

 1 using System;  2 

 3 namespace RGeos.Geometry  4 {  5     /// <summary>

 6     /// 3D向量类  7     /// </summary>

 8     public class Vector3d  9  {  10         public double[] vector;  11         private const double E = 0.0000001f;  12         /// <summary>

 13         /// 

 14         /// </summary>

 15         /// <param name="x"></param>

 16         /// <param name="y"></param>

 17         /// <param name="z"></param>

 18         /// 

 19         public Vector3d()  20  {  21             vector = new double[3];  22  }  23         public Vector3d(double x, double y, double z)  24  {  25             vector = new double[3] { x, y, z };  26  }  27         public Vector3d(Vector3d vct)  28  {  29             vector = new double[3];  30             vector[0] = vct.X;  31             vector[1] = vct.Y;  32             vector[2] = vct.Z;  33  }  34         #region 属性

 35         /// <summary>

 36         /// X向量  37         /// </summary>

 38         public double X  39  {  40             get { return vector[0]; }  41             set { vector[0] = value; }  42  }  43         /// <summary>

 44         /// Y向量  45         /// </summary>

 46         public double Y  47  {  48             get { return vector[1]; }  49             set { vector[1] = value; }  50  }  51         /// <summary>

 52         /// Z向量  53         /// </summary>

 54         public double Z  55  {  56             get { return vector[2]; }  57             set { vector[2] = value; }  58  }  59         #endregion


 61         #region 向量操作

 62         /// <summary>

 63         /// /// <summary>

 64         /// 向量加法+  65         /// </summary>

 66         /// <param name="lhs"></param>

 67         /// <param name="rhs"></param>

 68         /// <returns></returns>

 69         public static Vector3d operator +(Vector3d lhs, Vector3d rhs)//向量加

 70  {  71             Vector3d result = new Vector3d(lhs);  72             result.X += rhs.X;  73             result.Y += rhs.Y;  74             result.Z += rhs.Z;  75             return result;  76  }  77         /// <summary>

 78         /// 向量减-  79         /// </summary>

 80         /// <param name="lhs"></param>

 81         /// <param name="rhs"></param>

 82         /// <returns></returns>

 83         public static Vector3d operator -(Vector3d lhs, Vector3d rhs)//向量减法

 84  {  85             Vector3d result = new Vector3d(lhs);  86             result.X -= rhs.X;  87             result.Y -= rhs.Y;  88             result.Z -= rhs.Z;  89             return result;  90  }  91         /// <summary>

 92         /// 向量除  93         /// </summary>

 94         /// <param name="lhs"></param>

 95         /// <param name="rhs"></param>

 96         /// <returns></returns>

 97         public static Vector3d operator /(Vector3d lhs, double rhs)//向量除以数量

 98  {  99             if (rhs != 0) 100                 return new Vector3d(lhs.X / rhs, lhs.Y / rhs, lhs.Z / rhs); 101             else

102                 return new Vector3d(0, 0, 0); 103  } 104         /// <summary>

105         /// 向量数乘* 106         /// </summary>

107         /// <param name="lhs"></param>

108         /// <param name="rhs"></param>

109         /// <returns></returns>

110         public static Vector3d operator *(double lhs, Vector3d rhs)//左乘数量

111  { 112             return new Vector3d(lhs * rhs.X, lhs * rhs.Y, lhs * rhs.Z); 113  } 114         /// <summary>

115         /// 向量数乘 116         /// </summary>

117         /// <param name="lhs"></param>

118         /// <param name="rhs"></param>

119         /// <returns></returns>

120         public static Vector3d operator *(Vector3d lhs, double rhs)//右乘数量

121  { 122             return new Vector3d(lhs.X * rhs, lhs.Y * rhs, lhs.Z * rhs); 123  } 124 

125         /// <summary>

126         /// 判断量向量是否相等 127         /// </summary>

128         /// <param name="lhs"></param>

129         /// <param name="rhs"></param>

130         /// <returns>True 或False</returns>

131         public static bool operator ==(Vector3d lhs, Vector3d rhs) 132  { 133             if (Math.Abs(lhs.X - rhs.X) < E && Math.Abs(lhs.Y - rhs.Y) < E && Math.Abs(lhs.Z - rhs.Z) < E) 134                 return true; 135             else

136                 return false; 137  } 138         public static bool operator !=(Vector3d lhs, Vector3d rhs) 139  { 140             return !(lhs == rhs); 141  } 142         public override bool Equals(object obj) 143  { 144             return base.Equals(obj); 145  } 146         public override int GetHashCode() 147  { 148             return base.GetHashCode(); 149  } 150         public override string ToString() 151  { 152             return "(" + X + "," + Y + "," + Z + ")"; 153  } 154         /// <summary>

155         /// 向量叉积,求与两向量垂直的向量 156         /// </summary>

157         public static Vector3d Cross(Vector3d v1, Vector3d v2) 158  { 159             Vector3d r = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0); 160             r.X = (v1.Y * v2.Z) - (v1.Z * v2.Y); 161             r.Y = (v1.Z * v2.X) - (v1.X * v2.Z); 162             r.Z = (v1.X * v2.Y) - (v1.Y * v2.X); 163             return r; 164  } 165         /// <summary>

166         /// 向量数量积 167         /// </summary>

168         /// <param name="lhs"></param>

169         /// <param name="rhs"></param>

170         /// <returns></returns>

171         public static double operator *(Vector3d lhs, Vector3d rhs)// 172  { 173             return lhs.X * rhs.X + lhs.Y * rhs.Y + lhs.Z * rhs.Z; 174  } 175         /// <summary>

176         /// 内积 177         /// </summary>

178         /// <param name="v1"></param>

179         /// <param name="v2"></param>

180         /// <returns></returns>

181         public static double InnerMultiply(Vector3d v1, Vector3d v2) 182  { 183             double inner = 0.0; 184             inner = v1.X * v2.X + v1.Y * v2.Y + v1.Z * v2.Z; 185             return inner; 186  } 187         /// <summary>

188         /// 求向量长度,向量的模 189         /// </summary>

190         public static double Magnitude(Vector3d v1) 191  { 192             return (double)Math.Sqrt((v1.X * v1.X) + (v1.Y * v1.Y) + (v1.Z * v1.Z)); 193  } 194         /// <summary>

195         /// 单位化向量 196         /// </summary>

197         public static Vector3d Normalize(Vector3d v1) 198  { 199             double magnitude = Magnitude(v1); 200             v1 = v1 / magnitude; 201             return v1; 202  } 203         #endregion

204  } 205 }
View Code

2. 计算基础

  1 using System;

  2 using RGeos.Geometry;


  4 namespace RGeos.Basic

  5 {

  6     public class RMath

  7     {

  8         public static double SMALL_NUM = 0.0000000001; // anything that avoids division overflow

  9         /// <summary>

 10         ///  dot product (3D) which allows vector operations in arguments

 11         /// </summary>

 12         /// <param name="u"></param>

 13         /// <param name="v"></param>

 14         /// <returns></returns>

 15         public static double dot(Vector3d u, Vector3d v)

 16         {

 17             return ((u).X * (v).X + (u).Y * (v).Y + (u).Z * (v).Z);

 18         }

 19         /// <summary>

 20         /// 2D数量积,点乘

 21         /// </summary>

 22         /// <param name="u"></param>

 23         /// <param name="v"></param>

 24         /// <returns></returns>

 25         public static double dot2(Vector3d u, Vector3d v)

 26         {

 27             return ((u).X * (v).X + (u).Y * (v).Y);

 28         }

 29         /// <summary>

 30         /// 2D矢量叉积,定义为(0,0),P1,P2和P1P2包围四边形的带符号面积

 31         /// </summary>

 32         /// <param name="u"></param>

 33         /// <param name="v"></param>

 34         /// <returns></returns>

 35         public static double perp(Vector3d u, Vector3d v)

 36         {

 37             return ((u).X * (v).Y - (u).Y * (v).X);

 38         }

 39         /// <summary>

 40         /// 向量的模

 41         /// </summary>

 42         /// <param name="v"></param>

 43         /// <returns></returns>

 44         public static double norm(Vector3d v)

 45         {

 46             return Math.Sqrt(dot(v, v));  // norm = length of vector

 47         }

 48         /// <summary>

 49         /// 两点间距离

 50         /// </summary>

 51         /// <param name="u"></param>

 52         /// <param name="v"></param>

 53         /// <returns></returns>

 54         public static double d(Vector3d u, Vector3d v)

 55         {

 56             return norm(u - v);       // distance = norm of difference

 57         }


 59         public static double d(RPoint P1, RPoint P2)

 60         {

 61             return GetDistance(P1, P2);       // distance = norm of difference

 62         }


 64         // 判断点P2在直线P0P1的左边还是在右边,还是在直线上

 65         //isLeft(): tests if a point is Left|On|Right of an infinite line.

 66         //    Input:  three points P0, P1, and P2

 67         //    Return: >0 for P2 left of the line through P0 and P1

 68         //            =0 for P2 on the line

 69         //            <0 for P2 right of the line

 70         public static int isLeft(RPoint P0, RPoint P1, RPoint P2)

 71         {

 72             double l = ((P1.X - P0.X) * (P2.Y - P0.Y) - (P2.X - P0.X) * (P1.Y - P0.Y));

 73             return (int)l;

 74         }

 75         /// <summary>

 76         /// 获取由两个点所形成的向量的象限角度

 77         /// </summary>

 78         /// <param name="preCoord">第一个点的坐标</param>

 79         /// <param name="nextCoord">第二个点的坐标</param>

 80         /// <returns></returns>

 81         public static double GetQuadrantAngle(RPoint preCoord, RPoint nextCoord)

 82         {

 83             return GetQuadrantAngle(nextCoord.X - preCoord.X, nextCoord.Y - preCoord.Y);

 84         }

 85         /// <summary>

 86         /// 由增量X和增量Y所形成的向量的象限角度

 87         /// 区别方位角:方位角以正北方向顺时针

 88         /// |                    |

 89         /// |  /                 |b /

 90         /// | / a                |^/

 91         /// |/_)____象限角       |/______方位角

 92         /// </summary>

 93         /// <param name="x">增量X</param>

 94         /// <param name="y">增量Y</param>

 95         /// <returns>象限角</returns>

 96         public static double GetQuadrantAngle(double x, double y)

 97         {

 98             double theta = Math.Atan(y / x);

 99             if (x > 0 && y == 0) return 0;

100             if (x == 0 && y > 0) return Math.PI / 2;

101             if (x < 0 && y == 0) return Math.PI;

102             if (x == 0 && y < 0) return 3 * Math.PI / 2;


104             if (x > 0 && y > 0) return theta;

105             if (x > 0 && y < 0) return Math.PI * 2 + theta;

106             if (x < 0 && y > 0) return theta + Math.PI;

107             if (x < 0 && y < 0) return theta + Math.PI;

108             return theta;

109         }

110         /// <summary>

111         /// 获取由相邻的三个点A-B-C所形成的两个向量之间的夹角

112         /// 向量AB,BC形成的夹角

113         /// </summary>

114         /// <param name="preCoord">第一个点</param>

115         /// <param name="midCoord">中间点</param>

116         /// <param name="nextCoord">第三个点</param>

117         /// <returns></returns>

118         public static double GetIncludedAngle(RPoint preCoord, RPoint midCoord, RPoint nextCoord)

119         {

120             double innerProduct = (midCoord.X - preCoord.X) * (nextCoord.X - midCoord.X) + (midCoord.Y - preCoord.Y) * (nextCoord.Y - midCoord.Y);

121             double mode1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((midCoord.X - preCoord.X), 2.0) + Math.Pow((midCoord.Y - preCoord.Y), 2.0));

122             double mode2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((nextCoord.X - midCoord.X), 2.0) + Math.Pow((nextCoord.Y - midCoord.Y), 2.0));

123             return Math.Acos(innerProduct / (mode1 * mode2));

124         }

125         /// <summary>

126         /// 获取由两个点所形成的向量的模(长度)

127         /// </summary>

128         /// <param name="preCoord">第一个点</param>

129         /// <param name="nextCoord">第二个点</param>

130         /// <returns>由两个点所形成的向量的模(长度)</returns>

131         public static double GetDistance(RPoint preCoord, RPoint nextCoord)

132         {

133             return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((nextCoord.X - preCoord.X), 2) + Math.Pow((nextCoord.Y - preCoord.Y), 2));

134         }

135     }

136 }



