RK3288 android7.1 修改双屏异触usb tp触摸方向


android机器要求接两个屏(lvds+mipi)两个usb tp要实现双屏异触。由于mipi的方向和lvds方向转成一样的了。两个usb tp的方向在异显示的时候也要作用一样。这个时候要根据pid和vid修改触摸上报的数据。usb tp有通用的触摸驱动/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.c
即通过vid pid区分!


1. device/rockchip/rk3288/下添加idc文件:

# Input Device Configuration File for the generaltouch touch screen.

# Basic Parameters
touch.deviceType = touchScreen
touch.orientationAware = 1

keyboard.layout = qwerty
keyboard.characterMap = qwerty
keyboard.orientationAware = 1
keyboard.builtIn = 1

cursor.mode = navigation
cursor.orientationAware = 1

device.internal = 0

# Input Device Configuration File for the generaltouch touch screen.

# Basic Parameters
touch.deviceType = touchScreen
touch.orientationAware = 1

keyboard.layout = qwerty
keyboard.characterMap = qwerty
keyboard.orientationAware = 1
keyboard.builtIn = 1

cursor.mode = navigation
cursor.orientationAware = 1

device.internal = 1
2. device/rockchip/rk3288/device.mk,拷贝到系统中:
# for usb tp
   device/rockchip/rk3288/Vendor_222a_Product_0001.idc:system/usr/idc/Vendor_222a_Product_0001.idc \
3. kernel/drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.c修改驱动:
diff --git a/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.c b/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.c
old mode 100644new mode 100755
index 9de379c1b3..b8456b1e50
--- a/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.c
+++ b/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.c
@@ -98,7 +98,23 @@ struct mt_fields {
    unsigned usages[HID_MAX_FIELDS];
    unsigned int length;
+#define GTP_SWAP(x, y)                 do{\
+                                         typeof(x) z = x;\
+                                         x = y;\
+                                         y = z;\
+                                       }while (0)
+#define MAINmGtpChange_X2Y   1 
+#define MIANmGtp_X_Reverse    1
+#define MAINNmGtp_Y_Reverse      0 
+static int  MAINX_max=0;
+static int  MAINY_max=0;
+#define AUXmGtpChange_X2Y    1 
+#define AUXmGtp_X_Reverse    1
+#define AUXNmGtp_Y_Reverse   0 
+static int  AUXX_max=0;
+static int  AUXY_max=0;
struct mt_device {
    struct mt_slot curdata; /* placeholder of incoming data */
    struct mt_class mtclass;    /* our mt device class */
@@ -461,6 +477,14 @@ static int mt_touch_input_mapping(struct hid_device *hdev, struct hid_input *hi,
    case HID_UP_GENDESK:
        switch (usage->hid) {
        case HID_GD_X:
+       if (hdev->vendor==0x0457 && hdev->product==0x0819)
+       {
+           MAINX_max =     field->logical_maximum;+       }
+       else if (hdev->vendor==0x222a && hdev->product ==0x0001)
+       {
+           AUXX_max =  field->logical_maximum;
+       }
            if (prev_usage && (prev_usage->hid == usage->hid)) {
                hid_map_usage(hi, usage, bit, max,
                    EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TOOL_X);
@@ -476,6 +500,14 @@ static int mt_touch_input_mapping(struct hid_device *hdev, struct hid_input *hi,
            mt_store_field(usage, td, hi);
            return 1;
        case HID_GD_Y:
+       if (hdev->vendor==0x0457 && hdev->product==0x0819)
+       {
+           MAINY_max =     field->logical_maximum;
+       }
+       else if (hdev->vendor==0x222a && hdev->product ==0x0001)
+       {
+           AUXY_max =  field->logical_maximum;
+       }
            if (prev_usage && (prev_usage->hid == usage->hid)) {
                hid_map_usage(hi, usage, bit, max,
                    EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TOOL_Y);
@@ -613,8 +645,10 @@ static int mt_compute_slot(struct mt_device *td, struct input_dev *input)
  * this function is called when a whole contact has been processed,
  * so that it can assign it to a slot and store the data there
-static void mt_complete_slot(struct mt_device *td, struct input_dev *input)
+static void mt_complete_slot(struct mt_device *td, struct input_dev *input,struct hid_device *hid_device)
    if ((td->mtclass.quirks & MT_QUIRK_CONTACT_CNT_ACCURATE) &&
        td->num_received >= td->num_expected)
@@ -649,7 +683,33 @@ static void mt_complete_slot(struct mt_device *td, struct input_dev *input)
            int major = max(s->w, s->h) >> 1;
            int minor = min(s->w, s->h) >> 1;
-           input_event(input, EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_X, s->x);
+if (hid_device->vendor==0x0457 && hid_device->product==0x0819)
+   #if MAINmGtpChange_X2Y
+       GTP_SWAP(s->x, s->y);
+   #endif
+       if(MIANmGtp_X_Reverse){
+           s->x = MAINX_max -s->x;+       }
+       if(MAINNmGtp_Y_Reverse){
+           s->y = MAINY_max - s->y;
+       }
+else if (hid_device->vendor==0x222a && hid_device->product==0x0001)
+   #if AUXmGtpChange_X2Y
+       GTP_SWAP(s->x, s->y);
+   #endif
+       if(AUXmGtp_X_Reverse){
+           s->x = AUXX_max -s->x;
+       }
+       if(AUXNmGtp_Y_Reverse){
+           s->y = AUXY_max - s->y;
+       }
          input_event(input, EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_X, s->x);
            input_event(input, EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, s->y);
            input_event(input, EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TOOL_X, s->cx);
            input_event(input, EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TOOL_Y, s->cy);
@@ -752,7 +812,7 @@ static void mt_process_mt_event(struct hid_device *hid, struct hid_field *field,
        if (usage->usage_index + 1 == field->report_count) {
            /* we only take into account the last report. */
            if (usage->hid == td->last_slot_field)
-               mt_complete_slot(td, field->hidinput->input);
+               mt_complete_slot(td, field->hidinput->input,hid);

define MAINmGtpChange_X2Y 1 //为主屏tp的x和y互换宏定义
define MIANmGtp_X_Reverse 1 //为主屏tp的x反向宏定义
define MAINNmGtp_Y_Reverse 0 //为主屏tp的y反向宏定义
define AUXmGtpChange_X2Y 1 //为副屏tp的x和y互换宏定义
define AUXmGtp_X_Reverse 1 //为副屏tp的x反向宏定义
define AUXNmGtp_Y_Reverse 0 //为副屏tp的y反向宏定义


关于idc文件控制触摸屏的属性可参考链接:Android系统 调试usb接口触摸屏问题
