
Today,the guide decides tomake up the Columbia University journey after yesterday's night negotiation signment asked for mum and Sandy's idea. Thank you Sandy for at least make this journey a bit worthwhile. I regret a little bit as the guide change for a women, she let us stand outside for a while. But I want to stay inside to take photos and I want to go to toilet too.Finally,Huang said to her about the toilet  andthen we really went inside,thanks Huang. I recorded an video,and due to parents requirement, we took two photos together. But before we took photos,I had taken some pictures of the campus andthe Homer Herodotus Sophocles Plato Aristotle Demosthenes Cicero Vergil,two of the world famous ancient philsophist in ancient Greekand also the library of Columbia University and the Alfred Lerner Hall and  other well-known buildings.Then after lunch,we spent an hour drive to Princeton University. It has much free time and  I really caught from the earliest moment. I took pictures from the earliest buildings in Princeton University,where they had classes,the Stanhope Hall,the Morrison Hall,the Clio Hall,which is used for graduate school. The Whig Hall,which is the undergraduate admission reception. Then,we set out to the Philadelphia City,it took an hour rude. But we only walk around  for 10 minutes. We looked at the old state building and the freedom clock. I took some pictures there. We travelled over2 hours to live in a hotel. Today is my17th and a half birthday. I really feels that time flows fast. We really needs to balance the work and sleeping time if we want to live a longer life.  Tomorrow is our last  fullday in Washington DC and in America. Hope I can enjoy the journey here.

