void cv::circle(
InputOutputArray img, // 需要绘制圆形的图像
Point center, // 圆心坐标
int radius, // 半径,单位为像素
const Scalar& color, // 圆形颜色
int thickness = 1, // 轮廓宽度,如果数值为负,则绘制一个实心圆
int lineType = LINE_8, // 边界的类型,可取值FILLED、LINE_4、LINE_8、LINE_AA
int shift = 0 // 中心坐标和半径数值中的小数位数
// example
circle(img, Point(50, 50), 25, Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1); //绘制一个实心圆
circle(img, Point(100, 50), 20, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 4); //绘制一个空心圆
void line(
InputOutputArray img,
Point pt1, Point pt2, // 直线起点和终点
const Scalar& color, // 直线颜色,三通道表示
int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8,
int shift = 0
line(img, Point(100, 100), Point(200, 100), Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2, LINE_4, 0); //绘制一条直线
void ellipse(
InputOutputArray img,
Point center, // 椭圆的中心坐标
Size axes, // 椭圆主轴大小的一半。
double angle, // 椭圆旋转的角度
double startAngle, // 椭圆弧起始的角度,度为单位
double endAngle, // 椭圆弧终止的角度,度为单位
const Scalar& color,
int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8,
int shift = 0
void ellipse2Poly(
Point center,
Size axes,
int angle,
int arcStart,
int arcEnd,
int delta, // 后续折线顶点之间的角度,他定义了近似精度
CV_OUT std::vector<Point>& pts // 椭圆边缘像素坐标向量集合
void rectangle(
nputOutputArray img,
Point pt1, // 左上角
Point pt2, // 右下角
const Scalar& color,
int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8,
int shift = 0
void rectangle(
InputOutputArray img,
Rect rec, // 矩形
const Scalar& color, int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8, int shift = 0);
typedef Rect2i Rect;
typedef Rect_<int> Rect2i;
template<typename _Tp> class Rect_
// ...
_Tp x; //!< x coordinate of the top-left corner
_Tp y; //!< y coordinate of the top-left corner
_Tp width; //!< width of the rectangle
_Tp height; //!< height of the rectangle
void fillPoly(
InputOutputArray img,
const Point** pts, // 多边形顶点数组。存放多个多边形顶点坐标的数组。
const int* npts, // 每个多边形顶点数组中顶点的个数
int ncontours, // 绘制多边形的个数
const Scalar& color,
int lineType = LINE_8,
int shift = 0,
Point offset = Point() // 所有顶点的可选偏移
void putText(
InputOutputArray img,
const String& text, // 输出的文本内容
Point org, // 图像中文字字符串的左下角像素坐标
int fontFace, // 字体类型
double fontScale, // 字体大小
Scalar color,
int thickness = 1,
int lineType = LINE_8,
bool bottomLeftOrigin = false // 图像数据原点的位置,默认为左上角;如果参数为true,则原点为左下角。
// fontFace字体类型
enum HersheyFonts {
FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX = 0, //!< normal size sans-serif font
FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN = 1, //!< small size sans-serif font
FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX = 2, //!< normal size sans-serif font (more complex than FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX)
FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX = 3, //!< normal size serif font
FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX = 4, //!< normal size serif font (more complex than FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX)
FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX = 6, //!< hand-writing style font
FONT_ITALIC = 16 //!< flag for italic font
#include // debug no log
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "OpenCV Version: " << CV_VERSION << endl;
Mat img = Mat::zeros(Size(512, 512), CV_8UC3); //生成一个黑色图像用于绘制几何图形
circle(img, Point(50, 50), 25, Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1); //绘制一个实心圆
circle(img, Point(100, 50), 20, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 4); //绘制一个空心圆
line(img, Point(100, 100), Point(200, 100), Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2, LINE_4, 0); //绘制一条直线
ellipse(img, Point(300, 255), Size(100, 70), 0, 0, 100, Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1); //绘制实心椭圆的一部分
ellipse(img, RotatedRect(Point2f(150, 100), Size2f(30, 20), 0), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2); //绘制一个空心椭圆
vector<Point> points;
ellipse2Poly(Point(200, 400), Size(100, 70), 0, 0, 360, 2, points); //用一些点来近似一个椭圆
for (int i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; i++) //用直线把这个椭圆画出来
if (i == points.size() - 1)
line(img, points[0], points[i], Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2); //椭圆中后于一个点与第一个点连线
line(img, points[i], points[i + 1], Scalar(255, 255, 255), 2); //当前点与后一个点连线
rectangle(img, Point(50, 400), Point(100, 450), Scalar(125, 125, 125), -1);
rectangle(img, Rect(400, 450, 60, 50), Scalar(0, 125, 125), 2);
Point pp[2][6];
pp[0][0] = Point(72, 200);
pp[0][1] = Point(142, 204);
pp[0][2] = Point(226, 263);
pp[0][3] = Point(172, 310);
pp[0][4] = Point(117, 319);
pp[0][5] = Point(15, 260);
pp[1][0] = Point(359, 339);
pp[1][1] = Point(447, 351);
pp[1][2] = Point(504, 349);
pp[1][3] = Point(484, 433);
pp[1][4] = Point(418, 449);
pp[1][5] = Point(354, 402);
Point pp2[5];
pp2[0] = Point(350, 83);
pp2[1] = Point(463, 90);
pp2[2] = Point(500, 171);
pp2[3] = Point(421, 194);
pp2[4] = Point(338, 141);
const Point* pts[3] = { pp[0],pp[1],pp2 }; //pts变量的生成
int npts[] = { 6,6,5 }; //顶点个数数组的生成
fillPoly(img, pts, npts, 3, Scalar(125, 125, 125), 8); //绘制3个多边形
putText(img, "Learn OpenCV 4", Point(100, 400), 2, 1, Scalar(255, 255, 255));
imshow("", img);
return 0;