Linux Ubuntu20.04 版本下安装 GAMMA 2020版 安装步骤 安装教程

GAMMA 2020版 安装步骤 安装教程

1. 解压GAMMA文件,设置环境变量

1.1 解压压缩包

选择解压压缩包的路径,建议的文件路径为 /usr/local, 从terminal进入该路径:

cd /usr/local

GAMMA安装包一般是以 gzip和tar打包的,将安装包拷贝到上一步的路径中:

cp GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yymmdd.src.tar.gz /usr/local
cd /usr/local


gunzip -从GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd.src.tar.gz > GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd.src.tar
tar -xuf GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd.src.tar


sudo tar -zxvf GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd.tar.gz

1.2 设置环境变量


sudo gedit ~/.bashrc


export GAMMA_HOME=/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd

export PATH=$PATH:.:$MSP_HOME/bin:$ISP_HOME/bin:$DIFF_HOME/bin:$LAT_HOME/bin:$DISP_HOME/bin:$IPTA_HOME/bin:\
export OS=linux64
#This adds the Gamma Software main directory to the Python path
#This command disables version checking for HDF5
#This sets the Gnuplot default terminal type to be QT
export GNUTERM=qt
#Alternately, this sets the default terminal type to be WXT
#export GNUTERM=wxt
#set default raster format to BMP




SUN_RASTER (file extension: ras)
BMP (file extension: bmp)
TIFF (file extension: tif)





选择Sun raster (不建议)则修改为


Compilation of the software is carried out using the make utility and associated makefiles.
The directory structure includes a set of subdirectories for each of the Gamma packages MSP, ISP, DIFF, DISP, GEO, LAT, and IPTA. Each of the package subdirectories contains a src, bin, html subdirectories. The executable binaries are located in the bin directories of each package and source code is in the src directories. In each src directory there are several makefiles for different platforms:

  • makefile_static Linux build (default)
  • makefile_static_mingw64-2 Windows build
  • makefile_static_macOS MacOS build
    The GCC compiler is used on all platforms. On Linux, use gcc 4.6 or later.

2 安装FFTW3

Linux系统((Debian, Ubuntu … have packages for FFTW3))下安装代码为

sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev


3 安装Gnuplot和GIMP


sudo apt install gnuplot gnuplot-data gimp


export GNUTERM=wxt

plot sin(x)

4 安装GTK 2+开发者包

sudo apt -y install libgtk2.0-dev

5 安装GDAL

sudo apt install gdal-bin libgdal-dev libgdal20 

6 安装HDF5 library (COSMO/SKYMED数据需要)

 sudo apt -y install libhdf5-dev libhdf5-100


 sudo apt -y install libblas-dev libblas3 liblapack-dev liblapack3

8 编译GAMMA软件

在每个源文件目录下都有(DISP/src, ISP/src, MSP/src, DIFF/src, IPTA/src, and LAT/src),编译时要每个文件都执行一遍,因为$DISP_HOME等的环境变量都已经设置好了,所以以下代码可以在任意目录下执行。

cd $DISP_HOME/src
make -f makefile_static

9 测试软件


10 附录

(1) 个人

Linux Ubuntu20.04 版本下安装 GAMMA 2020版 安装步骤 安装教程_第1张图片
Linux Ubuntu20.04 版本下安装 GAMMA 2020版 安装步骤 安装教程_第2张图片


Installing the software requires the following steps:

  1. Expanding of the Gamma Software gzipped tar file and setup environment variables

  2. Unpack the Gamma Software archive

  3. Set Environment variables

  4. Select and Set Default Raster Image Format

  5. Install the FFTW3 libraries for data that are 32-bit floating point numbers (

  6. Install Gnuplot and GIMP programs

  7. Install the GTK 2+ library developer packages

  8. Install the GDAL library (required for Terrasar-X PRI and geocoded data, both binary and development on Linux)

  9. Install the HDF5 library (required for COSMO/SKYMED data, both binary and development)

  10. Install LAPACK and BLAS libraries if you have the LAT package (both binary and development on Linux)

  11. Compile Gamma Software

  12. Test the software installation

  13. Gamma Software documentation

  14. Installation of Anaconda Python3 including Scipy/Numpy/Matplotlib
    Note: Ubuntu LTS configuration for running Gamma Software

  15. Expanding of the Gamma software gzipped tar file and setup environment variables
    1.1 Unpack the Gamma Software archive
    Select the directory where you would like to unpack the Gamma Software. The suggested location is /usr/local. Go to this directory:

cd /usr/local

The software is delivered as a gzipped tar file. Place this file in the directory selected in step 1.

cp GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd.src.tar.gz /usr/local/
cd /usr/local

Unpack the distribution using gunzip and tar:

gunzip -c GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd.src.tar.gz > GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd.src.tar
tar -xvf GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd.src.tar

1.2 Set Environment Variables
The default shell to run the software is bash. The environment variables for compilation and running the software can be set in the .bashrc file located in your home directory.

export GAMMA_HOME=/usr/local/GAMMA_SOFTWARE-yyyymmdd

export PATH=$PATH:.:$MSP_HOME/bin:$ISP_HOME/bin:$DIFF_HOME/bin:$LAT_HOME/bin:$DISP_HOME/bin:$IPTA_HOME/bin:\
export OS=linux64
#This adds the Gamma Software main directory to the Python path
#This command disables version checking for HDF5
#This sets the Gnuplot default terminal type to be QT
export GNUTERM=qt
Alternately, this sets the default terminal type to be WXT
#export GNUTERM=wxt
#set default raster format to BMP

1.3 Select and Set Default Raster Image Format
The default raster image format can be set. By default it is bitmap (BMP) on all platforms. The environment variable GAMMA_RASTER can be set to change the default format for your installation:
SUN_RASTER (file extension: ras)
BMP (file extension: bmp)
TIFF (file extension: tif)

To select BMP as the default raster format, then enter:


will set the default format to TIFF


will set the default format to Sun raster (not recommended)

To make the command permanent, add the export command to your .bashrc file.
Compilation of the software is carried out using the make utility and associated makefiles.
The directory structure includes a set of subdirectories for each of the Gamma packages MSP, ISP, DIFF, DISP, GEO, LAT, and IPTA. Each of the package subdirectories contains a src, bin, html subdirectories. The executable binaries are located in the bin directories of each package and source code is in the src directories. In each src directory there are several makefiles for different platforms:

- makefile_static	Linux build (default)
- makefile_static_mingw64-2	Windows build
- makefile_static_macOS	MacOS build

The GCC compiler is used on all platforms. On Linux, use gcc 4.6 or later.

  1. Install the FFTW3 libraries
    This library of FFT routines is required for the Gamma Software to run and must be installed on your system. The libraries come in 2 forms, either for float (4 byte, 32-bit) or double (64 bit) floating point numbers. Gamma Software uses the FFTW3 version that works with 32-bit float numbers (single) and generates the shared object library. The Gamma Software requires
    Redhat based Linux distributions (RHEL, Fedora, Centos) have FFTW3 RPM packages
yum search fftw
sudo yum install fftw-devel

Debian based Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu … have packages for FFTW3)
sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev
Alternately, and preferred on older OS (RHEL5), download FFTW3 source code from the FFTW3 server:
The source code file is fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz

Use the following configure options to build the software:

./configure --disable-fortran --enable-single --enable-shared --enable-sse --enable-sse2

To build and install the software:

sudo make install
  1. Install Gnuplot and GIMP programs
    Gnuplot on Linux (Ubuntu, Debian) now uses the QT and WXT widget sets by default:
    Ubuntu: sudo apt install gnuplot gnuplot-data gimp

To test your installation of gnuplot, start the program and plot sin(x) in a pop-up window: add this to your .bashrc file:
export GNUTERM=wxt

test installation:

plot sin(x)

If your Linux distribution is RHEL7, CentOS7, only the X11 terminal is supported, while on CentOS8 the QT terminal is supported:
sudo yum install gnuplot gimp

add this to your .bashrc
export GNUTERM=qt #or GNUTERM=x11 for RHEL7

to test your gnuplot installation:

plot sin(x)
  1. Install the GTK 2+ library developer packages
    These libraries are included in all Linux distributions. For compilation of the Gamma software, the developer packages need to be installed:
    Ubuntu: sudo apt -y install libgtk2.0-dev
    CentOS, RHEL: sudo yum install gtk2-devel

  2. Install the GDAL library
    Ubuntu: sudo apt install gdal-bin libgdal-dev libgdal20
    CentOS7, RHEL7: sudo yum install gdal gdal-devel
    This package is available as precompiled package Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora Linux distributions and can be installed using package manager on your system. Please make sure that you not only install the GDAL binaries but also the library and the development files. The home web page for GDAL is:
    GDAL not only features a data abstraction library but has also powerful tools to convert geospatial data between different formats and map projections.
    Building GDAL from source On CentOS 8 it is necessary to build gdal from source code currently.
    First install a number of packages and download the source code of GDAL version 3.1.2 as a gzipped tar.gz file.

sudo yum upgrade
sudo yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
sudo yum install gtk2-devel glib2-devel
sudo yum install lapack lapack-devel
sudo yum install csh
sudo yum install wget
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install hdf5 hdf5-devel
sudo yum install subversion
sudo yum install ImageMagick-devel
tar -zxvf gdal-3.1.2.tar.gz 
make install
  1. Install the HDF5 library (needed for COSMO/SKYMED data)
    Ubuntu: sudo apt -y install libhdf5-dev libhdf5-100
    CentOS, RHEL: sudo yum install hdf5 hdf5-devel
    HDF5 is currently only needed for par_CS_*
    The HDF5 library is available as precompiled package for most Linux distributions and can be installed using package manager on your system. To build and run the GAMMA binaries depending on HDF5 you need the library libhdf5.
    In some cases when installing with installed HDF5 libraries, you want to add the following command to disable version checking for HDF5 in the .bashrc file of each user:

The home web page for HDF5 is:
On the HDFgroup website there are binaries for almost any OS system:
If your platform is not supported yet you can build the library from the source code.

  1. Install LAPACK and BLAS libraries
    Ubuntu: sudo apt -y install libblas-dev libblas3 liblapack-dev liblapack3
    CentOS, RHEL: sudo yum install blas blas-devel lapack lapack-devel
    All major Linux distributions include the LAPACK and BLAS Libraries as prebuilt packages that can be downloaded and installed. These libraries are used for linear algebra calculations. Be sure to also install the developer packages (*-dev) since you are compiling programs with LAPACK.

  2. Compile Gamma Software
    In each source directory of the distributed software that you have
    (DISP/src, ISP/src, MSP/src, DIFF/src, IPTA/src, and LAT/src),
    compile as follows:

cd $DISP_HOME/src
make -f makefile_static

Do the same in each src directory of the packages.

  1. Test the software installation
    For a quick test to check that the search path is correctly set for the Gamma Software and libraries enter:

The command line options for this program should then be displayed in the terminal window.
Another test can be to open the Gamma Software documentation using the gamma_doc script. Enter for example:

gamma_doc data2geotiff

The documentation related to data2geotiff should open up in the web browser.

  1. Gamma Software documentation
    The Gamma Software documentation browser is an HTML-based system for viewing the web pages and PDF documents. The documentation browser includes for each module a Contents sidebar on the right side of the screen and a search functionality (within the module). You can access the documentation by opening Gamma_documentation_contents_sidebar.html (located in the main Gamma Software directory) in your web browser.
    The program gamma_doc facilitates the access to the documentation related to a given module or program:
    gamma_doc Opens the main page of the Gamma documentation browser.
    gamma_doc DIFF Opens the DIFF&GEO documentation.
    gamma_doc gc_map Opens the reference manual web page for gc_map.

  2. Installation of Anaconda Python3 including Scipy/Numpy/Matplotlib/Pandas stack
    The Python display tools in the $DISP_HOME/scripts can be run using Python3 installed using the Conda-Forge Python3.7 distribution.
    If you previously installed Anaconda3, and this is working, then you can leave this installation, if you want to change, then follow the directions for removal of anaconda3:
    To install the Conda-Forge python3.7 download the text-based installer Then run the installer from the command-line:

cd Downloads

sh Install these recommended packages:

conda install scipy matplotlib numpy pandas gdal pyserial pillow oct2py pytz 
conda install seaborn cmocean colorcet 

The Conda-Forge installer will add a section at the end of your .bashrc that modifies the path so that the Conda-Forge Python distribution is at the start of the path ensuring that this is the Python version that runs. It is recommended to use #!/usr/bin/env python as the first line in any script so that the path is searched for the first instance of Python and that interpreter is used for the program.

Note: Ubuntu configuration for building Gamma Software
includes some optional improvements and cleanup.
When Ubuntu installation completed

  • Login with your chosen username and password
  • Plug in Ethernet
  • Make sure connected to Internet using Firefox
    The simplest way to open a terminal window on Ubuntu Linux is to use the shortcut CTRL+ALT+T. Alternately you can click on Activities located on the left top corner. Using search type terminal. Once the terminal icon appears simply left-click on it to open terminal on Ubuntu.
    Install suggested and required packages:
sudo apt install subversion synaptic openssh-server libgdal-dev gdal-bin python-gdal libgtk2.0-dev libblas-dev libblas3 liblapack-dev liblapack3 gnuplot5
sudo apt install sshfs screen checkinstall gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 ntp gparted htop libfftw3-3 libfftw3-dev
sudo apt install swig git gimp openssl openssh-client filezilla lm-sensors

Delete unnecessary directories in home directory
Modify options of gedit editing application to improve:

  • With gedit open, the taskbar at the top of the Desktop will show options for gedit. Select the Preferences menu:
  • Edit->Preferences
    Under the View tab:
  • Check the Display line numbers, Highlight current line, Highlight matching brackets boxes
    Under the Editor tab:
  • Uncheck Enable automatic indentation box
  • Uncheck the Create a backup copy of files before saving box
  • Uncheck the Autosave files every 10 minutes box
    Under the Fonts and Colors tab:
  • Uncheck Use the system fixed width font
  • Select Monospace 9 as the font
    There are many other editors available: Atom, Visual Studio Code…
