本科毕设就是去除深度图中物体边缘的噪声,其中利用深度图生成点云后,视觉干扰最大的就是飞行像素了。关于飞行像素的空间特性可以查看文章《Identification and correction of flying pixels in range camera data》。里面也介绍了一些恢复飞行像素正确深度的方法,但作者提出的方法用到平面检测的思想,对一般曲面物体可能效果不好,而且该方法是离线处理的。本文记录的去除飞行像素的方法利用了与深度图对齐的彩色图的物体边缘信息,删除深度图和彩色图边缘之间的像素,虽然由于找到更好的方法删除和恢复飞行像素的正确深度值,这个方法没有写在本科毕设里面,但该方法是快速的,可以用于对深度图中重要的主体(比如人物)进行去噪处理。
原来实现飞行像素去除是在Kinect v2上做的,昨天把它在Intel Realsense D435i 上实现一遍。本文记录了三部分:
#pragma once
#define MYREALSENSE_API _declspec(dllexport)
#define MYREALSENSE_API _declspec(dllimport)
extern "C"
namespace MyRealsense
MYREALSENSE_API unsigned short* DepthFilter(unsigned char* rgb_data, unsigned short* depth_data, int width_depth, int high_depth, int width_color, int high_color);
#include "MyRealsenseFilter.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
#define N1 18
#define N2 8
#define N3 2
#define winsize 3
#define threshold 19000
MYREALSENSE_API unsigned short* MyRealsense::DepthFilter(unsigned char* rgb_data, unsigned short* depth_data, int width_depth, int high_depth, int width_color, int high_color)
float fx_rgb = 611.538;
float fy_rgb = 611.753;
float cx_rgb = 323.879;
float cy_rgb = 237.827;
float fx_ir = 382.913;
float fy_ir = 382.913;
float cx_ir = 319.329;
float cy_ir = 234.574;
Eigen::Matrix3f R_ir2rgb;
Eigen::Vector3f T_ir2rgb;
R_ir2rgb << 0.999879, -0.00836045, 0.0131368, 0.00840608, 0.999959, -0.00342227, -0.0131076, 0.00353228, 0.999908;
T_ir2rgb << 0.0150998, 0.000269174, 0.000144462;
//cout << "R_M is:" << R_ir2rgb << endl;
//cout << "T_M is :" << T_ir2rgb << endl;
Mat rgb_raw = Mat(high_color, width_color, CV_8UC3);
Mat depth_raw = Mat(high_depth, width_depth, CV_16UC1);
Mat depth_raw_low = Mat(high_depth, width_depth, CV_8UC1);
memcpy(rgb_raw.data, rgb_data, width_color*high_color * 3);
memcpy(depth_raw.data, depth_data, width_depth*high_depth * 2);
depth_raw.convertTo(depth_raw_low, CV_8UC1);
//imshow("raw_depth:", depth_raw_low);
//imshow("raw_rgb:", rgb_raw);
Eigen::Matrix3f K_ir; // ir内参矩阵
K_ir <<
fx_ir, 0, cx_ir,
0, fy_ir, cy_ir,
0, 0, 1;
Eigen::Matrix3f K_rgb; // rgb内参矩阵
K_rgb <<
fx_rgb, 0, cx_rgb,
0, fy_rgb, cy_rgb,
0, 0, 1;
////计算等效 R,T 具体参考俺大师兄博客:https://blog.csdn.net/jiaojialulu/article/details/53154045
Eigen::Matrix3f R;
Eigen::Vector3f T;
R = K_rgb*R_ir2rgb*K_ir.inverse();
T = K_rgb*T_ir2rgb;
cout << "K_rgb:\n" << K_rgb << endl;
cout << "K_ir:\n" << K_ir << endl;
cout << "R:\n" << R << endl;
cout << "T:\n" << T << endl;
Mat result(high_color, width_color, CV_8UC3); //为深度图每一点像素找到对应颜色值
int i = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < high_depth; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width_depth; col++)
unsigned short* p = (unsigned short*)depth_raw.data;
unsigned short depthValue = p[row * 640 + col];
if (depthValue != -std::numeric_limits::infinity() && depthValue != 0 && depthValue != 65535)
// 投影到彩色图上的坐标
Eigen::Vector3f uv_depth(col, row, 1.0f); // !!!p_ir
Eigen::Vector3f uv_color = depthValue / 1000.f*R*uv_depth + T / 1000; // !!!Z_rgb*p_rgb=R*Z_ir*p_ir+T; (除以1000,是为了从毫米变米)
int X = static_cast(uv_color[0] / uv_color[2]); // !!!Z_rgb*p_rgb -> p_rgb
int Y = static_cast(uv_color[1] / uv_color[2]); // Z相当于缩放因子,在我手写笔记里面有说明
if ((X >= 0 && X < width_color) && (Y >= 0 && Y < high_color))
//cout << "X: " << X << " Y: " << Y << endl;
result.data[i * 3] = rgb_raw.data[3 * (Y * 640 + X)];
result.data[i * 3 + 1] = rgb_raw.data[3 * (Y * 640 + X) + 1];
result.data[i * 3 + 2] = rgb_raw.data[3 * (Y * 640 + X) + 2];
else //深度图像素对应的彩色图像素超出彩色图像范围,将该点的值置零。
result.data[i * 3] = 0;
result.data[i * 3 + 1] = 0;
result.data[i * 3 + 2] = 0;
else //深度值为0,最大值65535或者NAN
result.data[i * 3] = 0;
result.data[i * 3 + 1] = 0;
result.data[i * 3 + 2] = 0;
//cout << "result size is :" << result.size() << endl;
//imshow("reg_rgb:", result);
static unsigned short* new_depth_data = new unsigned short[width_depth * high_depth];
Mat src2 = Mat(high_depth, width_depth, CV_8UC1);
Mat rgbMat = Mat(high_color, width_color, CV_8UC3);
Mat depthMat = Mat(high_depth, width_depth, CV_16UC1);
Mat src1, src3, out1, out2;
memcpy(rgbMat.data, result.data, width_color*high_color * 3);
memcpy(depthMat.data, depth_data, width_depth*high_depth * 2);
src1 = rgbMat.clone();
src3 = depthMat.clone();
src3.convertTo(src2, CV_8UC1);
blur(src2, src2, Size(3, 3));
Canny(src2, out2, 500, 350);
//imshow("depth_edge:", out2);
Canny(src1, out1, 480, 250);
//imshow("rgb_edge", out1);
//imshow("color", rgbMat);
//imshow("depth", src2);
for (int i = N3; i < high_depth - N3; i++)
for (int j = N3; j < width_depth - N3; j++)
if (*(unsigned short*)(result.data + i*result.step[0] + j *result.step[1]) == 0)
for (int n = 0; n < N3; n++)
if (*(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + (j + n) *out1.step[1]) != 0)
*(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + (j + n) *out1.step[1]) = 0;
if (*(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + (j - n) *out1.step[1]) != 0)
*(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + (j - n) *out1.step[1]) = 0;
if (*(out1.data + (i + n)*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) != 0)
*(out1.data + (i + n)*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) = 0;
if (*(out1.data + (i - n)*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) != 0)
*(out1.data + (i - n)*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) = 0;
for (int i = winsize; i < high_depth - winsize; i++)
for (int j = winsize; j < width_depth - winsize; j++)
int num = 0;
for (int k = i - winsize; k <= i + winsize; k++)
for (int l = j - winsize; l <= j + winsize; l++)
if (*(out1.data + k*out1.step[0] + l *out1.step[1]) != 0)
if (num < 4)
*(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) = 0;
//imshow("rgb_edge_processed:", out1);
for (int i = N2; i < high_depth - N2; i++)
for (int j = N1; j < width_depth - N1; j++)
int pro = 1;
if (*(out2.data + i*out2.step[0] + j *out2.step[1]) != 0 && *(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) == 0)
for (int index1 = 1; index1 <= N1; index1++)
if (*(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + (j + index1) *out1.step[1]) != 0 )
pro = 0;
if (*(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + (j + index1) *out1.step[1]) != 0 && index1 !=1 )
for (int k = 0; k < index1-1 ; k++)
*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + i*depthMat.step[0] + (j + k)*depthMat.step[1])) = 0;
if (*(out1.data + i*out1.step[0] + (j - index1) *out1.step[1]) != 0 )
for (int k = 0; k < index1 ; k++)
*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + i*depthMat.step[0] + (j - k)*depthMat.step[1])) = 0;
if (pro == 1)
for (int index2 = 1; index2 <= N2; index2++)
if (*(out1.data + (i + index2)*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) == 0 && *(out1.data + (i - index2)*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) == 0)
if (*(out1.data + (i + index2)*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) != 0 )
for (int k = 0; k < index2 ; k++)
*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + (i + k)*depthMat.step[0] + j*depthMat.step[1])) = 0;
if (*(out1.data + (i - index2)*out1.step[0] + j *out1.step[1]) != 0 )
for (int k = 0; k < index2 ; k++)
*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + (i - k)*depthMat.step[0] + j*depthMat.step[1])) = 0;
Mat depth_threshold = Mat::zeros(high_depth, width_depth, CV_16UC1);
for (int i = winsize; i < high_depth - winsize; i++)
for (int j = winsize; j < width_depth - winsize; j++)
unsigned short sum_depth = 0;
for (int k = i - winsize + 1; k <= i + winsize - 1; k++)
for (int l = j - winsize + 1; l <= j + winsize - 1; l++)
sum_depth += abs((*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + (k - 1) *depthMat.step[0] + l*depthMat.step[1]))
- *((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + k *depthMat.step[0] + l *depthMat.step[1]))));
sum_depth += abs((*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + (k + 1) *depthMat.step[0] + l*depthMat.step[1]))
- *((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + k *depthMat.step[0] + l *depthMat.step[1]))));
sum_depth += abs((*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + k *depthMat.step[0] + (l + 1)*depthMat.step[1]))
- *((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + k *depthMat.step[0] + l *depthMat.step[1]))));
sum_depth += abs((*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + k *depthMat.step[0] + (l - 1)*depthMat.step[1]))
- *((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + k *depthMat.step[0] + l *depthMat.step[1]))));
*((unsigned short*)(depth_threshold.data + i *depth_threshold.step[0] + j * depth_threshold.step[1])) = sum_depth;
//cout << depth_threshold << endl;
for (int i = winsize; i < high_depth - winsize; i++)
for (int j = winsize; j < width_depth - winsize; j++)
if (*((unsigned short*)(depth_threshold.data + i *depth_threshold.step[0] + j * depth_threshold.step[1])) > threshold)
*((unsigned short*)(depthMat.data + i *depthMat.step[0] + j * depthMat.step[1])) = 0;
memcpy(new_depth_data, depthMat.data, width_depth*high_depth * 2);
depthMat.convertTo(depthMat, CV_8UC1);
//imshow("depth after prosess:", depthMat);
return new_depth_data;
// DllTest.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include // Include RealSense Cross Platform API
#include // Include OpenCV API
#include "example.hpp" // Include short list of convenience functions for rendering
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// 定义指向DLL中函数的指针
typedef unsigned short* (*DepthFilter)(unsigned char* , unsigned short* , int , int , int , int );
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) try
static unsigned short* depthData = new unsigned short[640 * 480 ];
static unsigned char* rgbData = new unsigned char[640 * 480 * 3];
static unsigned short* depthData1 = new unsigned short[640 * 480];
HINSTANCE hlib = LoadLibrary(_T("RealSenseFilter.dll")); // 获得DLL的实例(HINSTANCE类型是实例的句柄)
if (!hlib)
std::cout << "获取DLL实例失败!" << std::endl;
FreeLibrary(hlib); // 调用函数FreeLibrary释放DLL获得的内存。
return -1;
DepthFilter MyDepthFilter = (DepthFilter)GetProcAddress(hlib, "DepthFilter");
if (!MyDepthFilter)
std::cout << "函数指针为空!" << std::endl;
return -2;
float get_depth_scale(rs2::device dev); //获取深度图像的缩放因子,这里是0.001
rs2::colorizer color_map1;
rs2::colorizer color_map2;
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::config cfg;
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH, 640, 480, RS2_FORMAT_Z16, 30);//自定义相机输出流的参数
rs2::pipeline_profile profile = pipe.start(cfg);
float depth_scale = get_depth_scale(profile.get_device());
cout << "depth_scale is:" << depth_scale << endl;
while (waitKey(1) < 0)
rs2::frameset data = pipe.wait_for_frames();
rs2::frame depth = data.get_depth_frame();
rs2::frame color = data.get_color_frame();
memcpy(depthData, (void*)depth.get_data(), 640 * 480 * 2);
memcpy(rgbData, (void*)color.get_data(), 640 * 480 * 3);
rs2::frame depth1 = depth.apply_filter(color_map1);
depthData1 = MyDepthFilter(rgbData, depthData, 640, 480, 640, 480);
memcpy((void*)depth.get_data(), depthData1, 640 * 480 * 2);
rs2::frame depth2 = depth.apply_filter(color_map2);
const int w = depth2.as().get_width();
const int h = depth2.as().get_height();
// Create OpenCV matrix of size (w,h) from the colorized depth data
Mat image1(Size(w, h), CV_8UC3, (void*)depth1.get_data(), Mat::AUTO_STEP);
Mat image2(Size(w, h), CV_8UC3, (void*)depth2.get_data(), Mat::AUTO_STEP);
imshow("color_depth_raw", image1);
imshow("color_depth_process", image2);
catch (const rs2::error & e)
std::cerr << "RealSense error calling " << e.get_failed_function() << "(" << e.get_failed_args() << "):\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
float get_depth_scale(rs2::device dev)
// Go over the device's sensors
for (rs2::sensor& sensor : dev.query_sensors())
// Check if the sensor if a depth sensor
if (rs2::depth_sensor dpt = sensor.as())
return dpt.get_depth_scale();
throw std::runtime_error("Device does not have a depth sensor");
如果读取.dll失败再从网上寻找解决方法把,可能是.dll文件依赖于其他的.dll而程序没找到这些.dll,可以下载一个工具“Dependency Walker”来寻找缺失的.dll文件。