I am touching Java for the very first time here, so go easy on me. I am having to correct someone else's older code. This java program takes data from a MySQL table and prepares it for presentation on web pages. I found that their MySQL table for some reason used INT fields for all the dates. So, for instance, today's date is stored as the INT 3222017. I first had to add the proper DATE columns to the MySQL table. Next I re-did another Java script to pull the data from a larger table for the MySQL table that this script will be using.
Now I need to change the code that currently formats the INT fields into MM/dd/yyyy to instead take the DATE fields (stored as yyyy-MM-dd) and convert them to the same MM/dd/yyyy.
Here is a piece of the code that uses the function dateFormat on the INT fields -
String formattedDate = "";
formattedDate = dateFormat(oneSpectro.getSpectroLastDate());
formattedDate = dateFormat(oneSpectro.getSpectroOrigDate());
formattedDate = dateFormat(oneSpectro.getSpectroCalDate());
return result;
And here is the dateFormat function -
public String dateFormat(int theDate){
String dateString = "";
Integer dateInt = 0;
if (theDate < 10000000){
dateInt = new Integer(theDate);
dateString = dateInt.toString();
// Add preceding 0 to make the date 8 digits in length.
dateString = "0" + dateString;
else {
// Process an 8 digit date.
dateInt = new Integer(theDate);
dateString = dateInt.toString();
// Install date slashes in the date string.
if (dateString.length() == 8){
dateString = dateString.substring(0, 2) + "/" + dateString.substring(2, 4) + "/"
+ dateString.substring(4);
return dateString;
How do I go about converting a DATE field (yyyy-MM-dd) to a formatted date of MM/dd/yyyy?
You can convert String to Date util:
DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.ENGLISH);
Date date = format.parse(your string);
And then convert the Date object to your String format:
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
String result = df.format(date);