Who are you talking to?
I can’t do it with your guys watching me.
What a great time to be alive. 活着真好!
You seem kind of quiet 你似乎不太喜欢说话
All that stuff you said about true love所有你说的都是真爱
This stuff takes up a lot of room
Promise not to freak out?保证不要生气,好吗?
Freak out 处于极度兴奋中,崩溃
Watch me freak out him 看我怎么吓唬他
I really admire what you’re doing我很佩服你做的事儿
I promise I won’t let that happen 我发誓我不会让那种事儿发生
The more I worried the more I couldn’t sleep我越是担心,我越是没有办法入睡!
There’s nothing like the support of your loving wife 再也没有爱妻的支持更棒的东西了
I’ve flown a long way to see my loving wife 大老远飞回来见我的老婆
You can imagine how happy I am你可以想象我有多开心
It’s not as bad as you looks 实际情况不像你看到的那么糟糕
Don’t point your finger at me 别用手指着我
Whether I doing math or English homework ,it depends on my mood
That’s a pretty clear message
Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?我能做什么补偿你吗
I think you’re better than you think you are 我认为你比你想的要棒
Who’d you miss the most?你最想念谁呢?
It’s time we start thinking about other people 该是我们关心他人的时候了
Let’s me show you what I can do
Sudden change of plans 计划有变
Whatever I decide to do I’m gonna be starting a new career from scratch 不管我决定做什么,我都得从基层做起
There’s gonna be so much that we’re not able to control 将会有许多事儿超乎我们的掌控
He secretly had a crush on me 他在暗恋我
Don’t rub my face in your crazy single life 别和我炫耀你疯狂的单身生活了
We do live together 我们住在一起
We’ll put all other things aside 我们将一切抛在脑后
I have a confession to make 我想坦白
Not suitable for children 少儿不宜
That has a clear selling point 这才是清晰的卖点
I think I need to be with someone who wants what I want 我需要一个对未来有共同梦想的人
I know how much you love him 我知道你很爱他
I’ve tried everything to feel better.
Nobody cares that I’m dead
I won’t ask you get back together 我不会要求你复合
If I had known the last time I kissed you would be the last time I never would have stopped. 如果我知道上一次亲吻你是最后一次,那我永远都不会停下来
The fact that you’re here means more to me 你能来对我来说意义重大
He talked so passionately about science 他谈到科学总是激情四射
I thought so many times about calling him and asking him out 我好多次都想约他出去
I guess I really missed the chance 我猜我没有机会了
Don’t come any closer不要再靠近了
I know how badly you want that job我知道你很想要这份工作
I’m so proud of you我为你骄傲
It’s totally insane
They are totally ripping us off 他们完全是在抢劫我们
I already know who you are going home with 我已经知道你会跟谁回家了
Stop going through my stuff不要再翻我的东西了
I feel like I owe you an explanation 我觉得我应该向你解释
Leave us hollow shells 只剩下空空的躯壳
Here is my gift certificate 这是我的礼卷
This has been torn up and taped back together 这个已经被撕毁了而且被粘回去了
I have a weird feeling about this place 我觉得这个地方怪怪的
No one here even knows you 在这儿根本没有人认识你
How can you come here?你怎么能到这儿来呢?
You should walk out there right now and quit 你应该现在走出去然后辞职
You guys haven’t actually met before 你们并没有见过面
I think we’ve been recognized 我想我们被认出来了
XX,I’m such a huge fan我是你的超级粉丝
My feelings for her are certainly gone我对她的感觉已经消失了
Everything is upside down here一切都不对劲
As soon as it stops raining we have got to go snorkeling 只要一停雨 我们一定要去潜泳
I was having feelings for someone else我对另外一个人有感觉
That’s how it’s done 就是这样结束的
I’ve been really wrong about this stuff in the past 我对这个的感觉过去都是错的