

英文 中文
Previously on "Mistresses"... 《春心荡漾》前情回顾
I found a pair of women's sunglasses in my dad's apartment. 我在我父亲的公寓找到一副女士太阳镜
Returned them to my mom. Turns out, they weren't hers. 我把它给了我母亲结果那却不是她的
Oh, no. 不是吧
So, basically just told her he was having an affair. 所以基本上我刚刚告诉她父亲曾有外遇
What do you want from me? 你想管我要什么
I want my son to have what your daughter has. 我想让我儿子拥有你女儿有的一切
I want money. 我想要钱
You have a lot of unresolved stuff that you need to address. 你还有很多没处理好的事要应对
See you around? 回头见
Sally brings home the bacon, 萨莉赚钱养家
and she's better at making decisions than I am. 而且比我更擅长拿主意
Yeah, but you're hotter. 对但你比她性感
I cheated on Harry last night. 我昨晚跟别人睡了
How did it happen? I-I mean, who? 怎么会这样是谁
This guy from work-- Dominic. 是个同事叫多米尼克
You're up early. 你起得真早
And not hungover, thank you very much. 而且没宿醉谢谢你
Welcome to what we normal people call Wednesday. 欢迎来到我们正常人所谓的周三

You are kidding, right? 你在开玩笑吧
Honestly, you should consider it a compliment. 说实话你该把这当做表扬
So what's with the outfit? 你穿成这身要去干嘛
Seducing another personal trainer, are we? 又要去勾搭私人教练了吗
No, I'm going hiking with Alex. 不我要和艾莉克丝远足
- She invited me. - Alex the lesbian? -她邀请了我-蕾丝艾莉克丝吗
That's just offensive. 真无礼
Well, how is that offensive? 怎么无礼了
She does identify as a lesbian, doesn't she? 她的确是蕾丝啊
Yeah, but it's not her whole identity. 但那并不是她的整个身份
I mean, she could just as easily be referred to as 我是说她可以被称为
Alex, the new best friend of Josslyn Carver. 乔斯琳·卡佛新的闺蜜艾莉克丝
- Yeah. - What? -好吧-怎么了
No, it's just interesting. You don't really have friends. 没什么只是很有意思你没什么朋友
Wow. What do you call Karen and April? 那凯伦和艾普莉怎么说
Savi's friends. 萨维的朋友们
Where is my sister anyway? 我的好姐妹呢
We were supposed to caravan to April's. 我们该去艾普莉家了
Uh, she said she had an early meeting. 她说一大早要开会
Congratulations, Savannah. 恭喜萨瓦娜
You are officially pregnant. 你确实怀孕了
I... 我...
Sorry. It's just a lot to take in right now. 抱歉我一下很难接受
It's okay. 没关系
Sometimes when a couple's been trying 如果一对夫妇像你和哈利
as long as you and Harry have, 那样努力了这么久
when it finally happens, it can be hard to believe. 真的怀上时的确会很难相信
I'm writing you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. 我要给你开一张产前维生素的药方
We'll start with 600 micrograms of folic acid. 从六百微克的叶酸开始
You and Harry will need to fill out 你和哈利要填写
detailed medical histories of both your families 详细的家族病史
so we can determine if there are any risk factors 好让医生判断是否有遗传性的
that may be inherited. 危险因素
So I'm "the most stunning woman he's ever met," 我是他"见过的最有魅力的女人"
but he's terrified of my package. 但是他害怕我的包裹
Which sadly, is not a euphemism. 悲剧的是那不是委婉的说法
The point is, he's not interested in my drama. 关键是他对我的事情不感兴趣
Then he's an idiot. 那他就是个傻瓜
Hmm. That's what Savi said, too. 萨维也是这样说的
Earth to Savi. Come in, Savi. 呼叫萨维萨维快回话

Uh, sorry. 抱歉
Just exhausted. 我累死了
- Did your meeting go okay this morning? - What? -你今早的会议开得还好吧-什么
Uh... Yeah. 是啊
It was fine. 挺好的
Well, then I am officially caffeinated enough 我摄取了足量咖啡因
to climb Everest. 可以爬珠穆朗玛峰了
Or Runyon. Mwah. 或者去鲁尼恩峡谷远足
Later, ladies. 回见姐妹们
- Have fun. - Bye. -玩得开心-拜拜
Bye. 拜拜
I'm pregnant. 我怀孕了
Oh, my God! 天啊
Oh, my God. 天啊
Oh... My... God. 天啊
- Yep. - How pregnant? -是啊-怎么怀孕的
I mean, is it possible the baby could be Harry's? 孩子可能是哈利的吗
Sure, it's possible, 当然可能
you know, and obviously, that's what I'm hoping for, 显然那是我所期望的
but... 但是
but Harry and I have been trying for so long. 但是哈利和我尝试了这么久
It means nothing. 那又不能说明什么
Your doctor didn't even recommend I.V.F., 你的医生都没推荐体外授精
so Harry's problem couldn't have been that dire. 哈利的问题肯定没那么严重
Seriously, I've known couples who have tried for years, 说真的我认识尝试了多年的夫妇
went through rounds of medical procedures, 接受了多次医疗
only to get drunk watching some late night skinemax 结果看夜间电视节目的时候喝醉了
and poof--baby. 然后就怀上了
It was just one time with Dom. 我和多姆只有一次
Exactly. Only one time. 正是只有一次
It's just as much of a chance it's Harry's, 孩子也有可能是哈利的
- probably even more. - Why more? -甚至可能性更大-为什么更大
Because it would be so much better if it was Harry's. 如果孩子是哈利的那就好多了
Exactly. 就是
Then you wouldn't have to tell him anything. 那你就没必要向他坦白了
What are you talking about? I have to tell him. 你说什么呢我必须告诉他
No. No. 不不
You have to tell him now. 你得现在告诉他
I just feel so bad for both of you guys. 我真替你们感到难过
I love Harry. 我很喜欢哈利
Me, too. 我也是
Me, too. 我也是
You all right? 你还好吗
Do you need more water? 还要喝水吗
I'm good. Just need to catch my breath. 没事只是需要喘口气
Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to push you. 不好意思我无意逼你
You just look-- you look so athletic. 只是你看起来很健美
It's actually more of a metabolism thing 我身姿妙曼更多是
than a being-in-shape thing. Can we just stop for a second? 新陈代谢的功劳能休息休息吗
- Sure. - Oh, God. -当然可以-天啊
I like how you think this is funny. 你居然觉得这很好玩
I'm literally dying on a rock. 说真的我就快死在岩石上了
I'm sorry. 真抱歉
It's just that I'm used to being the one 只是通常是我
that has to beg Sally to slow down. 得求着萨莉慢一点
Well, it's a good thing Sally's not here. 那还好萨莉不在
Oh, yeah. She wouldn't let us stop. 是啊她要是在不会让我们停下的
What do you mean, she wouldn't let us stop? 什么意思不会让我们停下
Never mind. 算了
Somebody likes you. 有人对你有意思
Eh. He's not my type. 他不是我喜欢的类型
Really? 真的吗
Used to be mine. 我曾经喜欢这样的
Shut your lady-loving lips. 说什么呢你不是喜欢女人吗
You slept with men? 你和男人睡过
Oh, yeah. I hooked up with boys all through high school. 是的我高中的时候都和男生在一起
What happened? 后来呢
I met Emily, 我遇到了艾米丽
my freshman college roommate. 我大一时的室友
And oh, 然后就
something just clicked. 一发不可收拾了
What about you? 你呢
You ever taken a drive down the other side of the road? 你有尝试过另一条路线吗
Yeah. But only with three of us jammed in a car. 有过不过只是三个人挤在一辆车里
And I was so drunk, 我喝得醉醺醺的
I couldn't tell the stick shift from the air bags. 连变速杆和安全气囊都分不清了
What? 什么
Oh, just threesomes. Definitely never had a girlfriend. 就是三个人一起反正绝对没有过女朋友
And actually, not that many girls as friends either. 其实女性朋友本来就不多
Really? 真的吗
How come? 怎么会呢
I tend to sleep with their boyfriends. 因为我总是会和她们的男朋友睡觉
You girls must've been dragging your heels. 你们俩真够拖拉的
- Oh, hi, Sally. - Got your text. -好啊萨莉-收到你的短信了
Took an early lunch to catch up. 提早吃了午饭就来了
You don't do this much, do you? 你不会经常这样吧
Come on, ladies. 来吧姑娘们
This is supposed to be exercise. 我们是来锻炼的
Let's hustle. 我们要快
Pick it up. 继续吧
Come on. 来吧
I'm sorry. 对不起
I'm so sorry, Dom. 真对不起多姆
It's my fault. 都怪我
Okay, you know what? Picking up some papers off the floor 行了从地上捡几张文件
doesn't make up for you getting me kicked off a case. 也不能弥补你把我从一个案子里踢出去
We have a call with opposing counsel before trial tomorrow. 明天审讯前和对方律师有个会面
My office, five minutes. 来我办公室五分钟
Don't forget to mention Aspen. 别忘了说说阿斯彭
The appraisal. It's in my notes. 那个评估在我的记录里
What did you say these colors were? 这些颜色叫什么来着
That's platinum and that's steel. 这是银灰色这是钢铁色
But they're both gray. 但它们都属于灰色
Both are of the gray variety, yes. 都是灰色系的没错
So why not call them gray? 那为什么不直接说灰色呢
Call it 20% off if you buy both. 你要是两件都买就打八折
Bienvenue a maison par la mer. How can I help you? 欢迎来到海边之家需要什么吗
I'm looking for miss April Malloy. 我想找艾普莉·马洛伊小姐
That's me. 我就是
My name is Bob Johnson. 我叫鲍勃·约翰逊
I'm an attorney representing Miranda Nickleby. 我是米兰达·尼克贝的代表律师
What's this? 这是什么
Proof of Paul Malloy's paternity of Scott Nickleby. 证据证明保罗·马洛伊是斯科蒂·尼克贝的生父
I never asked for proof. 我可没要求证明
No, but we will have to provide it 没错但要起诉保罗要求子女抚养费的话
when we sue Paul for child support. 我们得提供相关证明
Wait. What do you mean, sue? Paul is dead. 等等你说什么起诉保罗已经死了
His estate is very much alive, 但他的遗产还在
and legally, must provide for his offspring. 而且从法律角度来说应该供养他的子女
If you refuse to pay, 如果你拒付抚养费
Ms. Nickleby will see you in court. 尼克贝女士就和你在法庭上见了

