private fun checkRetainedObjects(reason: String) {
val config = configProvider()
// A tick will be rescheduled when this is turned back on.
if (!config.dumpHeap) {
SharkLog.d { "Ignoring check for retained objects scheduled because $reason: LeakCanary.Config.dumpHeap is false" }
var retainedReferenceCount = objectWatcher.retainedObjectCount
if (retainedReferenceCount > 0) {
retainedReferenceCount = objectWatcher.retainedObjectCount
if (checkRetainedCount(retainedReferenceCount, config.retainedVisibleThreshold)) return
SharkLog.d { "Check for retained objects found $retainedReferenceCount objects, dumping the heap" }
dumpHeap(retainedReferenceCount, retry = true)
interface HeapGraph {
val identifierByteSize: Int
* In memory store that can be used to store objects this [HeapGraph] instance.
val context: GraphContext
* All GC roots which type matches types known to this heap graph and which point to non null
* references. You can retrieve the object that a GC Root points to by calling [findObjectById]
* with [], however you need to first check that [objectExists] returns true because
* GC roots can point to objects that don't exist in the heap dump.
val gcRoots: List
* Sequence of all objects in the heap dump.
* This sequence does not trigger any IO reads.
val objects: Sequence //所有对象的序列,包括类对象、实例对象、对象数组、原始类型数组
val classes: Sequence //类对象序列
val instances: Sequence //实例对象数组
val objectArrays: Sequence //对象数组序列
val primitiveArrays: Sequence //原始类型数组序列
private fun State.findPathsFromGcRoots(): PathFindingResults {
val shortestPathsToLeakingObjects = mutableListOf()
visitingQueue@ while (queuesNotEmpty) {
val node = poll()//2
if (checkSeen(node)) {//2
throw IllegalStateException(
"Node $node objectId=${node.objectId} should not be enqueued when already visited or enqueued"
if (node.objectId in leakingObjectIds) {//3
// Found all refs, stop searching (unless computing retained size)
if (shortestPathsToLeakingObjects.size == leakingObjectIds.size) {//4
if (computeRetainedHeapSize) {
} else {
when (val heapObject = graph.findObjectById(node.objectId)) {//5
is HeapClass -> visitClassRecord(heapObject, node)
is HeapInstance -> visitInstance(heapObject, node)
is HeapObjectArray -> visitObjectArray(heapObject, node)
return PathFindingResults(shortestPathsToLeakingObjects, dominatedObjectIds)
package threadpool;
public class ThreadPoolTest {
select * from dict where table_name like '%SESSION%';
select sid,serial#,status,username,schemaname,osuser,terminal,ma
1. 创建表
* Creates a new table. Synchronous operation.
* @param desc table descriptor for table
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the table name is res
public class LinkListTest {
* we deal with two main missions:
* A.
* 1.we create two joined-List(both have no loop)
* 2.whether list1 and list2 join
* 3.print the join
事件回顾:由于需要修改同一个模板,里面包含2个不同的内容,第一个里面使用的时间差和第二个里面名称不一样,其他过滤器,内容都大同小异。希望杜绝If这样比较傻的来判断if-show or not,继续追究其源码。
var b = "{{",
a = "}}";
this.startSymbol = function(a) {