通过从备份中排除这些文件夹来节省Time Machine驱动器上的空间

通过从备份中排除这些文件夹来节省Time Machine驱动器上的空间_第1张图片

Are you getting notifications about a full Time Machine drive? Do you feel like your backups are taking too long? A bigger, faster hard drive might be the best solution, but you can also help by excluding particular folders from your backups.

您是否收到有关Time Machine完整驱动器的通知? 您是否觉得备份时间太长? 更大,更快的硬盘驱动器可能是最好的解决方案,但是您也可以通过从备份中排除特定文件夹来提供帮助。

We’ve shown you how to back up and restore files with Time Machine, including how to exclude particular folders from being backed up. To exclude a folder, just head to System Preferences > Time Machine > Options.

我们向您展示了如何使用Time Machine备份和还原文件,包括如何从备份中排除特定文件夹。 要排除文件夹,只需转到系统偏好设置> Time Machine>选项。

通过从备份中排除这些文件夹来节省Time Machine驱动器上的空间_第2张图片

Some more options will slide down, giving you the ability to exclude particular folders from your backups. But which folders can be safely disabled? And are any disabled by the system already? Let’s take a look.

其他一些选项将向下滑动,使您能够从备份中排除特定文件夹。 但是可以安全地禁用哪些文件夹? 系统已经禁用了吗? 让我们来看看。

默认情况下,Time Machine排除什么? (What Does Time Machine Exclude By Default?)

Time Machine already excludes a bunch of things you don’t need backed up: your Trash, caches, and indexes. And you know how you can use Time Machine even if your drive isn’t plugged in? The local backups that make that possible are also not backed up, as that would be redundant. So you don’t need to worry about excluding system-level things like logs and caches—Time Machine already has you covered.

Time Machine已经排除了许多不需要备份的内容:废纸,、缓存和索引。 而且您知道即使未插入驱动器也可以使用Time Machine? 也不会备份使备份成为可能的本地备份,因为这将是多余的。 因此,您不必担心排除诸如日志和缓存之类的系统级内容-Time Machine已经为您服务。

If just knowing that system-level stuff is already excluded is enough for you, go ahead and skip the rest of this section. But if you’re interested in seeing the complete list of folders excluded by default (or just want to prove to yourself that something is excluded), here’s how to do it.

如果仅知道已经排除了系统级的内容就足够了,请继续并跳过本节的其余部分。 但是,如果您希望查看默认情况下排除的文件夹的完整列表(或者只是想向自己证明某些东西被排除在外),请按照以下方法操作。

A file named “StdExclusions.plist” outlines everything that Time Machine excludes. You can find that file in the following location:

名为“ StdExclusions.plist”的文件概述了Time Machine排除的所有内容。 您可以在以下位置找到该文件:

