英文 | 中文 |
You gotta get that deal closed. | 你赶紧把合约谈拢 |
And the most important thing is cohost approval. | 最重要的是自主选择联合主播 |
Start putting together a list of names, | 开始列名单 |
men who can sit next to Alex for now | 找能暂时搭档艾利克斯 |
and also work with someone younger once she's gone. | 以及她走之后 能与年轻女主播搭档的男主持 |
Rapist! | 强奸犯 |
Sexual misconduct is what I'm being accused of. | 对我的指控是不当性行为 |
Don't you wave your fucking hand at me! | 别他妈跟我挥手 |
- Your show sucks. - Please. | -你的节目烂透了-拜托 |
You really think this is gonna help you get a job? | 你真觉得说这些话就能得到工作了吗 |
People like you are the reason broadcast news is what it is. | 正是你这样的人导致了新闻业的现状 |
Do not show your face tonight. Do not do that to Alex. | 今晚别出现在人前 不要这么对艾利克斯 |
My tux is pressed. | 我的西装都熨好了 |
完整版请点击 | |
I can't unpress my tux. | 熨好就不能浪费 |
Cory would like for you to be at the | 科利希望你能出席 |
Leadership in Journalism event tonight. | 今晚的新闻领袖活动 |
I'm confused. I had a meeting with Chip Charlie Black, | 我都糊涂了 我和奇普·查理·布莱克见过面了 |
and it did not go well. | 没谈拢 |
You remember Bradley Jackson? | 还记得布莱德利·杰克森吗 |
Oh, my God. | 天啊 |
But why is she sitting at that table over there with our people? | 那她为什么和我们的人坐一桌 |
He sat you at my table to fuck with me. | 他安排你我同桌 来给我捣乱 |
Me fuck with you? | 我给你捣乱 |
I'm not closing without cohost approval. | 如果我不能自主选择搭档 我们就谈不拢 |
Well, I'm sorry to hear that, because you're not getting it. | 那就很遗憾了 因为你不会如愿的 |
Then I'll walk. | 那我就走人 |
Then walk. | 那就走吧 |
I have some exciting news to share with all of you tonight. | 今晚我要与大家分享一些激动人心的消息 |
I would like to announce my new Morning Show cohost... | 我想宣布我在"晨间秀"的新搭档... |
Bradley Jackson. | 布莱德利·杰克森 |
I would like to take this moment | 我想在此宣布 |
to announce my new Morning Show cohost, | 我在"晨间秀"的新搭档 |
Bradley Jackson. | 布莱德利·杰克森 |
Don't look too surprised. | 别表现得太惊讶 |
- All right, stand up. Up. - Okay. | -站起来 快点-好吧 |
- Bradley! - Bradley! | -布莱德利-布莱德利 |
- Miss Jackson! - Bradley, how are you feeling? | -杰克森小姐-布莱德利 你心情如何 |
Smile. Smile. | 微笑 微笑 |
How do you feel, Miss Jackson? | 你感觉如何 杰克森小姐 |
Is she drunk? | 她喝多了吗 |
That would make sense. | 那就说得通了 |
Get her to the studio. Don't let either of them make statements. | 让她去演播厅 别让她们俩发表任何声明 |
She is the perfect person for the job, | 她是这个职位的最佳人选 |
and you will see what I'm talking about. | 你们会知道我所言非虚 |
Yeah. | 没错 |
Hope you had fun up there. | 希望你在台上够高兴 |
Oh, I'm really excited too. | 我也非常兴奋 |
- Are you both gonna be lead anchors? - Bradley. | -你们都是主要主播吗-布莱德利 |
Let's go. Let's go. | 我们走 我们走 |
Bradley, Bradley, | 布莱德利 |
- Maggie Brener, New York Magazine. - Oh, hi. | -我是玛姬·布雷纳 来自"纽约杂志"-你好 |
- Congratulations on... - Maggie, my love. Tonight is a tease. | -恭喜你...-玛姬 亲爱的 今晚就是个小调剂 |
But, Cory, how'd you manage to keep such a delightful secret? | 但是科利 你怎么把这可爱的秘密藏得这么深的 |
Well, you guys are only interested in the obvious choices. | 你们只对显而易见的选择感兴趣 |
Bradley Jackson isn't obvious. | 布莱德利·杰克森并不显而易见 |
After Mitch, we felt we needed a big change and quickly. | 米奇出事之后 我们感觉需要尽快进行一次大改造 |
One that makes a statement about where we intend to go. | 指明我们未来的发展方向 |
Where is that? | 那方向是什么呢 |
If you guys wanna know more... | 如果你们想了解更多信息... |
tune in on Monday for Alex and Bradley's first show. | 记得关注艾利克斯和布莱德利的周一首秀 |
Bradley. Miss Jackson, over here, please. | 布莱德利 杰克森小姐 请看这边 |
How long are you gonna be with this network? | 你要在这家电视网工作多久 |
What are you fucking doing? | 你他妈搞什么鬼 |
Um, congratulations, Bradley Jackson. | 恭喜了 布莱德利·杰克森 |
Your life just took off. | 你的人生腾飞了 |
Don't say anything to anyone and meet me at the studio. | 别跟任何人说任何话 到演播室见我 |
You're changing the game. How does it feel? | 你正在改变局面 感觉如何 |
Bradley! Bradley. | 布莱德利 布莱德利 |
Are you excited to work with Miss Levy? | 你期待与利维小姐合作吗 |
What is the statement that you would like to make to young women? | 你想对年轻女性说些什么 |
- I don't... - Hey, let's get you outta here. | -我不...-我带你出去吧 |
They're looking at you like you're raw meat. | 他们都对你虎视眈眈的 |
- Okay. - Okay. We're going this way. | -好吧-好 我们走这边 |
- Bradley! - Excuse me. | -布莱德利-借过一下 |
This way. | 这边走 |
Oh, my God. What the hell just happened? | 天呐 刚刚那什么情况 |
They'll have answers for us at the studio. Chip knows we're on our way. | 他们会在演播室回答我们 奇普知道我们要过去 |
Oh, no, no. I'm going to LaGuardia. LaGuardia, please. | 不行 我要去拉瓜迪亚机场 麻烦去机场 |
- Uh, we're not going to LaGuardia... - Yes. | -我们不去机场...-要去 |
And with all due respect, who the hell are you to tell me what to do? | 无意冒犯 你凭什么管我做什么 |
Do you have a cigarette? | 你有烟吗 |
Twenty bucks. | 20块 |
Bravo, buddy. Way to take advantage of a woman in need. | 优秀啊老哥 这么擅长占女人的便宜 |
Do you have $20? | 你有20块吗 |
Yeah. Cory put it on public record that the show is launching on Monday. | 科利公开声明 周一你们俩要同台直播 |
Yeah, well, he's insane too. | 他也疯了 |
Agreed. But let's for one moment assume you are the coanchor. | 我同意 但是现在假设你就是新的联合主播 |
You can assume that. I don't want to assume that. | 你可以假设 我不想那么假设 |
I'm going to LaGuardia. I don't wanna be the coanchor. | 我要去机场 我不想当联合主播 |
Why the hell not? | 为什么不呢 |
Because they're gonna use me to try and get an Eagle News audience | 因为他们要利用我去抢"飞鹰新闻"的观众 |
that I won't attract because I'm not that kinda conservative. | 但是他们想多了 因为我就不是那种保守派 |
But you don't know that, | 但是你也不知道啊 |
because there's no way in hell that I have been vetted. | 因为他们不可能调查过我 |
And I am being set up here to be some sort of fall guy, | 我被设计出现在会场 去当替罪羊 |
and I am not interested in that. | 可惜我一点兴趣也没有 |
Not interested. | 没兴趣 |
Do you have a light? | 有火吗 |
No smoking, ma'am. | 禁止吸烟 女士 |
You've gotta be kidding me. | 你他妈逗我呢 |
What the hell were you thinking? | 你在想什么呢 |
Why would you back that unhinged woman to a room full of reporters? | 你为什么让那个疯女人出现在记者扎堆的场合 |
You were given clear instructions. | 你的任务很明确 |
Why would you box us in to a Monday launch with that nobody? | 你干嘛多此一举 说那个无名小卒周一要首秀呢 |
完整版请点击 | |
I feel it's a bit dismissive to refer | 我觉得用"疯女人"和"无名小卒" |
to them as "unhinged woman" and "nobody." | 形容那两位好像不太恰当 |
Don't fuck with me. I need to understand how you plan to fix this. | 少跟我胡搅蛮缠 我想知道你计划怎么补救 |
Or explain to me why I shouldn't fire you along with Levy? | 或者解释一下 我为什么不该炒了你和利维 |
Well, because that "unhinged woman" did us a serious favor. | 因为那个"疯女人"帮了我们一个大忙 |
Look, this show slipped in the ratings, | 听着 这个节目的收视率下滑了 |
Fred, because the show is stale. | 弗雷德 因为这节目没新意 |
Alex Levy, her sell-by date, it expired years ago. | 艾利克斯·利维的保质期早过了 |
She needed to go. Everybody knew we were gonna fire her, | 她得走人 大家都知道我们会开了她 |
but Mitch fucked that up by fucking everything. | 结果米奇出事打乱了所有计划 |
So, now, everybody's curious. What are we gonna do? | 现在所有人都被吊起了胃口 我们会怎么做呢 |
So what we're gonna do is, we're gonna give her this victory. | 所以我们要把这次的胜利果实交给她 |
A Pyrrhic victory. Make her think that she's won. | 一场得不偿失的胜利 让她以为自己赢了 |
But really, we're gonna let this "nobody" in to freshen the show. | 但实际上 我们要让这位"无名小卒"给节目带去新气象 |
Juice the ratings for sweeps and finally | 抬高收视率应付清扫期 |
push Alex Levy off the shelf for good | 最后在方便的时候 |
when it is convenient for us | 彻底顶替艾利克斯·利维 |
and when we don't have to look like the bad guys. | 而且我们还避免了当坏人 |
That doesn't explain why we have to rush them out for Monday. | 你没说明为什么她们非要赶着在周一首秀 |
Well, the streak. | 顺势而为 |
If we don't do something next week, the streak is over. | 要是下周没点动静 "势"就不复存在了 |
YDA is not sneaking up on us, they're breathing down our fucking necks, | YDA不光紧追着我们 他们已经快赶上我们了 |
in spite of our "Mitch is a predator" boost. It feels old. | 除了"性侵犯者米奇"拉了一波收视率 这瓜观众吃腻了 |
People are getting too used to their | 最喜爱的男人化身禽兽 |
favorite cuddly men turning into monsters, | 人们已经太习以为常了 |
but watching a beloved woman's breakdown | 但是围观一个深受喜爱的女人一败涂地 |
is timeless American entertainment. | 是永不过时的美式娱乐项目 |
The Morning Show audience values stability. | "晨间秀"的观众看重稳定性 |
When has it been the case that a morning audience prefers | 晨间节目的观众什么时候开始更喜欢 |
fighting over family? | 家庭内讧了 |
I don't know. Families fight, Fred. | 我不知道 家人之间也会争执 弗雷德 |
Look, all right, hey, give me a month of "The Alex and Bradley Show." | 这样吧 给我一个月制作"艾利克斯与布莱德利秀" |
Either they work well together, or it's horrible. | 她们要么合作无间 要么车祸现场 |
Regardless, putting Bradley in lets us get back to replacing Alex. | 反正布莱德利上位让我们重启更换艾利克斯的日程 |
And it'll be interesting and fun, fresh, you know, | 一定会十分有趣 欢乐 又新颖 |
which is imperative right now. | 这些元素现在可重要了 |
I'm gonna make something clear. | 我跟你申明一点 |
I have an easy fall guy when all this goes to shit. | 万一翻车的话 我正好有只替罪羊 |
Oh, we're talking about me, right? | 你指的是我吗 |
Chaos, it's the new cocaine, Fred. | 混乱是新型可卡因 弗雷德 |
You screwed yourself. | 你把自己坑了 |
Committed a fireable offense, overtly in breach of contract. | 触碰一项职场禁忌 公然违约 |
We'll be lucky if the network even continues negotiations. | 电视网愿意继续谈判都算我们运气了 |
You need to go in and find Fred and apologize tonight. | 你今晚就去找弗雷德道歉 |
Right, right. Is there an alternative option? | 好吧 有别的选择吗 |
Not unless you wanna pull the rehab card. | 除非你想被打入冷宫 |
We could say you were emotional about Mitch. | 我们可以说 你因为米奇变得情绪化 |
But I'm not emotional about Mitch. | 但是我没有因为米奇变得情绪化 |
I was emotional because no one's fucking listening to me! | 我变得情绪化是因为他妈的没人听我说话 |
Mom! What's going on? Are you? Are you... | 妈 怎么了 你... |
- Yes, I'm fine. Sorry. - Let's just take a little beat here, please. | -我没事 对不起-稍微冷静一下吧 |
- Sarah, listen. I'm going to handle this. - It's okay. It's okay. | -萨拉 听我说 我会处理这个问题-没关系 |
Then put on your apology face and fucking mean it. | 那就真心实意去道歉 |
- Absolutely. I completely understand. - You understand? | -没问题 我完全听懂了-你懂了吗 |
Guys. Guys, guys, guys. | 两位 |
Listen, don't... Honey, oh, baby. Honey, listen to me. | 听着 别... 宝贝 听我说 |