he was in a car crash and the car was destroyed, and what’s more, he broke his leg. If he had spent his money on a safer car, he wouldn’t have broken his leg.

if it was me, I would have bought asecond-hand Ford or Volkswagen

1. If it is me, I will buy…

2. If it was me, I would buy…

3. If it was me, I would have bought…

If he had spent his money on a safer car, he wouldn’t have broken his leg.

Did he spend his money on a safer car? NO

Did he break his leg? YES

Can we change this situation? NO


3. Tenses 时态

How long have you been a student?

3 years

I have been studying for 3 years.

By the end of the year I will have been studying for 4 years.

1. What do you usually do at the weekend?

2. What will you do next weekend?

3. Do you enjoy weekends more now than when you were a child?

4. How important is it for you to do something the end of the week?

Usually—present tense

Next weekend—future tense

When you were a child—past tense

To do something—present tense

What do you usually do at the weekend?

At the weekend I will go to play basketball.

Generally speaking, at the weekend I don’t have a lot of free time. This is because I work Monday to Friday, so I have to do all my chores and errands at the weekend, that means that I am always cleaning my apartment, doing my paperwork for the week, and also running to the bank to make sure all the bills are paid. If I am lucky, maybe I have time to play with my son for a few hours.


I am always doing something:暗示着你正在做的这件事是你经常做但却不爱做的或者不想做的。


I am always cleaning up the bathroom after my husband.

I am always forgetting people’s names.

He is always hitting people on his bicycle.

What will you do next weekend?

Will 常常用来表示比较模糊、还未完全确定的计划,不适宜用在即将到来的时间。

E.g.:When I am old I will go travelling around the world.

具体并且很快就会到来的将来时间: begoing to/ gonna.

3.How well can the assessor understand me even though I have made some errors?

I live with my elderly brother.

On birthday, my mother birth me.

1. Pronouns

My mother, he is a good cooker. She to cook for us every night, and he tell us that her favorite thing to see is to watch we eat him food every night.

2. Accuracy

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

I live in an apartment. You know the horse prices are soaring these days, so we cannot afford the high price of horses, especially big horses.

Tell me about your apartment.

My apartment has one living room, two bedrooms, a chicken.

What’s your favorite kind of food?

I like to eat local snakes.

Are birthdays important to you?

Yes, birthdays are when my mother gives birth to me.
