6.Tile-Based Strategies

Tile-based strategies are an advanced approach used in 360-degree video streaming to optimize the delivery of spherical video content by dividing it into smaller tiles or segments. Each tile can be encoded separately, allowing for more efficient streaming and resource allocation. Here are the key features and concepts related to tile-based strategies:

  1. Tiling the Spherical Video:

    • In tile-based strategies, the entire 360-degree video is divided into smaller, discrete tiles or segments. These tiles are typically in a grid or other arrangement and cover the entire spherical video.
  2. Independent Encoding:

    • Each tile is independently encoded, which means that it can have its own bitrate, resolution, and quality settings. This independence allows for dynamic adaptation and resource allocation based on viewer needs.
  3. Adaptive Streaming:

    • Tile-based strategies work well with adaptive streaming protocols like DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) or HLS (HTTP Live Streaming). The video is segmented into tiles, each with multiple quality levels, and the appropriate tile quality is selected based on the viewer’s device capabilities and network conditions.
  4. Efficient Bandwidth Usage:

    • Tile-based strategies are highly bandwidth-efficient. Only the tiles within the viewer’s field of view need to be delivered at a high quality, while non-visible tiles can be encoded at lower quality levels or not transmitted at all. This efficient use of bandwidth can lead to smoother streaming experiences.
  5. Interactive Experience:

    • Tile-based streaming is particularly valuable for interactive 360-degree video experiences. Viewers can quickly switch between different tiles as they explore the spherical video, and the system can adapt to deliver the best quality for the currently viewed tiles.
  6. Complex Implementation:

    • Implementing tile-based strategies can be more complex than traditional streaming methods because it involves encoding, delivery, and synchronization of multiple tiles. However, it offers significant benefits in terms of resource optimization.
  7. Headset and VR Applications:

    • Tile-based streaming is well-suited for virtual reality (VR) and head-mounted display (HMD) applications, where precise tracking of the viewer’s head movements and adaptive quality allocation for the field of view are crucial for an immersive experience.
  8. Seamless Transitions:

    • To provide a smooth viewing experience, tile-based streaming systems should ensure seamless transitions as viewers shift their gaze from one tile to another. This involves real-time coordination between tile selection and display.

Overall, tile-based strategies offer a powerful solution for 360-degree video streaming, enabling efficient bandwidth usage, adaptive streaming, and an interactive, immersive viewing experience. They are an important development in the delivery of high-quality spherical video content.
