


  1.  介绍最近做过的项目,项目中遇到的印象深刻的问题,如何解决?
  2. 就项目用到的技术,自己的技术以及如何使用?







  • Spring bean作用域
  • springboot和MVC的区别;
  • 怎么理解Spring Security;
  • pring 的autowire 和resources的区别;
  • 为什么spring可以用整合那么外部框架;
  • spring循环依赖如何解决;
  • Springboot 注解的主要组成(简介三个核心注解)
  • Springboot 读取配置文件有多少种方式,分别怎么实现读取
  • Spring health check 的方式(考察spring admin使用情况)
  • 对Spring Sentinel的了解
  • SpringCloud微服务组件
  • ——Which components are used by the microservice?


  • 怎么设计主键递增(Oracle)
  • 索引的类型,索引在什么情况下会失效?——

——Tell me what indexes are, and what are the scenarios in which indexes are used?

  • JVM堆和栈中分别保存什么类型的数据?
  •  jdk1.8的新特性
  • List常用方法
  • String常用方法
  • bean生命周期
  • 对CICD的了解
  • 对代理模式的了解
  • Controller是否线程安全?如何理解多线程,线程池;
  •  final关键字的作用
  • 说一下hashtable和hashmap的区别,以及hashmap的底层原理,比如如何存放数据;
  • 如何优化SQL;
  • 分库分表解决各自解决什么问题;
  • 生产上直接用dump会什么问题;
  • java反射机制运行
  • 谈谈你对 JVM 的理解
  • 谈谈你用过的 Java collection
  • 事务在多个服务系统的运行保证
  • 线程池的理解,运用
  • 谈谈你对 Java 泛型的理解. JVM (Java Vritual Machine)底层原理,GC调优等等
  • How to optimize the DB queries? (我单纯举例了mysql的store engine,底层存储数据算法,以及优化索引举例)
  •  Talk about Rocket MQ,Kafka的一些基本的原理以及区别
  • 如何在springboot项目中通过profile去实现区分dev,uat,prod等环境的参数配置


1. Self-introduction

2. (此前项目)How many guys report to you?

3. (此前项目)Does your system involve any UI?

4. (此前项目)What is the back-end program doing?

5. (此前项目)Do you just pass your system or involve in any parts of development?

6. (此前项目)Is it a large application?

7. (此前项目)Is your system developed by Java or?

8. (此前项目)How do you do the deployment?

9. (此前项目)Are there any issues that need production support?

10. (此前项目)If you don’t use the shell script for troubleshooting or deployments, how will your program be deployed and run in production/how will your java program will executed?

11. Let’s say that your system will transfer data to your downstream. This job needs to be asked at 8pm today. At 8pm your program starts and generates data though Java. How the java will be asked at 8pm today ? How this java file will be triggered and start the jobs?

问题解释:In the back-end, you put java in the production server, how this java file will know that “ok, it’s time I need to start my work and generate the file to downstream? Is it go to the cache of script? That is a Linux.

12. (此前项目)Who actually use your program?

13. Spring Boot annotation you have ever used. 核心注解

14. 日常工作中你会用到哪些Java新特性,帮助简化不必要的繁琐工作。

15. Java使用的事务注解什么时候不生效?

16. Test方法,修饰符是private,那它会失效吗?

17. Java开发中,用到的设计模式有哪些?

18. XX初始化方式(谈到了二加载、不可序列化等)

19. 多线程:500个对象,实际在API中只允许每次承载100个对象的能力,你会如何运用多线程去处理?

20. Java哪个类可以做到这点?

21. CountDownLatch呢?

22. 场景:Producer只推送一次,consumer消费。怎么做?

23. MYSQL呈现的优化方式,在query里面。(回答提到了有索引的列句排在左边)

24. 前端用的什么技术?Angular/react接触过吗?

25、what is application 需求?

26、tell me about more the data source?where is the database.


28、Whats your role in project?developer or 需求沟通?

29、So could you tell me some ways to implement this thread in the development? For example, if I want to start a thread, what should i try to.

30、So the other question is what is the difference between the sleep and weight in the thread?

31、could you give me an understanding of the IOC?

32、So what's the benefit we can get from this LLC?

33、how annotation that you used in your. in your daily development.

34、When we tried to start that one application.

35、So I just notice your CV. You mentioned your family with the Jerry and right? So can you show me the components in JVM?

36、OK. So have you ever do some optimization on JVM?

1. 你有用到spring的project,你可以讲一下spring JPA吗。

2. 我们怎么去查看,在一个application怎么去查看help check?如何确认健康与否?

4. 可以讲一下spring boot里面用过哪些library吗?

5. Java用的是什么version呢?

6. Java比较新的version是什么?

7. Java8和11的区别?

8. 你的spring boot在哪个web service上面跑的呢?

9. 你spring有写过连接data base的东西吗?

10. Spring boot里面你有用过他的security吗?

11. 要update一个record的时候,怎么确定拿到的是最新的record

12. 你之前Java使用哪个version比较多?

13. Spring API的作用?

14. 可以形容一下,如果我有一个API的request,那它会经过什么地方才会到control。

15. 什么是data base的connection tool(数据库连接词)呢?

16. 你是连的哪一个data base呢?





