

If you use Google Chrome, there’s a good chance you’ve seen files with the “.crdownload” extension in your Downloads directory. Google Chrome creates one each time you begin downloading a file.

如果您使用的是Google Chrome浏览器,则很有可能在“下载”目录中看到带有“ .crdownload”扩展名的文件。 每次您开始下载文件时,Google Chrome都会创建一个。

These .crdownload files are automatically renamed when a download finishes successfully, but may stick around if there’s a download error.


Update: Microsoft’s new Edge browser is based on Chromium, so Edge will now create .crdownload files for the same reason Google Chrome does. Other Chromium-based browsers will create .crdownload files, too.

更新 : Microsoft的新Edge浏览器基于Chromium ,因此出于与Chrome浏览器相同的原因,Edge现在将创建.crdownload文件。 其他基于Chromium的浏览器也会创建.crdownload文件。

Chrome何时(以及为什么)创建这些文件 (When (and Why) Chrome Creates These Files
